Check Out My Newest Guest Post From Author Jennifer Nestor PLUS Learn About Her New Book ‘Jane Escapes to the Jungle of Individuality #JaneEscapesToTheJungleOfIndividuality
This post is sponsored by Jennifer Nestor. The review and opinions expressed in this post are based on my personal view.
5 Ways to Help Your Child Embrace Their Uniqueness
By: Jennifer Nestor
All parents want their child to feel unstoppable, like they can do anything. At least, that’s what allows young children to thrive; especially during unforeseen circumstances. Let’s face it, we’re all presented with challenges that can change us, but it’s in how you can help your child embrace their uniqueness that will create a long-lasting positive effect on their mental health and their ability to feel like a mini superhero. Here are 5 ways you can help your child embrace their uniqueness.
1. Create an open-door policy at home
What exactly does that mean? Think about being a great leader at work and fostering honest conversations with your employees. Doing the same thing at home with your child creates a seamless way to foster transparent conversations, especially if something is going on at school. When children feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and innermost emotions with you, it allows you to have the necessary information and create a safe environment for them to fully be themselves.
2. Teach them to write down one thing in their journal that they love about themselves, every day.
According to an article by Makin Wellness, “Research has shown that journaling can be an effective tool for helping children handle emotions and manage mental health issues” (Makin, 2023). By encouraging your child to write down something positive about themselves every day, they’re learning how to find unique features that they’re proud of.
3. Ask questions about their day and be invested in their response.
An article from Family Education says“ Listening effectively builds strong relationships” (Family Education, 2024). Being invested in your child’s life and being a good listener can help them feel safe enough to openly share things that happened during their day. Practicing eye-contact, sharing empathy, and remaining calm can also help show that you’re interested in what they have to say, and that you care for them. This will help the child feel comfortable to express themselves and honor their uniqueness.
4. Give them the space to find things they love without too much pressure.
We’ve all heard the stories about adults whose families were disappointed when them for not becoming a doctor or lawyer, so remember to give your child the space they need to develop their own hobbies, passions, and the fair ability to foster their own creativity or athleticism without pressuring them to be an all-star player, or a Picasso at such a young age. Allow them to find what makes them happy without being overbearing or making every decision for them.
5. Celebrate their wins and be a sounding board for their losses.
Celebrating your child’s wins is a great way to show that you support them. According to an article from the Queensland Government, When a child gets a taste of success, it opens their mind to what is possible and can motivate them to want to learn more” (Queensland Government, 2022). Even if it is something like learning a new skill, or getting a good grade on a test, tell them that it matters. Children should be celebrated and feel like their parents are their biggest cheerleaders. If they feel loved, they’re more than likely going to feel safe enough to explore new things that they’re interested in without the fear of failure. Just like celebrating their high points, it’s important to be a support system for their low moments. Re-iterating that it’s okay not to be okay all the time, may be a great way to start building up your child’s confidence to celebrate their uniqueness.
Jane Escapes to the Jungle of Individuality
Written by Jennifer Nestor
Illustrated by Victoria Mikki
Ages 4-9 | 40 Pages
Publisher: BookBaby | ISBN-13: 979-8350953602
Publisher’s Book Summary: This heartfelt adventure follows a young girl named Jane as she tries to navigate the challenge of feeling different in her own skin while experiencing bullying at school. Though she is soft-spoken and quirky on the outside, she struggles on the inside—desperately wanting to belong. Escaping from an uncomfortable moment on the school bus, Jane has a vivid daydream where she enters the Jungle of Individuality: a place filled with animals who all have unique characteristics, just like herself. As she embarks on an incredible journey of self-discovery with some new friends, she quickly realizes her individuality is something she should embrace while also learning self-compassion and being brave when things get tough.
Amazon ~ Barnes and Noble ~ Bookshop.org
Jennifer Nestor’s passion for writing grew out of her love for penning poems, song lyrics, and short stories as a little girl. Now a marketing and communications professional, Jennifer draws on these experiences as an adult and considers writing one of the best parts of her career. She’s always enjoyed the creativity and emotion of storytelling and is truly thrilled to share new stories that encourage bravery in young readers. Her mission as an author is to create imaginative books that make a positive impact and promote diverse characters who acquire strength, courage, and a sense of individuality through their adventures.
Learn more about Jennifer and her work at www.jennestorauthor.com
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Jane Escapes to the Jungle of Individuality, by Jennifer Nestor: Book Giveaway
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I love this. Our son is adopted and has two dads, we always wanted him to embrace his unique family and to be proud of who he is and where he comes from! Thanks for sharing this, we would have loved to share this with him when he was younger!
That is so awesome and you have a beautiful family 😉
This sounds like a wonderful book for kids! I will have to enter to win a copy for sure.
Christy G
I wish my parents encouraged us a bit more. I mean they supported us and our decisions growing up. But there was times, I felt they could have done more like this book suggests. I try to encourage my kids to never give up and try again if it doesn’t work out the first time.
Marie Gizelle
Sounds like a great book to teach kids individuality, I always tell my kids it’s ok to be different !
Natasha Mairs - Serenity You
It’s important to take an interest in your child’s interests, even if they aren’t what you are into. And it’s also great to spend time with your child doing them too.
Farrah less
Im all about connecting and building trust when it comes to my kid. Thanks
Farrah Less
Im all about building trust and connection when it comes to raising my kid. This is very helpful esp. for a first time Mom like me.
Rose Alexis
I have grandchildren just the right age for this book. Entered the giveaway. Thanks for hosting.
You are most welcomng and good luck! It is an incredible book 😉
This sounds like a great book and I would love to get a copy for my daughter. It is a beautiful way to teach and discuss the importance of uniqueness which I think is crucial to avoid the traps of peer pressure later on. 🙂
It is a fabulous read for sure! I love a good childrens book!