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Easy Tips for Maintaining Your Kitchen Space

People’s homes are often considered one of their biggest pride and joys in life. with inviting living areas and comfortable bedrooms, it is easy to make your own personal stamp on your home. Yet, one area which sees little attention is the kitchen, which is surprising considering how much time you and your family will spend in there cooking and eating together. Maintaining such a space can be tricky if you lead a busy life, which can lead to food going off early and messy areas cropping up. So you’ve just read some reviews on Product Playoffs and you’ve decided to turn your attention to the kitchen to make it look great again. Luckily, there are some key tips you can follow in your daily life which make maintaining any kitchen space easier.

Use innovative storage

If you are part of a large family, you will likely see clutter finding its way into your kitchen, and you may feel like you have too many items in your space. To clear worktops and give you room to cook, you can start decluttering cupboard by cupboard, one of which will take you a few short minutes each day. Once you have done this, you can search online for innovative storage solutions, which you can make by getting the whole family involved. Some great options include making plastic bag bowls for miscellaneous items and turning old magazine racks into boxes for your utensils. Out of all, the most popular is transforming empty glass jars into herb pots, which will add a touch of nature to your kitchen.

Lengthen the life of food

It is easy to come home after your shop and store some items in the fridge, and some in your cupboards. While foods like meat, fish, and dairy need the cold to keep them fresh, there are some that you will be putting in the fridge when you shouldn’t be, such as chocolate spread and tomatoes. In fact, there are certain rules that apply to most fruits and vegetables that affect their lifespan, the most famous example being not to store bananas with other fruit. If you wish to keep the taste of your food over time, it is better to avoid freezing fresh foods and invest in a food dehydrator, which removes the air from food to keep it from oxidizing. You can find the best products and tips at Dehydrated Foodz. Doing this will retain the nutritional value of your food more than freezing.

Turn to natural cleaning products

As you are cooking, eating, and going about your daily business, you will notice that dirt and mess piles up in your kitchen. While it is easy to resort to using strong cleaning products, this can leave your kitchen smelling like chemicals and can cause health problems for animals and humans alike. Alternatively, you can make use of natural ingredients such as white wine vinegar and lemon, which mix well with bicarbonate of soda to rid your kitchen of stubborn stains. This will also be more cost-effective in the long run. To bring a lovely scent into your home, you should use selected essential oils in your handmade products. You can also use these products elsewhere in your home.


  • vickie coutrurier

    those are some really cute ideals for the kitchen,,gave me some ideal of what to do with mine needs a update

  • Lauryn R

    These are great tips, thanks for sharing! I love the idea of using a food dehydrator, this is definitely something I want to get someday. I also love organization, and since I am in my kitchen A LOT I always try to keep things neat and tidy. I love storage containers, and label makers! 🙂

  • Stephanie Z

    Clutter can definitely pile up in the kitchen. Finding innovative storage solutions is s a great idea!

  • Shannon Flannery

    Thank you so much for the great tips! We live in a small condo & it’s constantly getting cluttered. It drives my crazy. I’ll definitely try some of these ideas.

  • Linda Manns Linneman

    These are some great ideas for organization. I am going to be moving into a new home soon. This will really help me. Thank you so much for sharing

  • kate g

    I learned some things, for instance, I had no idea that dehydrated foods retain more nutritional value than freezing. How could I be this old and not have heard that before? wow. I am trying to declutter my kitchen right now and it is not easy. There are so many kitchen tools and appliances that you’re glad you have when you want or need them, but they all take up space when you are not using them. I also like the herbs in jars…those would look great on the window sill.

  • Phyllis A Huebbe

    I like the tips. My husband and I have a garden we put in every year and I’ve been wanting to buy a good dehydrator.