Savvy Tips & Helpful Hints

How to Spice Up Your Love Life in The Bedroom

In the immortal words of Salt-N-Pepa, “Let’s talk about sex, baby.” More specifically, how to zhoosh up those steamy sessions in the boudoir for those feeling more “meh” than “yea!” 

Now, before anyone starts sweating or considering a strategic browser click-away, take heart. We’re about to tread this path with the grace of a ballet dancer wearing boxing gloves—clumsy yet surprisingly effective.

First off, why the need to spice things up? Well, if life’s daily grind were a flavor, it would probably be plain oatmeal. Nourishing? Sure. Exciting? Not so much. 

The same goes for long-term relationships where the once raging fire of passion has simmered down to a cozy, if somewhat predictable, ember. 

It’s completely normal but definitely signals that it’s time to fling open the spice cabinet.

1. Open Communication Channels

Start with a chat—and not just any chat. 

Open a bottle of wine or cook a meal together and venture into a heart-to-heart about your desires, fantasies, and maybe even your fears in the bedroom. Remember, vulnerability can be incredibly sexy. 

Just avoid doing it right before or after sexy time. Talk about pressure!

2. Dress to Impress

And by “dress,” I sometimes mean “undress” in strategic ways. 

Never underestimate the power of lingerie, a new pair of boxers that accentuates all the right features, or even fun costumes if you’re into role-playing. 

The goal is to visually stimulate and signal that it’s not just any other night—it’s a special night.

3. Introducing Props and Toys

You can find thrilling things from a good sex shop online, such as:

*Vibrators and dildos for those looking to add some buzz to their love making.

*Silk ties and blindfolds for a touch of mystery and sensory play.

*Massage oils because sometimes, a back rub mysteriously ventures into more exciting territories.

 Toys and props can be like adding hot sauce; a little can go a long way. Always discuss with your partner beforehand to make sure everyone’s on board with the new additions.

4. Try Something New

This can be anything from new positions to incorporating elements of BDSM, if you’re curious. Ever heard of the Kama Sutra? It’s not just ancient literature; it’s a manual! 

Jokes aside, variety is the spice of life, as they say. Maybe it’s time to take a class together—yes, they offer those for sexy stuff—or simply spend some time Googling together.

5. Plan a Romantic or Sexy Getaway

Sometimes, a change of scenery can be the biggest turn-on. It doesn’t have to be a trip to Paris (though if you can swing that, who would say no?). 

A night in a local hotel, a camping trip, or any getaway where it’s just the two of you can rekindle that flame. Plus, hotel sex—why is it a thing? Because the sheets are clean and someone else makes the bed. It’s science.

6. Schedule Date Nights… but Make Them Surprising!

The term “scheduled sex” might sound about as sexy as a dentist appointment, but hear me out. Knowing you have a dedicated time for intimacy allows both partners to mentally prepare and build anticipation. Just make sure each date has an element of surprise, like a new game, a theme, or an unexpected gift.

Spicing up your love life is about exploration, communication, and occasionally laughing at yourselves. If a sexy maneuver ends with a charlie horse or an awkward fall off the bed, it’s all part of the experience. 

Remember, the goal is to bring joy, pleasure, and maybe a little adventure into the bedroom. And hey, if all else fails, there’s always whipped cream. Because even if it’s not sexy, it’s still dessert.

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