Health & Wellness

Physical Activities To Support Family Members With Parkinson’s

Parkinson’s disease, a neurodegenerative disorder, presents unique challenges for both individuals living with the condition and their families. While physical activities play a crucial role in managing symptoms, incorporating creative pursuits can offer additional benefits, promoting mental well-being and fostering a sense of accomplishment. In this post, we’ll explore a diverse range of activities that can contribute to the holistic care of family members with Parkinson’s.

Walking and Outdoor Activities

Encouraging regular walks and outdoor activities is a fundamental yet impactful way to support individuals with Parkinson’s. Walking helps address motor symptoms by improving balance and coordination, reducing the risk of falls. Exposure to natural light and fresh air is beneficial for mental health, offering a mood boost and alleviating feelings of isolation.

Additionally, outdoor activities like gardening or birdwatching provide a purposeful and enjoyable way to engage with the environment. Gardening, in particular, involves various movements that contribute to flexibility and strength, making it a therapeutic and fulfilling activity.

Dance Therapy

Dance therapy remains a dynamic and enjoyable option for managing Parkinson’s symptoms. Beyond its physical benefits, dance promotes emotional expression and social engagement. Ballroom, tango, or even freestyle movements at home can be adapted to different abilities. Consider joining a dance class specifically designed for individuals with Parkinson’s, providing a supportive and inclusive community.

Yoga and Tai Chi

Yoga and Tai Chi, ancient practices with proven benefits, offer a holistic approach to well-being. The gentle, flowing movements of these practices improve flexibility, strength, and balance. Moreover, the mindfulness aspect of yoga and Tai Chi can significantly contribute to stress reduction and enhanced emotional resilience.

Incorporating these practices into a routine creates a peaceful and focused environment, benefiting both the individual with Parkinson’s and their caregivers. Attend local classes or explore online resources that cater to varying abilities and preferences.


Engaging in creative pursuits, such as knitting, can have therapeutic effects on individuals with Parkinson’s. Knitting involves repetitive and rhythmic motions, enhancing coordination and fine motor skills. The tactile nature of knitting can also provide sensory stimulation, promoting a sense of calmness. Read up on knitting versus crocheting to decide which would work best.

Consider starting with simple knitting projects and gradually progressing to more complex patterns. Joining knitting groups or classes allows individuals to connect with others who share similar interests, fostering a sense of community and support.


Swimming, a low-impact exercise, provides numerous benefits for individuals with Parkinson’s. The buoyancy of water supports movements, making it easier for those with mobility challenges. Swimming enhances cardiovascular fitness, muscle strength, and flexibility without putting stress on joints.

Moreover, swimming can be a social activity when done in groups or with family members. Consider joining water aerobics classes specifically designed for individuals with Parkinson’s, combining the benefits of exercise with a supportive community.


Cycling, whether on a stationary bike or outdoors, is an enjoyable way to improve cardiovascular health and leg strength. Riding a bike supports coordination and can be adapted to different fitness levels. This activity provides an opportunity for family members to engage in a shared experience, strengthening emotional bonds.

Explore local cycling trails or participate in charity rides to add a sense of purpose to cycling. Always ensure the chosen activity aligns with the individual’s capabilities and preferences.

Strength Training

Incorporating strength training exercises into a routine is essential for addressing muscle stiffness and weakness associated with Parkinson’s. Consult with a physical therapist to develop a personalized strength training program that focuses on major muscle groups, using resistance bands or light weights.

Strength training can be done individually or as part of a group fitness class. The social aspect of group activities enhances motivation and provides a supportive environment for individuals with Parkinson’s.


Non-contact boxing programs tailored for Parkinson’s have gained recognition for their positive impact on mobility and overall function. The combination of aerobic exercise and coordination drills in boxing can lead to improved balance, agility, and strength.

Participating in a boxing program allows individuals to challenge themselves while being part of a community that understands their unique needs. Look for local classes or online resources that offer safe and adapted boxing routines.

Cognitive Games and Puzzles

Engaging in cognitive activities is crucial for maintaining mental sharpness and addressing cognitive symptoms associated with Parkinson’s. Games and puzzles, such as crosswords, Sudoku, and brain teasers, stimulate the mind and promote cognitive flexibility.

Regularly incorporating cognitive games into the routine provides mental stimulation and helps maintain cognitive function. Consider playing these games together as a family, fostering a supportive and enjoyable environment. The mental challenges posed by these activities contribute to cognitive resilience and overall well-being.

Music Therapy

Music therapy is a powerful tool for individuals with Parkinson’s, offering both cognitive and emotional benefits. Listening to music or actively participating in music-making activities stimulates various brain regions, enhancing mood and cognitive function.

Explore music therapy sessions or create a personalized playlist of favorite songs. Singing, playing musical instruments, or simply enjoying music together can be a joyful and meaningful experience. Music not only provides cognitive stimulation but also serves as a form of emotional expression and connection.

Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness meditation is a valuable addition to the toolkit of activities for individuals with Parkinson’s. This practice involves cultivating a focused awareness of the present moment, which can significantly contribute to emotional well-being and stress reduction. Mindfulness has been shown to alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression, which are common among those living with Parkinson’s.

In Closing

Incorporating a diverse range of physical, creative, and cognitive activities is essential for supporting family members with Parkinson’s in their holistic well-being. By embracing a multifaceted approach, we can address the various aspects of the condition, providing opportunities for physical exercise, creative expression, and cognitive stimulation. These activities not only contribute to improved physical health but also create meaningful connections, enhancing the overall quality of life for individuals with Parkinson’s and their families. As caregivers, our role in fostering an environment that encourages engagement, creativity, and connection is crucial for the well-being of our loved ones living with Parkinson’s.