Animal-related injuries to watch out for
Being a pet owner is a relationship that can enrich the lives of you and the rest of your family. However, with humans and animals unable to communicate verbally with each other, there can often be times of misunderstanding and animals can lash out when they feel threatened or are afraid. To help you look after the mental and physical wellbeing of your family members, both human and animal, here are some animal-related injuries for you to watch out for.
Cat scratches
Cats are unfairly stereotyped as being cold and aloof. Although they show their affection in subtle ways, it is also true that they are quick to lash out when something displeases them. A cat scratch might not seem as serious as one inflicted by their big cat cousins, but they can quickly become infected, especially if you have been scratched by an unvaccinated feral cat. In this case, seek medical assistance to properly clean and dress the wound, and receive any necessary vaccinations, such as a tetanus jab. To prevent cat scratches, it is essential that you recognize and respect basic cat body language. Most cats dislike being fussed over for too long, and a flicking tail is a tell-tale sign that the cat’s patience is waning and that it could soon attack.
Dog bites
Some dog breeds are specifically bred to be aggressive, such as pit bulls and rottweilers. Despite this, given the correct training by an experienced dog handler they can make excellent pets. However, it’s important to remember that all dogs are pack animals and are armed with a fierce set of teeth, and in high-stress situations they can potentially attack, with dog bites ranging in severity from superficial cuts to permanent scarring and even death. If you or a family member are the victim of a dog attack, seek medical attention immediately to clean up the wound and administer any relevant vaccinations. If you feel that the attack happened as a result of owner irresponsibility, you might want to pursue a compensation claim. Visit https://bayoucitylaw.com/dog-bites-attorney-in-houston-tx/ for more information.
Falls from horses
While you are less likely to be bitten, larger working animals such as horses bring with them their own unique set of risks. If you are lucky enough to own a horse, you no doubt go on regular horse rides, or perhaps even participate in showjumping events. In these scenarios, there is a risk of falling off your horse, either due to your horse being spooked and rearing up, or landing in an unbalanced position that unseats the rider. Falls from horses can result in broken bones and concussion, and you could even get trampled by your horse. If you feel unwell and ‘out of it’ after your fall, seek medical attention immediately: this could be a sign of concussion. Always wear a sturdy helmet and consider investing in a crash vest to ensure that you are well-protected if you do experience a fall during your daily horse ride.
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