10 Ways To Be Romantic On A Budget
It’s good to be romantic – it helps to show your partner that you appreciate them and love them, plus it’s fun to come up with new ideas to surprise them. However, romance can sometimes cost a large amount of money. Whether it is a fancy restaurant, big bunches of flowers, or jetting away for the weekend, it all adds up.
It’s far better to do smaller, less expensive things more regularly to keep the romance alive than big, grand gestures that cost too much and make you anxious because you maxed out the credit card rather than let you enjoy the emotions behind it all. So here are some ways to be romantic on a budget; they are all easy and far less expensive than the ‘usual’ romantic gestures you might see advertised.
Make Something
The stores are full of cute products you can buy for your loved one from stuffed toys to chocolates to clothing. It’s great to buy your partner something that will make them think of you, but the cost of doing that will soon add up. So instead of buying gifts, why not make something?
Putting the time and effort into making something will always be appreciated – it could be a painting or drawing, it could be a knitted item, a cd for their car, or perhaps you are able to write a song or piece of music. Whatever it is, these unique, handmade items will be something that your partner will keep forever because they remind them solely of you. When they say, it’s the thought that counts, this is the kind of thing they mean. Plus, making something yourself will cost just a fraction of what it would have done had you bought it.
Have A Picnic
There is always something romantic about eating together, but constantly heading out to smart candlelit restaurants will break the bank soon enough. For something, a little more budget friendly but just as romantic, try a picnic. Choose a beautiful spot in a local park or by a river, and somewhere that isn’t too noisy and where you can relax together.
You can choose to have a simple picnic lunch if you’re both busy (because this way at least you get to spend a little time together) but if you do have the time, then you could have an entire afternoon together enjoying one another’s company and the food that you prepared. Again, the food doesn’t have to be anything particularly special if that’s not your skill. You could make some sandwiches and include your partner’s favorite, and pack some fruit, for example. You could even buy the items pre-prepared although this will always cost more. It’s less about the food than about spending time with one another, so make sure you aren’t distracted and can be totally focused on the person you’re with.
Go Out When Everyone Else Is Asleep
If you can go out at a time when everyone else is asleep – early in the morning is best – then you can pretend to be the only people in the whole world. Take a bicycle or just go for a stroll and really take a look at the streets that are normally so full of other people. Hold hands and wander without a plan. Watch the sun come up, and the rest of the world come to life as they start to go to work.
Maybe you’ll come across an all-night bar or café where you can pop in for a cup of coffee and a slice of pie or similar treat. As strange as this may seem, it really is one of the most romantic things you can do. Being the last people in the world is a beautiful idea and one that will make a truly special memory.
Write A Love Letter
Now that emails and texting are so prevalent, the art of writing a real, physical letter seems to be dying out. That makes writing a love letter even more romantic because it is such a rarity these days. Imagine your loved one reading the words that you wrote from the heart and smiling. Imagine them keeping that letter until the day they die. It’s a beautiful thing.
You don’t have to be a great writer, and it doesn’t have to be reams of romantic poetry. What it does need to be is honest and truthful, written for the person you love and no one else. Don’t worry about being soppy or silly; if that’s how you feel, write it down. If you’re unsure of what to write, check out these cute romantic quotes for her. A love letter doesn’t need to be too drawn out either. You could just write a couple of deeply expressed lines, and that will be enough to be romantic and remembered.
Pay Attention
Make sure you pay attention to your other half when you’re out and about somewhere. If they express a desire for some item or other and it is within your means to buy it, do so. Then keep it for a future date so that you can surprise them with it. They will know that you were listening, and this will mean more to them than anything else. Plus you know they are going to love the gift you give them because they already said they loved it. These small, inexpensive things are the kinds of items that you can look back on together and associate an important memory with, so they really are special.
Cook Them A Meal
Cook your loved one a meal even if you’re not a confident chef. The very act of you going out of your way to make something for them is a great start, and if it happens to be edible or delicious then that’s a definite bonus! Try to make your partner’s favorite food if you can and set the dining area up to be a romantic space with candles and flowers. Try to avoid making a lovely meal only to serve it on a tray in front of the TV; that’s not special enough for a romantic meal.
Give Wild Flowers
Giving your loved one flowers is a wonderfully romantic gesture, but it can cost a lot too. So you might want to consider giving wildflowers instead. That doesn’t mean stealing flowers from someone’s yard, of course; it means looking in nature to find beautiful blooms. When you have enough, you can tie them together and present them as a gorgeous bunch. The time and effort you have put into gathering these together will mean so much and be totally romantic.
Spend A Day In Bed
If the spark has faded a little from your relationship,, then it’s time to get it back. Book a day off work and stay in bed together all day. If you’re anxious about this, then you could look into TryVexan to enhance your performance, but otherwise, you can just hold one another and talk, make future plans, decide where you might want to go on vacation and so on. You might watch a movie snuggled up together. You might read a book or listen to music. The important thing is that you are together in this intimate space.
Plan Ahead
We all know that spontaneity is a good thing when it comes to a relationship, but it’s not always the best thing for our bank balances. Last minute plans can lead to overspending. So although spontaneity has its place, it can also be a good idea to plan ahead. This means you can look at upcoming events in your area and budget for attending them if you want to take your loved one. It also means you can take the time to look around for free things to do. There might be an upcoming free open-air concert in a local park, for example, or a stargazing evening with a group of amateur astronomers.
If you can plan ahead for these events and ensure you are both available, then you can have many romantic dates without the need to spend very much if anything, at all.
Be Creative Together
A date doesn’t have to be about going somewhere; it can simply be about doing something together. Just as being romantic can get lost in the business of ‘real life,’ so too can your creative endeavors so why not combine romance and creativity into something enjoyable? After all, when was the last time you made something or painted something, or had anything to do with creative fun? It may have been a while, and can be a great way to unwind and let off steam.
You don’t even need to be an expert artist to have fun in this respect. You could invest in some adult coloring books and some good pens and pencils and de-stress together completing the pages. Get some clay and try to sculpt something. Or you could buy canvases and splash some paint about. The end result doesn’t have to be beautiful, but the memories associated with it will be.
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Lauryn R
These are great ideas, thanks for sharing! I think that some of the most romantic experience are free! I love to go camping and just be out in nature, and this is such a romantic setting on it’s own! 🙂 So are fire pits in the backyard, I love just cuddling up by the fire pit and looking at the stars!
Stephanie Z
Thanks for all these ideas. I love going on picnics with my husband. It can definitely be romantic!
Tamra Phelps
No reason for romance in my life, lol. But, I do like these ideas!
June S.
(10 Ways To Be Romantic On A Budget) All great ideas to read about. I am going to keep this in mind for my husband and I next month. We will be celebrating our twenty year anniversary.
MD Kennedy
I think your point about Paying Attention is the most important. When my husband talks to me, I make it a point to close my laptop, or mute the TV or put down anything I am reading and give him my undivided attention. I know he considers that really important and romantic!
Delila Horner
I love cuddling on the couch with my hubby watching movies and feeding each other popcorn.
Diana Scholz
There are so many great ideas here. Great ideas that people who have been in a relationship for a long time usually forget to do. I love this and would like to do some of these!!