5 Simple and Healthy Snacks for Work
It’s easy to run out of ideas for prepping food for work, especially when you are trying to make healthy choices.
We all run out of inspiration from time to time, which makes us vulnerable to vending machines and food deliveries. The trick here is to keep things fresh by adding variation to your weekly snack preparation.
Having some convenient nibbles packed and ready to go will keep your hunger at bay between meals, and that will keep you feeling energized and productive throughout the day.
Below are five examples of simple, yet healthy, options that make satisfying snacks when you’re at the office:

1. Nuts
Nuts are a great source of protein and heart-healthy unsaturated fats.
The fats in nuts, both polyunsaturated and monounsaturated, are effective at lowering bad cholesterol levels – and we all know how important that is!
Nuts contain essential fatty acids and other nutrients that help support a healthy nervous system and balance blood sugar levels. Both of which will help to manage and reduce stress and anxiety.
2. Overnight Oats
Overnight oats are packed with nutrients – which is why they are so popular for busy people.
They are naturally high in copper, iron, magnesium, fiber, and vitamins that help keep your digestive system working optimally. By combining oats with milk or yogurt, you can get a good source of protein, which is essential for overall body function.
When prepared properly, overnight oats are more a treat than a chore and their health benefits are almost endless.
3. Wasabi Peas
Wasabi peas provide multiple essential nutrients, including protein and fiber.
They are a fantastic addition to a balanced diet. Wasabi peas are a far healthier alternative to crisps and other crunchy, salt-loaded options. They provide an impressive range of vitamins and minerals and go a long way in keeping you satiated.
They are packed with flavor and are easy to snack on whether you’re busy or not.

4. Dried Fruit
Dried fruits are packed with essential oils, proteins, minerals, and antioxidants.
When eaten in moderation, they are excellent for helping you to lose weight and build a healthy immune system. They are low in fat, sugar, and carbohydrates so they fit into most diet plans.
Dried fruits can also help to keep your skin looking youthful and radiant by helping your skin cells regenerate quicker.

5. Brown Rice Cakes
Brown rice cakes are an excellent option for satisfying your need for mid-morning nibbles.
One brown rice cake provides 7 grams of carbohydrates and a healthy dose of minerals – and it tallies in at just 35 calories.
Add a dollop of peanut butter or avocado to them for added taste. Studies have shown that people who regularly consume avocados have a 20% lower risk of developing heart disease.
Look for brown rice cakes in the health section of your grocery store.
To End
Most of us strive to be the healthiest versions of ourselves as possible. By turning to these healthy snack options when you are feeling a bit peckish, you can help maintain a balanced diet while still enjoying your food.
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