Blackout Curtains VS. Thermal Curtains: The Best Wintertime Drapery
As wintertime approaches, homeowners put all of their efforts into keeping the house warm while attempting to keep the energy bill low. The heater, the fireplace, and sitting in front of the oven while baking are all pleasant ways to stay warm inside when it’s chilly out, but what if I told you that the kinds of curtains you buy could keep your house warm too?
Glass isn’t the best insulator, and heat can get lost through the windows a lot easier than you think. Blackout curtains and thermal curtains are both made to insulate a room and cut down on glaring natural light and are the perfect living room curtains for home. Because both of them do their jobs similarly to each other, it might be challenging to decide which type you need, which is why we’ll go over it for you.
Blackout Curtains
Blackout curtains do insulate the house, but their primary purpose is to cut down on natural light. These kinds of curtains are made with dense materials or layered fabric types, such as flannel, felt, velvet, or suede. Blackout curtains are often made with a blackout liner as well, for extra shade. These curtains block out all direct sunlight and are helpful to the light-sensitive sleeper or anyone who wants to relax without the sun shining directly into their eyes. These kinds of curtains are certainly your best bet when going for aesthetic appeal and light reduction, but are better when you aren’t too worried about the level of heat in your home.
You should only clean these curtains by steaming or spot-cleaning. Ironing, bleaching, and washing are all invitations for damage due to the make of these curtains.
Thermal Curtains
Thermal curtains do filter out light, but their primary use is for insulation. Thermal curtains are often made with fabrics like cotton, wool, or polyester, and face the window with an acrylic foam or aluminum side to prevent ultraviolet damage. These kinds of curtains are also an excellent sound barrier, as their padded side hushes traffic noises and outside sounds. These curtains are best for not only keeping the UV rays out but the warmth of your house in. Thermal curtains are better for those who don’t mind the light so much and are mainly looking for curtains that will insulate your house and save energy costs. You can check out the HomeGearKit’s thermal curtain reviews for proper buying guide.
These curtains are safe to wash, but only on a gentle cycle with warm water or hand-washed with a mild detergent. Hang them to dry, iron very lightly, and only wash them thoroughly once a year. Spot cleaning will suffice for the rest of the year.
To summarize, blackout curtains cut down on the lighting best, and thermal curtains insulate the house best. You can find either of these types of curtains in major retail stores in a variety of styles. Both of them do perform both insulating and light-blocking, so figure out if you have a problem with one issue more than the other so that you can make sure you’re purchasing the right drapes with the proper function. Of course, you want to pick something that looks nice for your home as well – fashion and function are best together, after all.
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