How To Save Money On Your Heating Bills This Winter
As we enter September, it’s time to come to terms with the fact that Summer is over and Winter is only a few months away from us, so it’s time to get ready for the Sun to disappear, the weather to turn bad and for it to be absolutely freezing for the foreseeable future. You can implement certain things so that your house is kept warm, such as installing a furnace and using propane gas provided by companies such as Nelson Propane Gas for example. This method of heating provides fuel efficiency, which can assist with lower energy bills.
Now everything we can deal with, but the cold weather is really bad, not only do we have to put up with it being a frozen hellscape outside, we also need to put up with our heating bills going through the roof for the next few months. So to help counter the inevitable rising bills, we’ve put together this handy guide of how you can cut down your heating bills this Winter without having to go to the trouble of switching utility providers or getting a new boiler.
Grab A Jumper
This tip is usually shouted out by grumpy parents when they see you near the thermostat, but it’s good advice for cutting down on your spending, rather than turning the heating on straight away, chuck on a jumper or wrap up in a blanket first before going to the thermostat. Once you’re wrapped up, wait half an hour or so and if you’re still cold then turn on the heating.
Double Layer Window Blinds
One of the first things to do, if you’re attempting to cut down on your heating bills is insulate your windows, that’s where the cold leaks into your home meaning the heating has to be on for longer at a higher temperature to keep your home warm.
Normal blinds do a fair bit to help insulate windows, but if you really want to insulate your windows, you can’t beat a double layer roller blind, which is essentially 2 roller blinds built together, with 1 layer of dimout material and 1 layer of thick blackout material, this allows you 2 layers of protection from heat leakage and makes it easier to stay warm at home.
Maximize Heat That’s There Anyway
There are plenty of things we do at home every day that generate heat like cooking or having a warm shower. If you want to get a bit of extra warmth in your home, make sure that when you cook or have a warm shower you don’t turn on your extractor fans and make sure to keep the kitchen/bathroom doors open, this will keep the heat from your shower/oven in your home and help it circulate.
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