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Check Out My Newest Guest Post From Author Kathleen Welton PLUS Check Out Her Newest Book ‘The Magic Sea Turtle’

This post is sponsored by Kathleen Welton. The review and opinions expressed in this post are based on my personal view.

The importance of wildlife conservation and how to inspire children to care about the environment through engaging picture books.

My wish is that kids will fall in love with sea turtles and want to learn more about these magnificent creatures. Kids are already working to help save sea turtles. Here are a few ways to learn more and to get involved.


According to Discover Magazine, “sea turtles can be found worldwide and play distinct roles in their environment. Sea turtles can live long lives and migrate great distances. They’ve even outlived the dinosaurs. Unfortunately, all seven sea turtle species are threatened or endangered. Between predation and human activity, sea turtles often find themselves in distressing situations. Sea turtles are in danger and there are many ways that we can help them, even from afar.”

There are seven existing species of sea turtles:






*Kemp’s ridley

*olive ridley

Six of the seven sea turtle species, all but the flatback, are present in U.S. waters, and are listed as endangered and/or threatened under the Endangered Species Act. The flatback turtle is found only in the waters of Australia, Papua New Guinea, and Indonesia.

According to SEE Turtles, “There are many ways that kids can learn about and help protect sea turtles around the world. Check out their resources for what you can do to help—from videos, fact sheets, and stories of kids raising funds to save baby turtles, opportunities to see sea turtles in the wild, & more.” Here are some of their stories:

Alex, Emma, & Maeve

Alexa, Emma, and Maeve are a group of 4th grade girls who live on Long Island in New York. As a fundraiser, they decided to sell friendship beads on the beach in Fire Island to save the turtles. They raised $79.50 in 3 hours, enough to save about 800 baby turtles!

Trevor and Maddox

Trevor and Maddox raised $130.00 for the sea turtles as part of a school empathy project. They planned out how they were going to raise money in school. They made informational flyers to hand out to businesses and residential homes to spread awareness about saving the sea turtles. They also set up a Go Fund Me account to easily collect money and made T-shirts for the boys to wear while handing out flyers. The boys were very happy that they saved 1,300 sea turtles!  


Students from Kettle Moraine High School in Wales, WI did a ‘Make a Difference’ project. For this project, the students chose to combat plastic waste, specifically with plastic straws. They bought 200 stainless steel straws and sold them at a local event, and they sold out! They made over $500 that was donated directly to save 5,000 baby turtles. They were so encouraged by this that they decided to make a business and named it SteelTurtles. SteelTurtles now has the mission to create 0% waste with plastic straws and to protect our oceans.


Sea turtles can eat plastic that ends up in the ocean. Use reusable bags, straws, & bottles, help clean up litter, and recycle plastic waste when possible. Helium balloons can travel long distances and hurt animals like birds and sea turtles.

Plastic that ends up in the ocean gets eaten up by turtles because they believe the plastic is jellyfish. Over 100 million marine animals are killed each year due to plastic debris. So buying and using products that decrease the use of plastic helps tremendously.


Clean beaches help ensure that turtles have a clean nesting ground. Remove waste from beaches that might hinder a turtle’s nesting. Knock down sand castles and fill in holes so that the ground is flat and hatchlings can make their way safely to the ocean.


If you live in a beach-front residence, turn your lights off. Lights cause nesting and hatchling turtles to wander. Simple things like closing your blinds, turning off your lights or using sea turtle-friendly lighting encourages nesting and helps hatchlings go in the right direction.

You can help save baby turtles in a few ways from adopt-a-nest programs to supporting sea turtle organizations.

A great way to help save endangered turtle hatchlings is through a symbolic adoption with SEE Turtles. They have several levels of adoption, so you can choose how many to save depending on your budget and the adoption gifts that come at each level. The funds will go to protect baby sea turtles at important nesting beaches around the world. Every Billion Baby Turtles Adoption Packet comes with a personalized adoption certificate and other fun stuff. Every $1 you raise saves 10 hatchlings at an important nesting beach.

From the Olive Ridley Project, you can name and symbolically adopt one of their identified sea turtles from Kenya, Oman, the Maldives or Seychelles. Alternatively, you can choose to adopt one of the turtle patients currently in their Sea Turtle Rescue & Rehabilitation Center to support their recovery.

From Outer Banks Forever, there are over 370 sea turtle nests on Cape Hatteras National Seashore, individuals and businesses adopted 283 of those nests! Check out their 2024 program! 


Go SEE them on turtle trips for families or schools and you can help protect these incredible animals.

There are dozens of aquariums around the world that have sea turtle residents. 


Sea Turtle Week is June 8-June 16. There are a myriad of events from beach clean-ups to a kid’s art contest. Why should sharks have all the fun?


The Magic Sea Turtle

Written by Kathleen Welton

Illustrated by Chau Pham

Ages 3+ | 32 Pages

Publisher: Bookfox Press | ISBN-13: 978-1960157515

Publisher’s Book Summary: Once upon a time, Myrtle chased her dreams–dreams of being a queen with a crown that sparkled like the moon. One day, she tumbles down, down, down into the sea. Max helps rescue her and a magic carpet flies her to a place even more amazing than her sandcastle dreams and she discovers an entire ocean of possibilities! There are dolphins who welcome her and a friendly otter with the biggest smile. They can teach her to swim and enjoy the day. Another magical glow surrounds Myrtle when she decides to stay and wishes to be a sea turtle like Max.

And guess what? Myrtle’s fall may have been unexpected, but thanks to a touch of magic, it leads her to a place where her wishes come true. Myrtle becomes a queen AND a magic sea turtle too, ready for incredible adventures! Myrtle the Turtle learns that being a queen means having the best friends ever. And with her sparkly crown and a heart full of joy, she is the happiest queen the whole ocean has ever seen!


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Kathleen Welton advocates for beaches, birds, and wildlife; is an award-winning independent publisher; and writes picture books and screenplays. She began her book publishing career as a college textbook sales rep. Since then, she has served as senior editor for Dow Jones-Irwin, publisher for Dearborn Trade, vice president and publisher for IDG Books, director for H&R Block, and director of book publishing for the American Bar Association. As a book producer at aka Associates, she collaborates with authors and organizations on publishing projects.

She earned a BA in both English and Italian Literature from Stanford University as well as a Certificate in Feature Film Writing with distinction from UCLA Extension. When she is not writing, Kathleen enjoys meditating, reading, and exploring the Lake Michigan shoreline.

For more information, visit:


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Enter the giveaway for a chance to win a copy of The Magic Sea Turtle, a plushy of Myrtle, and a Baby Turtle Adoption from

The Magic Sea Turtle: Book Giveaway


  • atcraftycottage

    This is such a perfect post to find right now. We just took our daughter to the aquarium for her 10th birthday. She was very excited to see the sea turtles up close. I also didn’t realize how incredibly large they are. Thank you for sharing!

  • SiennyLovesDrawing

    This is a lovely children book to own with a good awareness creation towards being environmental friendly. A nice giveaway too just that it’s not available in my region else for sure I’m in for it. Cheers SiennyLovesDrawing

  • Lauryn R

    I love sea turtles! They are definitely my favorite sea creature. This book sounds so good, and I know that my three kids would love it as well. It would be a great addition to our little home library.