Common Dental Problems And How To Treat Them
Prioritizing good dental health is vital, as it improves self-confidence and overall well-being. However, statistics indicate that over 80% of people develop oral diseases at age 34. Indeed, these conditions can be uncomfortable and interfere with activities like eating or speaking. Moreover, the pain can prevent you from concentrating on your daily tasks. Fortunately, they can be treated with the right steps. Here are four common dental problems and how to address them.
1. Gum Diseases

Gum disease, also known as gingivitis or periodontal disease, occurs due to plaque build-up in your oral cavity. It’s common to experience bleeding, bad breath, and pain in the gums. Indeed, anyone can contract gum disease if they don’t care for their oral health, so keep this in mind. Dentists usually treat this condition using surgical and non-surgical procedures. with the non-surgical approach, they may use a tool to scrape off the plaque and tar from the root of your teeth. On the other hand, surgical treatment involves fighting the infection in your gums or regenerating your lost bones through surgery, so feel free to consider this.
2. Bad Breath (Halitosis)
Also known as halitosis, bad breath can arise from dry mouth, cavities, gum diseases, oral cancers, and bacterial accumulation on your tongue. While people opt for mouthwash to address this issue, it only masks the odor. If you have difficulty fighting your chronic bad breath problems, consider visiting your dentist to diagnose the underlying cause. They may recommend several remedies, like brushing and flossing after meals, minimizing onion and garlic consumption, and changing your toothbrush frequently.
3. Tooth Attrition (Wear)
Tooth attrition refers to losing tissues or structures due to poor teeth arrangement in the buccal cavity. When left unchecked, it can eat away your enamel and expose the dentin of your tooth, leading to tooth decay or sensitivity. The main causes of dental wear are bite misalignment and bruxism, which is teeth grinding and clenching due to tension or hypertonicity. Dentists may recommend various treatment methods depending on the primary cause of your dental wear, so feel free to consider this. The most popular treatment procedures combine orthodontic techniques to correct tooth misalignment and wearing a night guard to prevent bruxism. You can also work with a professional cosmetic dentist to correct tooth imperfections from this condition, so keep this in mind.
4. Tooth Decay (dental cavities or caries)

Tooth decay is the second most prevalent health problem in the United States. It occurs when plaque mixes with sugary foods to produce acid, slowly eroding your enamel and leaving gaping holes in your teeth. It’s worth noting that your risks of experiencing dental cavities may vary according to your lifestyle. Good oral hygiene is your best bet to avoid this disease. Experts recommend brushing your teeth twice daily, flossing, eating the right diet, and visiting your dentist for regular check-ups to lessen risks. As a tip, avoid food and drinks with high sugar content, as they can trigger this dental issue.
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