Stargazer Lillies
Savvy Gardening

What Makes the Stargazer Lily an Irresistible Choice for Your Garden? 

For many gardeners, the stargazer lily is an irresistible choice for their flower beds. These lilies are unique in appearance and gorgeous when produced en masse. 

The Latin name of this plant is Lilium x Stargazer, but no one would blame you if you called them Tiger Lilies or Lion’s Ear instead. If you do decide to start growing these lilies yourself, here are some things to keep in mind: 

Stargazers Grow Quickly  

As soon as they’re planted, the tubers will begin shooting outshoots that look like blades of grass. Despite its common name, stargazers aren’t fussy about soil conditions.  

Stargazers enjoy the sun or partial shade just fine, and they’ll happily grow in nutrient-poor soil. However, these lilies do need a fair amount of moisture to stay happy. 

Blooms All Summer 

Your stargazer lilies are only going to be around for one season, but their impressive blooms will bring joy all summer long.      

Plant your stargazer lily bulbs on soil that has a temperature of 60°F (16°C). You can plant them between October and March or wait until April. Plant the roots at least 6 inches deep with the shoots facing up.  

Plant them in rich, moist soil without too much sun exposure. Water the lilies regularly, but make sure that the soil stays moist. The leaves will sprout about five days after planting, with the flowers blooming in late spring.  

Make sure to plant the lilies where they won’t block your view of the garden or walkway. 

Cut-Off Spent Stalks 

These beautiful Stargazer Lilies will keep on growing until mid-August. To continue enjoying their beauty, you can cut off spent flower stalks when they’ve wilted and taken on a more brownish appearance.  

If you’re still itching for another burst of color, you can also dig up some new bulbs in July or August and replant them elsewhere in your yard or give them away to friends. 

What You Need To Know 

Due to its toxicity, pregnant women should stay away from caring for this plant if possible.  

For others, it’s generally considered safe, but you should still take care not to overdose on it. There are also some accounts of the plant’s irritating eyes and skin. Just be sure to wash your hands after touching or caring for these plants. 

Lilies can cause dermatitis in people who have an allergy to them. If you do begin suffering from itching and rashes after handling these flowers, the chances are that you’re allergic to them and may want to stay away. 

Rest assured that the effects aren’t usually life-threatening (unless they affect the throat), but it might be best for those with such allergies to stay away from them anyways.   

Wrapping Up 

Insects might be feasting on your stargazer lilies. If you see one of these pests, remove it immediately or seek help from a professional. You can use insecticidal soap to prevent any other parasites from infesting your lilies. 

Again, the stargazer lily isn’t very picky about its soil or sunlight conditions, but make sure to check the leaves for signs of damage.