Savvy Celebrations

What Are the Best Kids Party Favors That Aren’t Just Junk?

Throwing a kids’ party is always fun, but choosing party favors that are both exciting and useful can be a challenge. Instead of handing out items that might end up in the trash, why not opt for party favors that kids will cherish and use? Here are some fantastic ideas for kids’ party favors that are anything but junk.

Craft-Themed Party Favors

Craft-themed party favors not only keep kids entertained during the party but also give them a creative activity to take home.

DIY Craft Kits

Kids love DIY craft kits. You can provide kits for making bouncy balls, slime, or pinwheels. These kits engage kids creatively and provide a fun take away from the party. Each child can personalize their creation, making it a memorable keepsake. Plus, it’s an excellent way to keep them engaged during the party

*Bouncy Ball Kits: These kits include all the materials needed to create fun, colorful bouncy balls. They are simple to use and kids love watching their creations bounce high.

*Slime Kits : Slime is a perennial favorite among kids. Providing DIY craft kits with different colors and add-ins like glitter or beads can make this a highly customizable and enjoyable activity.

*Pinwheel Kits: These kits are easy to assemble and kids can decorate their pinwheels before watching them spin in the wind. This craft is simple yet delightful.

Scratch Art Pads

Scratch art pads are another excellent choice. Kids can create their own designs, adding a personalized touch to the party favor. These pads are easy to use and can keep children entertained for hours, both during and after the party. They are perfect for you if you’re looking to add an artistic element to your party favors.

*Benefits of Scratch Art Pads: They are mess-free, stimulate creativity, and are suitable for a wide age range. Each child can create unique pieces of art that they can proudly display.

Edible Party Favors

Edible party favors are always a winner. They are practical, enjoyable, and unlikely to be wasted. From homemade cookies to personalized chocolates, these treats make for memorable and appreciated party favors that are not junk. Consider offering healthy options like fruit snacks or granola bars, which parents will appreciate.

DIY Cookie Mix Jars

Layered cookie mix jars are visually appealing and practical. They encourage kids to bake at home, providing a fun activity for later. These jars can be customized with different cookie recipes, adding a personal touch to each favor. It’s a great option if you want to give something that both kids and parents will appreciate.

*Creating Cookie Mix Jars: Use mason jars and layer the dry ingredients of your favorite cookie recipe. Add a tag with instructions for adding the wet ingredients and baking. Decorate the jars with ribbons or stickers to match the party theme.

Custom Snack Bags

Offer a make-your-own trail mix station or s’mores kit. These treats are not only delicious but also interactive. Kids can enjoy creating their own snacks during the party or take them home for later. This idea is perfect if you want to offer a unique and tasty party favor that kids can enjoy immediately.

*Trail Mix Station: Provide a variety of nuts, dried fruits, chocolate chips, and other mix-ins. Kids can fill their bags with their favorite ingredients, making it a personalized snack.

*S’mores Kits: Include graham crackers, marshmallows, and chocolate bars in individual bags. These kits are perfect for a campfire or microwave s’mores at home.

Wearable Party Favors

Wearable party favors are fun and practical. Kids can use them long after the party, making them a great choice.

Personalized Sunglasses and Hats

Personalized sunglasses and hats add a stylish element to the event. Customize these items with the party theme or each child’s name, making them a unique and memorable favor. They are perfect if you’re looking for a favor that doubles as a fashion statement.

*Sunglasses: Choose bright colors or fun patterns. Personalize with the child’s name or a fun message.

*Hats: Baseball caps or sun hats can be customized with fabric markers or patches. This ensures they match the party theme and are practical for sunny weather.

Tie-Dye Kits

Tie-dye kits allow kids to create their own custom t-shirts or bandanas. This activity is not only creative but also provides a keepsake that kids can wear. It’s a fun and memorable party activity that doubles as a favor. You can even make this a part of the party activities, ensuring the kids are engaged and having fun.

*Setting Up Tie-Dye Stations: Provide white t-shirts or bandanas, dye in various colors, and rubber bands. Make sure to have protective gloves and aprons. Kids will love seeing their creations come to life.

Outdoor and Sports-Themed Favors

Outdoor and sports-themed favors promote physical activity and can be enjoyed immediately at the party and later at home.

Jump Ropes and Kites

Jump ropes and kites are perfect for encouraging kids to get outside and play. These items are especially suitable for parties held in parks or backyards. They are a great choice if you want to promote physical activity and outdoor fun.

Beach Balls and Bubble Wands

Beach balls and bubble wands are ideal for summer parties. These items can be used right away at the event and taken home for further fun. They add playfulness and excitement to any party, making them ideal for outdoor or beach-themed parties.

*Beach Balls: These are lightweight, colorful, and perfect for pool parties or outdoor games.

*Bubble Wands: Large bubble wands create impressive bubbles that kids love. They are a simple yet enchanting favor.

Educational Party Favors

Educational party favors are not only fun but also beneficial for kids’ development.

Books and Journals

Storybooks or blank journals do excellent favors. They encourage reading and writing, which can be tailored to the party theme for added personalization. Kids will appreciate a thoughtful gift that also promotes learning. This is a great option if you want to give something that has lasting value.

*Choosing Books: Select books that align with the party theme or match the kids’ interests.. Personalized storybooks with the child’s name in the story can be particularly special.

*Journals: Blank journals can be decorated with stickers or the child’s name. Encourage kids to start journaling or drawing in their new book.

Science Kits

Small experiment kits can spark curiosity and make learning fun. These kits are perfect for sparking an interest in science and are enjoyable to use. They are ideal if you want to combine fun with education in your party favors.

*Types of Science Kits: Options range from simple chemistry sets to crystal growing kits or mini dinosaur excavation kits. Choose kits that are age-appropriate and safe for the children at the party.

Type of FavorExamplesBenefits
Craft-ThemedDIY Craft Kits, Scratch Art PadsEncourages creativity, personalized keepsakes
EdibleDIY Cookie Mix Jars, Custom Snack BagsPractical, enjoyable, interactive
WearablePersonalized Sunglasses, Tie-Dye KitsFun, practical, long-lasting
Outdoor and Sports-ThemedJump Ropes, Kites, Beach Balls, Bubble WandsPromotes physical activity, immediate use
EducationalBooks, Journals, Science KitsEncourages reading, writing, and curiosity

Choosing the right party favors can make a big difference in how memorable and enjoyable your child’s party is. By opting for craft-themed, edible, wearable, outdoor, sports-themed, or educational favors, you can provide kids with items they will use and appreciate long after the party is over.

By incorporating these best practices, you can ensure your blog post is engaging, informative, and helpful for parents looking for the best kids’ party favors.


1. What are some unique craft-themed party favors?

DIY craft kits and scratch art pads are unique and engaging options.

2. How can I make edible party favors more interactive?

Set up a make-your-own trail mix station or s’mores kit for a fun, hands-on activity.

3. Are wearable party favors practical for kids?

Yes, items like personalized sunglasses and tie-dye kits are both fun and practical.

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