5 Things You Need to Do Before the End of 2019
The end of 2019 may be closer than you think, and with Halloween and Christmas drawing ever closer, you might also be turning your thoughts towards the new year. However, before you start planning out your new year’s resolutions and wondering about all of the possibilities that this coming year has to offer, you might instead focus your attention on what the rest of this year can hold for you. There is still plenty of time yet to do all of the things you’ve been putting off for the past eight months, as well as the chance to tie up loose ends so you can head into 2020 with a fresh perspective. So, if you’re looking for ways to make the most of the last few months of 2019, here are five simple things you should consider doing.
Clear out the old to make way for the new
Clearing out the old can mean everything from having a complete overhaul of your wardrobe and reorganizing your home, to starting a new job, or just making a few simple changes to your lifestyle. Life can become stagnant when you don’t make changes, and often the easiest key to bringing about prosperity is seeking out the new and leaving behind the old.
Show appreciation and gratitude to others
Sometimes it’s easy to overlook the people who are most important to you, but letting those you love know how much you care for them is one of the most valuable things you can do with your time. In these last few months, be sure to spend time with your friends and family, making new memories and treasuring those you’ve already created together.
Release resentments and rebuild bridges
Holding on to resentments and grudges will only weigh you down over time, especially when it’s over things you can’t personally change. Whether you decide to build bridges, or simply let go of the things which are no longer helping you, you’ll often find that your stress levels will massively improve once you stop letting the past hold you back from being in the present.
Go on an adventure and make some memories
Waiting for the new year to roll in can make time seem like it’s passing much slower, because you’re constantly waiting for something new rather than just living in the moment. The excitement of planning a trip and going somewhere new is exactly what you need as the end of the year draws near. As Australia is coming to the end of its winter season, why not head to boardit.com.au and pick up some clothes to go snowboarding, or perhaps travel to Munich to celebrate Oktoberfest in Germany. There are so many opportunities available throughout the year, so don’t feel like you have to wait until next summer to discover your next big adventure.
Set goals and priorities for the new year
This time of year offers the perfect opportunity for reflection. Once you’ve truly appreciated everything this year has offered you, and you’ve taken advantage of all of the opportunities available to you, you’ll be in the best place to move forward into the new year.
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One Comment
Lynne B
Cleaning house and getting organized is something I always aim for – sometimes successfully, sometimes not!