My Savvy Review Of NatraCure’s Intense Hydrating Gloves
I am not sure about you, but the cooler dry weather wreaks havoc on my skin, and especially my hands. The brutal cold that I know is coming……will make it even worse which is why ensuring that I have the proper tools on hand to combat dry, winter skin is key and the reason I jumped at the chance to work with NatraCure. NatraCure is a company that was born out of a desire to develop superior solutions for people who value natural therapies and that live active lives. Anyone that knows me knows that I always prefer natural remedies which is why I jumped at the chance to work with them by trying their Intense Hydrating Gel Gloves. Their Intense Hydrating Gel Gloves are one of the many products that NatraCure carries and I have to tell you that these gloves will truly make a huge difference this winter for me and my hands….as these comfy gloves will help to keep my hands moisturized and hydrated throughout the winter and all year long.
NatraCure’s Intense Hydrating Gel Gloves allow you to bring the spa into your home. They soothe and soften dry, rough hands, fingers, and cuticles due to the inner gel lining. The gloves are designed so that as the inner gel lining comes into contact with your skin, it warms to the temperature of your body which causes the inner lining to release seven skin-soothing essential oils, plus shea butter. When you wear these gloves…. you literally get to experience the luxury of moisturizing jojoba oil, avocado oil, and grape seed oil…all in the comfort of your own home. This is something that I truly love.
NatraCure’s Intense Hydrating Gel Gloves lock in moisture with a non-breathable, half-coated gel lining that steeps your hands in nourishing goodness. You simply slip them on like you do any pair of gloves and wear them around the house or you can wear them like I do…. when I am sleeping. You will wake up to softer and smoother skin in no time.
These hydrating gloves from NatraCure work so well due to NatraCure’s exclusive SmartGel Technology that has been tested and certified by leading industry experts for efficacy, integrity, and quality. One size fits all and they should be snug when wearing. I love that they are lightly scented, Dermatologist tested, Hypoallergenic and they are washable and reusable. I also love that you can choose which side of your hand to moisturize when using these gloves. One side of the interior of the glove is coated with the gel so that you can have them turned so that they hydrate the top of your hands and then switch them over so that they moisturize the palms of your hand. This makes it easier to put them on and to take them off to as compared to gloves that are gelled all around the interior.
These gloves can be worn 2 to 3 times a week… but for even better results you can use them daily like I have been doing. I love them and am going to be picking up a pair of their moisturizing booties next as they are the same concept .. but for your feet. Talk about fabulous gift ideas for anyone on your gift giving list….. I highly recommend these wonderful products from NatraCure.
So what do you think of these wonderful hydrating gloves from NatraCure? Are you like myself and suffer from extreme dry skin, especially in the winter months? I live in the NorthEast and the winters can wreak havoc on your skin so gloves like these are ideal. Check NatraCure out online and on social media today was these are the perfect stocking Stuffer and gift option for everyone and anyone on your gift giving list. They are unisex and one size fits all which makes them perfect for all the guys and the gals. Check them out for yourself and begin enjoying softer and more youthful looking hands in no time.
Deliciously Savvy received product and/or compensation in exchange for an honest and unbiased review and all opinions are my own. This post contains affiliate links and I may make a small commission used to support this blog at no cost to you, if the product is purchased via the links in this post. Thanks for stopping by and enjoy!
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I sure could use a pair of these! My hands get so dry in the winter.
Amy D
My daughter and husband wash their hands so much that they are super dry, cracked and even bleed. These gloves would really help them. I love all the natural oils that help make hands softer. I love that that they are washable.
tina alexander
Dry cracked hands don’t feel nor look good.I do my best to keep my skin moisturized, especially during the cold season.These gloves would definitely be good to wear at night. They will keep hands toasty while moisturizing.
Judy Metcalf
Wonderful review. I seen these else where and I think they would be a good gift for Christmas.
Michael Coovert
I desperately need some hydrating socks.
Heidi Horne
i would love to try apir of these gloves out my hands get so so dry and crack and sometimes bleed.