Savvy Tips & Helpful Hints

What Size HVAC Filter Do I Need?

Do you want to know what size HVAC filter you need? Check out the ways to choose the right HVAC filter and protect your investment wisely.


Maintaining an HVAC system is one of the essential tasks for a house owner. If you want to make the best use of your HVAC unit, you must keep up with the proper HVAC maintenance routine. In addition, to get the best output from this investment, you must know the correct size air filter. 

You will need to know the size correctly in order to change the old filter in a timely manner, which, if you don’t, can result in significant issues with the air quality in your home. You have reached the appropriate location to learn the ideal methods for determining the size of the HVAC filter that will work most effectively with your system. 

Importance of Choosing the Right Size HVAC Filter 

A suitable size air filter is essential to regulate the HVAC system in the right way. Choosing the right size and type of air filter is crucial to catch debris and particles at their best. If you choose a small air filter, the particles and airborne contaminants will find space to enter the house efficiently. 

Similarly, the larger air filter never fits in the slot. Therefore, installing the right size furnace filters is always recommended to prevent dirt, dust, pollen, allergens, and all airborne pollutants from entering your house. A proper-size air filter can keep your HVAC system running smoothly. There is no alternative to choosing the right air filter. 

Ways to Know What Size Air Filter Is Good for My System

*Check out the Existing Filter: When installing a new air filter, check out the existing one and measure its size to ensure the right placement. You can check the length, width, and depth printed on the side of the filter. For example, a standard air filter size is 12×12×1, which indicates the filter’s width is 12 inches, height is 12 inches, and thickness is 1 inch. If you see the size listed in bold on the filter’s frame, know that it is the nominal size of the filter, which is different from the actual size. 

*Measure the Slot of the Air Filter: After taking the measurements of the current air filter, you should now take the measurements of the region where the new filter will be installed.

*Measure your Air Intake: Before installing the new air filter, measure the interior dimension of the air filter intake. Firstly, you must turn off your AC to avoid messing around with your HVAC unit. Then, measure the air filter intakes inside the edge with a measurement tape or any measuring device. The actual size of your air filter must be smaller than the air filter frame. 

*Choose the Right MERV Rating: You are not done yet! After figuring out the measurement of the existing air filter and the slot, you must determine what MERV rating is suitable for your house. The MERV rating of an air filter means how efficiently it can filter out airborne contaminants. The higher the rating is, the better it is to remove air pollutants. Choose the air filters between MERV 8 to MERV 11 for your house. A high MERV rating is never necessary for residential houses. 


Hopefully, this guide has fulfilled your requirements on what size HVAC filter you need for your system. However, replacing the air filter will seem complicated if you need to learn how to measure the old filter. If you still face problems determining which size and type are suitable for your unit, you can contact the experts at MervFilters. This company’s professionals will help you choose the right size air filter and ensure the safety of your HVAC system and health.