Tired of Having Spots and Blemishes? Here Are 4 Things You Can Do about It
Tired of Having Spots and Blemishes? Here Are 4 Things You Can Do about It

Image via Pixabay
You know how all those teen high school movies always have to feature someone who’s got a massive zit or blemish at just the wrong time? Well, there’s a reason for that – and that reason is that, for many of us, these skin conditions always seem to flare up at the worst possible times, and drive up our self-consciousness to new levels.
No matter how well you dress, how well you do your makeup, or how confident you are in your stride, it’s always a pain to have to deal with blotchy, spotty, blemished skin, and a lot of people are willing to go to some extreme lengths to be free from this issue.
Luckily, there are certain lifestyle tricks you can try out that might help you with this kind of condition, short of going the hard-core medical route.
Here are a few suggestions.
Carefully apply appropriate cosmetic products, when you really need to
Alright, look, this isn’t exactly a “top-secret hack,” but, sometimes, you really might just need to bring out a carefully selected cosmetic product or two to deal with an inconvenient blemish – such as if it appears on the night before your wedding, for example.
The trick is that you should not just throw on a bunch of makeup to try and cover over the blemish in a careless kind of a way. Instead, apply brightening serum, or another cosmetic product, that has been specially designed for the purpose.
Be sure to do the sparingly, as well, as – ideally – you should actually avoid cosmetics for a period of time when a blemish appears, in order to help the condition resolve itself.
Leave your skin alone for most of the time
Have you ever noticed that it’s often when you seem to be most committed to your skin care routine, that your skin actually ends up in the worst condition?
If you regularly wash, cleanse, and exfoliate your face – and then apply the obligatory toner and moisturizer – one effect of this is often to irritate the skin, block your pores, and cause inflammation and an imbalance in the distribution of oils.
Ironically, the best trick for maintaining good skin health and appearance, is often to just “leave it alone” for most of the time.
Work on getting a lot more sleep
The more sleep you get, and the more well rested you feel each morning, the more well-balanced your hormones will be, and the better you are likely to look and feel across the board.
Skin conditions often arise as a result of more generalized disorder in the body – including such things as inflammation, hormonal dysregulation, poor digestion and circulation, and more.
Work on getting a lot more sleep, and better quality sleep too, and the results may be pretty astounding.
Change up your diet and see what the results are
Everyone is different in terms of the diet that is likely to work for them, make them feel their best, and suit their particular fitness and lifestyle goals.
That being said, everyone knows that certain foods cause them to break out and experience worse skin quality.
Generally, highly processed junk foods are the worst offenders here. But it’s important that you do your own experimentation, get a sense of what works for you, and follow a diet plan that makes you look and feel your best.
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One Comment
Not getting enough sleep is my biggest issue. I tend to stay up late and wake up early. I can definitely tell a difference in my skin when I haven’t slept well.