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Creating A Better Working Environment For Your Team

Most entrepreneurs will be familiar with the old adage, ‘a happy team is a productive team.’ As an employer, it pays to make an effort to ensure that your team is firing on all cylinders. In this guide, we’ll discuss some steps you can take to create a better working environment for your employees. 

Communication and engagement

One of the best places to start when striving to create a healthier, happier working environment is to champion communication and engagement. Speaking and listening are integral to building strong, cohesive teams, but it’s also crucial to understand the importance of opening up channels of communication between employers and employees. One of the primary benefits of employee engagement is gathering ideas and suggestions from your team and encouraging people to share opinions and raise concerns. If you have a culture that actively promotes and facilitates open communication and you urge people to get involved in discussions, you can work together to build on strengths and address weaknesses. Creating opportunities for everyone to speak will also help you to promote inclusivity and help those who might find it difficult to get their voice heard to increase their confidence. A great way to do this is by sending out a weekly virtual employee newsletter listing any recent developments or news within the company. This will provide both an easy way for employees to access information, but also a way to respond digitally too.

Health and wellbeing

Employee health and wellbeing is a subject of hot debate at the moment. Studies suggest that stress levels are rising, and many employees are either adjusting to working from home or getting used to the idea of going back to work. Employers should be aware of the potential challenges and obstacles their employees face, and they should take steps to protect health and enhance wellbeing. Managing workloads, encouraging smarter work habits, and fostering a positive environment can make a significant difference. Furthermore, implementing proactive health strategies can reduce absenteeism and create a more resilient workforce. To achieve this, seeking support from professionals at companies like Occupational Health Consultancy can help businesses identify risks, implement preventative measures, and ensure compliance with health regulations. Allowing short breaks, promoting social interaction, and organizing occasional team activities – like lunches or charity dress-down days – can also boost morale and create a healthier, happier workplace.  


The way we feel about our jobs can have a major bearing on productivity and satisfaction. As an employer, it’s hugely beneficial to motivate your employees and encourage them to fulfil their potential by providing opportunities to learn and develop. Studies suggest that opportunities to progress are more important than salary for many employees. If your employees feel like they are stuck in a rut, they’ve been at the same level for years, or there are no options but to move sideways, you may find that their productivity falls, they don’t enjoy their job and they’re reluctant to commit to the company. Look into training courses and options, support staff members who want to move up the ladder and take the time to talk to individuals about their ambitions and goals. 


Most of us would admit that we try harder if there is an incentive. From an early age, we respond to applause or a prize, and this drives us to perform better or behave in a certain way through our childhood and adult years. At work, it’s natural to put in more effort if there is a lot at stake, or there is a carrot dangling in front of you. If you run a business, it’s important to reward hard work and effort and to keep your team motivated. From financial bonuses to a congratulatory email, there are all kinds of ways you can reward your employees and ensure that they feel valued. If people feel like they never get a shout out, or it’s been years and they haven’t received a single bonus or gift, they might feel like working hard is not worth their while. Always ensure that your team feels appreciated. Even small, simple gestures can go a long way. 

Every employee wants to feel comfortable, relaxed and happy when they go to work. There may be days that are tough or frustrating, but as an employer, it’s crucial to try to ensure that you create the best possible working environment for your team. If you’re on a mission to boost morale, champion wellbeing and increase productivity, communicate and engage with your employees, use feedback and ideas, prioritize mental and physical health and support those who are eager to progress.