Savvy Tips & Helpful Hints

Bedtime Routines For A Good Night’s Sleep

You know how important quality sleep is to ensure your body functions properly. A good night’s sleep can boost your immune system, prevent unhealthy weight gain, improve your heart health, increase productivity, improve memory, increase exercise performance, and improve general mood. On the other hand, lack of sleep can lead to stress and hormonal imbalance and compromise your immune system. Although health experts recommend getting about eight hours of uninterrupted sleep at night, it can be challenging. The following bedtime routines can help you improve your sleep quality

1. Enjoy a relaxing activity

Your body needs a sign that it’s time to fall asleep. Indulging in a relaxing activity a few minutes before bedtime can be the signal your body needs to prepare to rest. Anything that helps you to unwind and relax is a great option. For example, you can read a novel, soak in a relaxing bath, or listen to soothing music. You can also take in anything that helps you relax and unwind. For example, you can try reliable cannabis products from companies like HighProfileCannabis that help induce sleep.

2. Turn off the screens

If you struggle to sleep, the last thing you want to do is stay up watching TV, working on your laptop, or browsing through social media on your phone when you’re in bed. You may think watching a movie or surfing online may help you sleep, but research shows the contrary. Some studies show that more than an hour of screen time in the evening can seriously disrupt the melatonin surge your body needs to shut down. That means the longer you keep those screens on, the more difficult it will be to sleep. So, turn off all your screen and electric gadgets at bedtime. 

3. Stay away from the coffee

Even hours before bedtime, consuming caffeine can make falling asleep very difficult. If you have a lot of things to do before bedtime, you may feel you need the extra boost of energy to power through your to-do list. But drinking caffeine, even as early as late afternoon, can keep you up throughout the night. In fact, having caffeine in your body six hours before bedtime is more than enough to negatively affect your sleep quality. Some studies have also shown that people who drink more caffeine are usually more likely to wake up tired in the mornings. So, do your best to resist the urge to consume caffeine late in the day, especially if you already struggle to sleep. 

4.Practice mindful meditation

Your thoughts and emotions can also keep you up all night, regardless of how tired your body is. So, if you have a lot on your mind, mindful meditation can help clear your thoughts enough to sleep. To do this, close your eyes and focus on your thoughts and feelings, sit or lie in a relaxing position, and take deep breaths. Alternatively, you can write down your thoughts before you sleep. Journaling has been proven to help ease the mind and deal with stress and anxiety.