7 Ways to Modernize Your Jam-Making Business

Jams are one of the most popular foods in the world. A multitude of people use them in various ways on a daily basis. The good thing is, they are very easy to make, even for a first timer. This makes them a perfect product to mass-produce and start a business around.
However, if you are going to start a jam business of your very own, you should make sure your entire business is as modernized as possible. Here are 7 Ways to modernize your jam-making business.
1. Know your Target Market
Before you set out to start your jam-making business, you should first know your target market. You can develop a questionnaire to find out what everyday people are looking for in terms of their choice of jams and jellies to learn your target market and who they are. Most people eat jams on a daily basis. But who are the ones who choose to purchase the jams? Who chooses what type of jam to buy? What establishments use jams the most? It is important that you answer these key questions because it will make your choice of jams to make and how to market them so much easier.
2. Do Your Research
Aside from knowing your target market, it is important that you do as much research about jam-making as possible. Although it may seem like a simple task, mass-producing jams on a daily is no easy feat. So before you invest any money or time into the process, you should conduct your research as thoroughly as possible. Here are the key concepts you should research.
*What type of jams to make
*The best type of jars to store jams
*How to make the jam-making process faster and error-free
*Where to store your jams
*How to preserve and transport your jams
3. Automate Your Operations
The jam-making process can be surprisingly work-intensive. You might think that making jams is easy. You just cook some fruits, add a few key ingredients, and stick the contents in customized glass jars, and voila you have jars of jam!
Although this may be the key principles of making jam, it is hardly the be all end all. You also have to take into account the jam-packing and preservation process. So if you have the budget, it is always a good idea to have aspects of your operation automated.
This does not mean that you should buy a full set of industrial robots. Just one or two will do, and it should match your needs. One of the most difficult parts of jam production is the packing process, so it would be a good suggestion to purchase a picking and placing robotic arm: they have the dexterity and speed to improve your overall packing productions.
The robots are also very portable and don’t take up too much space. You might feel that getting a robot for packing is excessive, but they are a lot more affordable and you’ll be surprised at how many jars they can pack in just a few hours.
4. Get the Right Suppliers
Aside from modernizing your operations, it is also important that you get the right suppliers. If you are going to produce jam on a grand scale, it is important that you have ample supplies. This will ensure that your operations will stay effective and efficient. When approaching suppliers, you should always buy wholesale. They are a lot cheaper and most suppliers offer free delivery services. Your suppliers should be respectful and professional. Remember that your business will be relying on them for supplies, and a missed delivery could derail your work process in no time. So make sure that your suppliers are as trustworthy as possible.
5. Start your Marketing as Early as Possible
If you are just starting out your business, you’ll be surprised how difficult it is to market your products. There are already established jam companies out there, and they are very aggressive when it comes to marketing their products. So before you even start rolling out your first jars of jam, you should start marketing. That way, once you do officially open for business, you’ll have a strong group of consumers waiting. Here are some easy and affordable tips for marketing your product.
*Set up your very own website. In this day and age, websites act as the main marketing platform for most companies. Through your website, you can show your company history and list of products. You can also create content that will draw attention to your products. Websites are very easy to make and usually does not cost much to set up and maintain.
*Regularly Tweet about your products.
*Create jam production videos and upload them through Youtube and Instagram, This will make your marketing more interesting and multi-faceted. To get free Instagram likes and followers, you can try GetInsta.
6. Set up an Efficient Work Process
Before you start making your jams, you should set up an efficient work process for you and your helpers to follow. If you just start cooking jam without a set process set up, you will most likely get in each other’s way. You might start second-guessing steps and things may get very chaotic in the kitchen. So make sure that you come up with an efficient and easy-to-follow work process. This will ensure that the jam-making process stays as harmonious as possible.
7. Practice Proper Hygiene
Remember that you are dealing with food. if proper hygiene is not followed in the kitchen your product can be contaminated. This could lead to spoilage and all sorts of bacteria and filth can get into the jam. So make sure that you and your helpers stay as clean as possible. You should also use hairnets, facemasks, and gloves to ensure that no foreign particles and objects get into the jam. Remember that loose hair or a bad batch can ruin your company. So it always pays to practice proper hygiene.
Having your own jam business can be very satisfying, but you will need to know the key aspects of running such a business. You will not only need to know how to make the jam efficiently but how to market it as well. Luckily with these great tips, you can get started the right way and make your venture successful.

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