Top 5 Reasons Why You Need A Laptop Desk Riser
Many users may not realize this, but a laptop stand is not only an optional accessory, but it is a necessity when carrying out daily tasks on your Mac. Moreover, it not only benefits your Mac but your health too! However, it’s understandable that many people may not know about these accessories yet and why they should be using them in the first place.
After all, it’s not that often that you come across someone using one, but we’re going to break down this misconception and tell you why one of these stands, like those available at, should be next on your purchase list today! But before we dive into that, you should note that while using a laptop does have its benefits, you don’t always have to lift yourself to using the small screen provided.
This is especially relevant for those working on creative projects and may require a bigger monitor to expand their tasks. In this regard, you can always connect your Mac to an external monitor using a usb to hdmi hub. These accessories will not only allow you to connect to any HDMI-compatible external monitors and screens, but they also expand your Mac’s other connectivity ports eg. USB, Ethernet, Aux, etc. And while most hdmi hubs are usually limited to 1080p resolution, Lention remarkably offers 4K support with their devices!
And now, let us dive into the main reason why we think a laptop stand should be on your purchase list.

Reasons Why You Should Buy A Laptop Stand
1. Improves Ergonomics For Better Posture
The main purpose behind these accessories was because many laptop users were complaining about back or neck pains. This happens due to spending extended periods working in front of a Mac. And more often than not, this tends to result in poor posture problems as well. So how exactly does a laptop stand help prevent these health issues?
Studies have shown that a huge amount of strain tends to be placed on the neck when you bend it, even just 10-15°. And considering how long we tend to use our Macs, you can see why this can lead to many problems. However, the benefit of using these stands is that they essentially help you reduce this angle strain by bringing your Mac to eye-level. This automatically takes off a lot of stress from both your back and neck, which improves your overall posture.
Moreover, some users will use their Macs on their laps, but this tends to pose a health risk. This is because the excess heat from the bottom of your laptop can result in patchy skin or even burns. In this respect, we specifically recommend opting for a desk riser for laptop from Lention. They offer a wide variety of options to choose from and our top picks for this would be the (Stand-L1) or (Stand-L2) models. They are very popular among budget purchasers and are the most user-friendly choices. This also makes them highly suitable for those who tend to work remotely.
2. Reduces The Risk Of Eye Strain
A common problem that many Mac users experience after extended periods of working is excessive eye strain. Usually, there are several accessories that you can use to solve this problem, eg. screen protectors. However, a recommended choice would be to use a laptop stand. And while it does not mean that you are 100% safe from eye strain, it does reduce the risk of it by placing your Mac at the right angle.
3. Improves Typing Experience
If you work in a high-pressure environment that requires a lot of typing, eg. college students or office workers, the chances are you are spending a large amount of time sitting in front of your computer. In such cases, you will also know how uncomfortable it can be to stare down at your laptop, which can aggravate your arms and compromise your productivity.
However, if you use a laptop stand, you can elevate your Mac to a level that offers sturdy support for your arms, alleviates arm strain, and increases your typing speed more efficiently.
4. Better Cable & Work-Space Organization
These days, with most of us, forced to work from home, it can be rather hectic to separate your workspace from your home space. This often leads to cluttered desks, cables-strewn everywhere, among other problems. However, if you have a laptop stand, you will be capable of keeping everything better separated. Thus allowing you to maintain your workspace, organize your smaller accessories and devices more efficiently.
5. Improves Laptop Performance
While we discussed the many benefits that these stands bring to you, they are also very beneficial in helping you keep your Mac in tip-top shape. For example, since they allow you to elevate your Mac, this improves airflow ventilation and reduces the risks of overheating, which can often lead to internal components being damaged.
Another big cause of overheating in most Macs is usually an excessively full storage space. This is because when you have low memory, this often leads to your processor working extra hard to try and keep your applications running, even without sufficient memory to do so. However, you can alleviate this problem by utilizing an external storage drive, eg. an SD Card, to store any large files that may end up consuming your memory. And you can always purchase an sd card hub from Lention to help you facilitate such large file transfers without any risk of file corruption or lagging speeds.
If you take these suggestions into practice, you can improve your Mac user experience, plus improve its performance and lifespan.
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