Looking To Improve Your Photography Skills? Check Out The NEW Best Buy Photography Workshops Tours!
Looking To Improve Your Photography Skills? Check Out The NEW Best Buy Photography Workshops Tours!
The reviewer has been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free.
Do you love taking photos? Are you looking to improve your photography skills and receive tips and advice from the pros and Best Buy’s Camera Experience Shop experts all while learning to conduct 4 individual photo shoots? Well now you can be on the lookout for the NEW Best Buy Photography Workshop Tours, specifically designed for Intermediate Photographers. These tours are available on July 28th, October 20th, and January 19th, 2019 in Seattle, San Diego, Houston, Atlanta, Tampa, New York City and Minneapolis. Each date has a pre-selected focus and theme and this summers focus & theme on July 28th is all about capturing people and pets. If you’re looking for a professional photogropher your wedding or event in NYC, check out Olga Topchii Photographer.
The Best Buy Photography Workshop Tours are half-day excursions where you値l get the chance to work with pro photographers & Best Buy’s Camera Experience Shop experts to conduct 4 individual photo shoots. From learning what is viewfinder in camera, the different settings, what certain lenses are used for and much more, at a workshop like this, you will get to test & try an array of lenses & accessories to truly unleash what is possible with photography, learn to think like a pro & walk away with some amazing photos. Plus at the end of the day in addition to lunch you値l get a bag of camera goodies plus if you share your photos on social media with the #BestBuyPhotoWorkshops you値l be entered to win Best Buy gift cards or a dream photography package! The events cost $50 but you値l easily make this up with the giveaways, lunch, transportation, and the priceless opportunity to work with pros! This is an amazing opportunity specifically designed for Intermediate Photographers and the lessons learned will be priceless.
Now if you are a beginner photographer, then you will want to take advantage of Best Buy’s Free In-Store Photography Workshops designed for Beginners! This is the perfect way to improve your photo game if you feel you are not quite ready for the Tours plus they are completely Free! These workshops are only 2 hours long and they cover the photography basics and allow you 1 on 1 interaction with Best Buy’s Camera Experience Shop Experts. These Experts will walk you through your camera’s settings to ensure you are comfortable using your camera and so that you know how to use all of the important features. Once you are done taking this free workshop you will be ready to take the upcoming Photography Workshop Tours on 10/20/18 and 01/18/2019. Plus you can sign up to be notified when these Tours go live for registration in the Fall & Winter.
I also have to share that all of this is possible thanks to Best Buy’s Camera Experience Shop. It is essentially like visiting a specialty camera store, right in the middle of your local Best Buy. Best Buy has expert help in the form of their Camera Experience Shop Experts who go through intensive photography training and they all photo enthusiasts themselves. In the Best buy Camera Experience Shop there is an expanded assortment of cameras, lenses & accessories that you won’t find in other locations. Plus you can get hands on with all cameras and test and try them out in store.
So what do you think of Best Buy’s NEW Photography Workshops & Workshop Tours? I am definitely going to be checking the Best Buy Photography Workshop Tours out because I need to up my photo taking skills game and there is no better way to learn than by photography enthusiasts who love what they do. Check them out for yourself today and sign up as these are perfect for Beginners and Intermediate Photographers.
As Always, Thank You For Visiting Deliciously Savvy Today & Leave Some Comment Love While You Are Here As I Always Love Hearing From You!
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Margaret S Porter
i just got a new camera and I am such a novice. I need help. Going to check into these classes
gloria patterson
My niece is very good at taking pictures, going to pass this on to her. I have taken the same picture as she has at times and her are so much better than mine.
Ashley Chassereau Parks
I love using my camera! My hubby just got me a new lens and some more equipment! I would love to try one of these workshops and learn some new tips!
Mary Songer
Great idea for Best Buy. I would spend $50 to learn how to take better pictures. And to learn about how to use different lenses and equipment. Plus it gets people more likely to shop the stores rather than the internet.
Trisha McKee
Thank you for sharing this. I love photography and would love to learn some new tips and tricks. I think this would be great for my daughter and I to do together.
I wish we lived close to one of these areas. It would be fun to learn how to take better photos.
Hi Barrie…. make sure you check out their Free instore workshops that should be available near you as well. I am definitely going myself!
Debra Oehlberg
I would love to catch a local photography tour and learn how to use my husband’s expensive camera, since HE is not using it!!
Lauryn R
That is awesome that they are offering these workshops now! I have always loved taking photographs, so maybe this is something I should look into. Thank you so much for sharing!
Monidipa Dutta
I am not tooo much fond of taking pics. I only click pics when with family, friends and selfies. And I don’t understand one thing about photoshop. So I think I will go through it thoroughly and it would be great if you tell me how and where to learn more about it.
I need this! When I was in college, I took a short course on photography. It was very technical but I enjoyed it because we have so much field trips! Now that I’m a blogger, I realized how important those techniques are.
kylie cre8tone
Wow! Truly great photography skill.. I guess I should buy myself a photography workshop tours as well…
Sheila Ressel
I wish I had a real camera to take pictures with instead of just my phone. They don’t seem to turn out too great.
Sandy Klocinski
I have a camera that was my husband’s before he passed away but I have no idea how to use it! I can take pictures with my cell phone but it’s not the same. It would be awesome to attend one of these workshops
Phyllis Huebbe
I should take a course or two because I suck at taking pictures!
Foteini Karagianni
I always believed that having a good proffesional camera, lens and good natural lighting, you can take great photos! To be honest photography is not my strong asset lol.
Nice post and thanks for sharing!
xoxo MonsterFrogaki (MyLifeasFoteini)
Cheryl Everitt
All I know what to do is point and shoot. I sure would like to participate in a photography class. Thank you for sharing.
Jennifer Prince
Yes! I am REALLY looking to improve in both photography and editing. I need to take a class and learn from an expert.
Tamra Phelps
I am just horrible at photography. I would need the one for beginners, definitely.
Carol Spierdowis
I love photography. This is a great read. Very interesting, indeed.
Blair villanueva
I am still an amateur in photography but slowly gaining and learning my own style. Photo walks helps me a lot.
I wish that Best Buy`s Phtography Tour was available where I live too. This is an awesome idea to help people learn a thing or two about photography.
I would like to move beyond my current hold and click skills. I honestly have many seytings on my camera that I ignore because I don’t understand them wouldn’t it be nice to change that!
Backpacking Series
Photography Workshops Tours sounds like such an amazing idea to improve photography skills. We hope to stumble upon one somewhere. Since we take lot of photos for our travels, we certainly want to be better at it.
Lori Smanski
nice post. when my husband and i got married, we did a lot of photography
Nayna Kanabar
These classes sound so useful and helpful for someone who wants to learn more about photography. I could do with this class as I have to learn a lot about my camera.
Tonya Tardiff
This is so cool! Great idea by Best Buy. Can’t wait for them to roll out this idea in the D.C. area!
Nidhi Fouzdar
This class sounds so helpful for me 🙂 I am so curious to learn photography.
Tamra Phelps
My photography skills are nonexistent. I would need an absolute beginner class, lol.
Elizabeth O
These sound like really ideal classes for people to take who are interested in photography. What a great idea to highlight them in this post. Very helpful.
Patty Wright
I think the free workshops are a great idea. I think anyone interested in photography should do it.
I love photography too and I guess feel workshop are great idea for beginners to learn more about it.
Amy D
This is such a great idea! I would love to take better photos especially of my children. I wish this tour would come to my city, Orlando, Florida.
Nice to touch up photography skills
Tamra Phelps
I take horrible photos, lol. I could use a class on photography, I guess.
Christy Peeples DuBois
I have been taking pictures since I was small. I love preserving those memories with a photo but I’ve never understood the process in order to shoot in manual mode and really know what is going on. This is a great opportunity.
Christina Graham
I’m always looking for resources to improve my skills.
Christina Graham
I am always looking for ways to improve my skills.
Janet W.
I love taking pictures but I’m not the best at it! This sounds like a great workshop to improve my skills.
thedora austin
looking to improve my skills
Tamra Phelps
I really like how easily the average person could access this. I mean there is usually a Best Buy nearby.
Tamra Phelps
There is always a Best Buy nearby. This would be a class easily available to most people.
Richard Brandt
I’m always looking for ways to improve my shutterbugging! The struggle continues.
Linda Manns Linneman
I love sharing memories through pictures. I need to find the time to take this class. Thank you so much for sharing
Tamra Phelps
Best Buy offering photography classes is a good idea. I need help with picture taking, for sure.
Great photos.
Tamra Phelps
I’d love to be better at taking photos! Right now, I truly stink at it.
Sandra Watts
I would not mind taking some photography classes. I also think I need a better camera.
I definitely need a workshop.I take the worst photos using the best cameras!
vickie couturier
I have no skills,,need to get really better at taking photos,,i have grandchildren now that i would love to be able to take nice pictures of that will last
Tamra Phelps
This sounds like a great deal. $50 for the class and you get a bunch of camera goodies!
Alice F
I would love to improve my Photography skills. My social pictures look so amateurish!
Molli Taylor
i never had a baby book for any of my kids so my photos are really important to me. i love the idea of learning to be better.
This is awesome – wish I had a camera
Tamra Phelps
I like that the beginners’ class gives you one on one time with their experts. I would need that.
Dana Rodriguez
I would like to go to one of these workshops. I could def use the tips!
Tamra Phelps
I especially like that you get one on one advice from their experts. I would need that.
I love to take photos!
Tamra Phelps
What a nice idea from Best Buy. The cost seems fair considering how much you get, too.
thedora austin
I think I need to take a photo workshop.
Linda Manns Linneman
I love pictures. I enjoy looking back with my family and reliving the happy times. I could really use this workshop. Thank you so much for sharing this
Tamra Phelps
Goodness knows I could use help with my photography skills, lol. I really screw up every picture I take.
Luiza Calini
Every blogger should participate to workshops like this one, it seems amazing and I bet that you can learn so many new tricks !
Laura Dove
I would love to do a photography workshop, I love taking photos and am slowly getting to grips with my camera in manual mode, but I definitely could always learn more!
Jackie Mellor
Oh wow what a fantastic idea! I would love to do this if I were in the area, you would learn some priceless tips and tricks which could only improve your photography game. Definitely something I would be interested in!
Jackie – Organised Mum Life
The Panicked Foodie
My photography, especially my food photography, could use a little bit of help 🙂 I had no idea that best buy ran these types of workshops!! Thank you for writing about this! Definitely going to pin this information for later, when I buy an actual camera. I am still shooting with my smartphone 🙂
Christa Sloan
I don’t really like photography that much, I think I prefer video, but I have an appreciation for good photographs.
Tamra Phelps
I need to improve my photography skill, for sure, lol. Thanks to Best Buy for a great idea.
Wow! Good thing Best Buy came up with this workshop to fully maximize the use of those high quality cameras. The beginner’s workshop is a good foundation to learn taking the best and well choreograph photos.
A Best Buy photography workshop seems like a great class to improve your skills and work on your craft. I love the idea that they give you four mini photoshoots and a bag of camera goodies.
Somehow my pics turn out great. I take multiple shots and angles and delete the bad ones. I now understand what photogs go through with pictures.
Tamra Phelps
I could definitely use a good affordable way to get better at this! Best Buy’s price seems pretty good.
Christa Sloan
What a cool opportunity! I would so participate~ I would love to get a digital camera and use photoshop with it… 🙂
Fashion and Style Police
I like the sound of this course. I would love to take it if possible. Need to improve my photography skills.
I had no idea Best Buy offers classes. I wish there was a class near me. My whole family would love this!
Tamra Phelps
I like that they will let you practice with 4 separate photo shoots. Hands on practice matters.
Tamra Phelps
This is something I’d love to try. My photo taking skills are pretty low, lol.
Tamra Phelps
I do wish I could take better photos. I really like this idea! Good idea Best Buy.
Tamra Phelps
This is a good idea and it seems pretty affordable, too. I like it.
Rhonda Rudd
My daughter takes the best photos. Mostly selfies ofcourse but also lots of pictures of nature
Denise Low
I love taking pictures of the grand kids. We have lots of time to take pictures now that we are retired.
tiffany dayton
Really not into photography. I don’t take alot of pictures anymore.
Sarah L
I could benefit from this class. Not a good photographer at all.
Trisha McKee
I’ve always wanted to learn proper techniques for taking pictures. This looks like a great experience. To learn better ways to photograph – i think most people could benefit from this.
Richard Hicks
Just what I have been looking for. Always wanting to improve on my shots
Jan R
I’m no photographer but there are some great tips
Veronica Lee
I love photography! This workshop would be very helpful.
Sandra Crispo
I love the features on these, and thing, even I, could take great shots of family, nature, pets, etc.!!
Geri C
This is such a great thing Best Buy is doing. I would love to take both their workshops.
Jamie Wilmer
I think that photography is great skill to bring a family together!!!!!!!
Geri C
I checked and there are no workshops in the state of Georgia. Please consider having more workshops, Best Buy!
Patty Wright
I used to take a lot of pictures but since I got my laptop I take pictures on it.
Julie Ellis
Photography is the best and most satisfying hobby to get into. Love taking nature photos
Cheryl Everitt
I could always use help with my photography skills.
Deb Pelletier
I use to do a lot of photos , not as much. Good idea .
Linda Manns Linneman
I really enjoy photography. There is so much more I need to learn though. I will be checing this out. Thank you so much for sharing
Jamie Wilmer
I would love to learn how to do photography sometime!!!!!
Judy Thomas
Great pics. I love the one with the dog!
Debora P.
I could always use some pointers to improve my photos which I do quite a bit great idea!
Robin Bullock
I’m sure there are plenty of features on my smartphone camera that can help me take better photographs.
Angela MacRae
I really need a digital camera, I have taken pictures every day almost! I have been taking pictures everyday pretty much since I have had kids! I am glad that i have though as I got 2 got shots of my best friends parents with their granddaughter and they both died shortly after 🙁 I have gotten alot of nice pics over the years! Right now I am using my camera on my phone, but would love a real camera but just cannot afford one 🙁
donald johnson
like to win
Dorothy Boucher
I didn’t know Best Buy had something like this, I wouldn’t mind looking more into it.
William Davis
This is a great site.
I use to take lots of pictures when my children were young. Now that they are grown I don’t get a chance to take any of them.
rhonda miotke
I love taking pictures of my pup Buster would like to learn more about photography.
I wish I had the money for a nice camera. I love taking pics of nature and animals but my camera is no good.
Sheila F
A friend just gave me her camera as she is not using it and I had expressed an interest in photography. Your article has some great information and now I’m thinking a workshop or class might be a smart dea!
Nothing will help my lack of photography skills.
Samantha Keen
I’d love to do one of these. I think hands on is the best way to learn things like photography.
Christina H
Nice blog. Great advice. You’re never too old to learn something new. I’m going to give it a try. 🙂
Shiva kumar
Thanks for the wonderful tips to help me out with the taking cool pictures without any technical skills..
Soleih Gooden
I do not have a camera or a phone that takes lovely photographs but I really love photography and the power it has to inspire. One day one day I will be able to own a camera and I will be sure to come back to this blog. Beautiful, keep on inspiring.
Karley Moore
I loved this post! Thanks for sharing the info!
soleih Gooden
Beautiful post. Wish I had a Fujifilm TX3
Abigail Schuette
I am so in love with photography! My phone is so full of pictures! Its my dream to own and operate my own photography buisness . Thank you so much for sharing the info. I have screen grabbed all the info! Honestly its perfect timing as ive been looking for a photographer program/system actively for the past two month! Im really liking this! P.s. id love to see you do some camera reviews! I really enjoy your opinion thanks!
Heidi Horne
i love the phto ideas it ‘s been a while since i’ve took any fun photos.
Denise Low
Thank you for sharing. We love taking pictures of our grandkids.
Sandra Crispo
This is very interesting, but at 70 years young, not looking to start anything new, thanks!!
Nigel Soper
Some really inspiring thoughts here
Laura Darden
Thank you for sharing! I think that photoshop and photography should be left to the professionals and it looks as if you are well on your way!!!!
Cynthia C
I would like to learn more about how to take quality photographs. I usually like mine but I’d love to improve.
Jamie Wilmer
Thanks for the tips on improving your photo quality.
Nur Akmar Binti Bakri
I love this
save your memories
Autumn – my favorite holiday of the year! I relish this colorful, crunchy, blustery season and wish I could celebrate autumns everywhere all at once. Capturing the beauty of the seasons by improving my photography skills is just what I need!