Savvy Tips & Helpful Hints

See a Divorce Lawyer If You Have One of These 6 Issues

Divorce is often a challenging and emotionally charged process. While some couples manage to navigate it amicably, many situations require professional legal guidance. Knowing when to consult a divorce lawyer can significantly protect your rights and ensure a fair outcome. This article will explore seven critical issues that signal it’s time to consult a divorce attorney.

1. Complex Asset Division

    When it comes to dividing assets in a divorce, things can quickly become complicated, especially if you have significant or diverse holdings.

    If you and your spouse have accumulated substantial wealth during your marriage, seeking legal advice is crucial. High-value assets such as real estate properties, investment portfolios, business interests, retirement accounts, and valuable collections or artwork require careful and legal division. 

    A divorce lawyer can protect your financial interests by ensuring a fair distribution of these assets, safeguarding your long-term financial stability.

    Unfortunately, some spouses attempt to conceal assets during divorce proceedings, significantly impacting your settlement and future financial stability. 

    According to a study by the National Endowment for Financial Education, 31% of adults who combined finances with a partner have been deceptive about money. 

    A skilled divorce attorney can investigate financial records, uncover hidden assets, and ensure all marital property is fully disclosed. By addressing hidden assets, your lawyer can secure a fair division of property and prevent financial deception from affecting your future.

    As we move from financial concerns to matters of family, it’s important to recognize that child custody disputes often require expert legal guidance.

    2. Child Custody Disputes

      When children are involved, divorce proceedings can become even more emotionally charged and complex.

      Custody and Visitation Rights

      Determining custody arrangements is often one of the most contentious aspects of a divorce. Divorce lawyers can advocate for your parental rights, help develop a custody plan that serves the best interests of your children, negotiate visitation schedules, and address special circumstances such as holidays and school breaks. In the U.S., joint legal custody is granted in over 80% of cases, while physical custody arrangements vary widely.

      Parental Relocation

      If you or your spouse plans to move to a different city or state after the divorce, it can significantly complicate custody arrangements. A lawyer can help you understand the legal implications of relocation, modify existing custody agreements, and represent your interests in court if necessary. 

      Remember, the court always prioritizes the well-being of the children. A skilled attorney can help present your case in a way that demonstrates how your preferred arrangement supports this goal. While custody focuses on children’s well-being, financial support ensures their material needs are met. Let’s explore how a lawyer can assist with these crucial aspects of divorce.

      3. Spousal and Child Support Issues

        Financial support arrangements are a critical component of many divorce settlements, and they can have long-lasting impacts on all parties involved.

        Spousal Support

        Also known as alimony, spousal support can be a complex issue to navigate, influenced by factors such as the length of the marriage, each spouse’s earning capacity, the standard of living during the marriage, and the age and health of each spouse. 

        A divorce lawyer can help determine if you’re eligible for spousal support or liable to pay it, negotiate fair support arrangements, and ensure any agreements are legally binding and enforceable.

        Child Support Calculation

        Each state has specific formulas for calculating child support, which typically consider:

        – Income of both parents

        – Number of children

        – Custody arrangements

        – Special needs or expenses of the children

        A lawyer can ensure that:

        – All relevant factors are considered in the calculation

        – The amount is fair and accurately reflects the children’s needs

        – Any special circumstances are properly addressed

        By securing appropriate financial support, you can help ensure a stable future for yourself and your children post-divorce.

        While financial matters are crucial, personal safety is paramount. In cases involving domestic violence or abuse, immediate legal intervention is essential.

        Source: Statista

        4. Domestic Violence or Abuse

          If your marriage involves domestic violence or abuse, it’s critical to prioritize your safety and that of your children throughout the divorce process.

          Protection Orders

          A divorce lawyer can assist you in obtaining necessary protection orders, commonly known as restraining orders or orders of protection. These legal documents can prohibit your spouse from contacting you or approaching you, grant you temporary custody of children, and compel an abusive spouse to vacate the family home.

          Legal Strategy

          In cases involving abuse, your lawyer plays a critical role by ensuring your case is handled with sensitivity and urgency. They will gather evidence to support your claims, advocate for your safety and rights in court, and address how the abuse should impact custody and support decisions. Remember, prioritizing your safety is paramount. 

          If you’re in immediate danger, contact local law enforcement or a domestic violence hotline before taking legal action. Moving from issues of personal safety to broader disagreements about divorce terms underscores the importance of professional negotiation skills.

          5. Disputed Divorce Terms

            When you and your spouse can’t agree on the terms of your divorce, professional legal representation becomes crucial.

            Settlement Offers

            When faced with a settlement offer from your spouse that seems unclear or unjust, seeking legal advice is crucial. A lawyer can meticulously review the offer, clarify its immediate and long-term consequences, and negotiate more favorable terms on your behalf. It’s essential to remember: never agree to a settlement without having it thoroughly reviewed by your own attorney to protect your interests effectively.

            Mediation Preparation

            Even if you’re pursuing mediation to resolve disputes, having a lawyer can be beneficial. They can:

            – Help you understand your best and worst-case scenarios

            – Prepare you for negotiation tactics

            – Review any agreements before you sign

            By ensuring you’re well-prepared and informed, a lawyer can help you achieve a fair settlement through mediation or other dispute resolution methods.

            While disputes can arise over various aspects of a divorce, financial dependency presents its own set of challenges. Let’s explore how a lawyer can help in these situations.

            6. Financial Dependency

              A divorce can be especially daunting if you’ve relied on your spouse for financial support during your marriage.

              If your spouse stops financial support during the divorce, a lawyer can help you get immediate court orders. These orders can secure temporary spousal support, ensure continued access to marital assets, and maintain your current standard of living throughout the proceedings.

              It’s crucial to note that courts can issue these temporary orders swiftly, typically within days or weeks, to address urgent financial needs during divorce.

              Looking beyond immediate concerns, a divorce lawyer can also aid in long-term financial planning. They can help you understand your financial rights and obligations, advocate for a fair division of assets and debts, and ensure support agreements consider your future financial stability. 

              By addressing both immediate and long-term financial concerns, a lawyer plays a pivotal role in helping you transition to financial independence after divorce.


              Navigating a divorce can be one of life’s most challenging experiences. While not every divorce requires extensive legal intervention, the presence of any of these seven issues signals that professional legal guidance could be crucial:

              1. Complex asset division

              2. Child custody disputes

              3. Spousal and child support issues

              4. Domestic violence or abuse

              5. Disputed divorce terms

              6. Financial dependency

              7. Legal technicalities

              By recognizing these signs and seeking appropriate legal help, you can protect your rights, ensure a fair outcome, and set the stage for a more secure future post-divorce.


              1. Why should I hire a lawyer if my spouse already has one?

                 Hiring your own lawyer ensures you have professional representation to protect your interests and avoid any legal disadvantages. Your spouse’s lawyer is obligated to act in their best interests, not yours.

              2. What happens if my spouse is hiding assets?

                 A lawyer can help investigate and uncover hidden assets, ensuring all property is fairly disclosed and divided according to the law. They may use tools like subpoenas, forensic accountants, or asset searches to uncover concealed property.

              3. How can a lawyer help with child custody issues?

                 A lawyer can advocate for your parental rights, help develop a fair custody arrangement, and address any disputes that arise regarding visitation or relocation. They can also ensure that any custody agreement is in the best interests of your children.

              4. Is it possible to change a divorce settlement after it’s finalized?

                 While it’s possible to modify certain aspects of a divorce settlement (like child support or custody arrangements) under specific circumstances, it’s generally difficult to change property division once finalized. This underscores the importance of getting it right the first time with proper legal representation.

              5. How long does a typical divorce process take with a lawyer involved?

              The duration can vary widely depending on the complexity of the case and level of conflict between parties. Uncontested divorces might be resolved in a few months, while highly contested divorces can take a year or more. Your lawyer can give you a more accurate estimate based on your specific situation.