5 Simple Pleasures to Provide Some Peace and Comfort
Many people consider their home to be a sanctuary. A place where they can kick off their shoes and enjoy the quality time that is nice and comforting. When this comfort is achieved it can be thanks to the many decorating ideas that are able to create this feeling. Not only that, but the method that you use also makes a difference while feeling comforted.

Having a home that is full of simple pleasures can relieve a great amount of stress and anxiety. This is why we’ve listed five that are well-known and that you can add to your home so that you achieve the peace and comfort that you desire.
Bring in a Weighted Blanket
A weighted blanket is able to relieve stress and can create a calming effect that leaves the individual at ease. This feeling of ease is what ultimately permits a person to fall into a deeper sleep.
When a weighted blanket is used it keeps the individual’s body grounded as it sleeps. It is believed that this “grounding” is what generates the overall relaxed feeling. Besides that, it is believed that deep pressure touch is achieved. This DPT uses firm pressure to relieve high amounts of anxiety and stress.
Many weighted blanket reviews have been conducted showing the benefits of grounding by decreasing the amount of cortisol released during the night. Due to the increased stress, the body releases an excess of cortisol that gives you the stressed feeling and can ultimately disrupt your entire body.
When DPT is added, a weighted blanket is able to encourage the body to relax so that you can wake up refreshed every morning. When you begin to feel more refreshed this is due to the bodies releasing of serotonin and dopamine. These chemicals are what gives a person a good feeling and also fights off depression, anxiety, and stress.
Select an Area for Comfort
Adding an area that is designed specifically for comfort will provide a sanctuary where you can go to escape the depressing world. The key to pulling it off is by personalizing it with an activity that you enjoy. These activities can include enjoying music, reading, or doing yoga. You can create an area for comfort by adding a barrier between the room and the designated spot. This will eliminate interruptions and deny entry.
Having an entirely separate room is not required to pull this off; you just need an area that is away from the busy areas of the house. This can be as easy as having a small corner with a chair and side table to provide the desired effect. Once it is created, you can easily slip away for a bit to relax.
Bring In Tones That Are Safe
When you bring in tones that are safe, you are adding colors that are light and appealing. It is believed that a safe tone is able to produce a calm similarly found in sanctuaries.
As you decorate, try using tones that are neutral such as white, taupe, off-white, or cream. Make sure that texture is also used throughout so that a welcome feeling is created. To alleviate boredom try using a combination of delicate designs and materials. The colored designs can be anything from yellow, tan, or gold so that a warm feeling can be achieved.
Install a Fireplace
Installing a fireplace is a great way to bring a sense of comfort to your home and can lighten the home’s ambiance. You can take it a step further and include decoration surrounding the fireplace and on the adjoining walls.
Make sure to have a fireplace screen handy so that you can decorate that as well while not using your fireplace.
Bring in an Arrangement of Candles
When you bring in candles, you add a soft glow that creates ease in a home, so it is encouraged that you use as much as you can so this feeling can be maintained. It can be as easy as lighting a candle every morning and allowing them to burn all throughout the day until you go to bed.
When you bring in candles, you can bring in any type that you desire, including scented candles. These can increase the ambiance effect in all of the areas that you place them in.
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