How to help your kid with their own YouTube channel
15 years ago, to the question “What do you want to be when you grow up?” children answered “veterinarian” or “cosmonaut”, but now the career choice of the younger generation is most often one – “video blogger”. This is not surprising, bloggers look like people who have achieved the desired balance: “Do what you love, and you will not have to work a single day.” So if you are a parent of a grown-up child of eight, ten or twelve years old, you must have heard at least once “I want to start my channel on YouTube!”. If this is the first time this has happened to you, then you should not panic and not refuse – we’ll tell you how to help your child realize video blogging ambitions without compromising safety and self-esteem. In this article, we have collected the main points to carefully and sensitively help your child with the formation of the channel.
Why Kids Might Want a YouTube Channel?
Kids aspire to start a YouTube blog for a variety of reasons. Some people don’t have a place where they can express themselves freely. Others are seeking a community or a platform where they may share their passions. Most kids have fantasies of achieving fame, having a large following, and earning a lot of money rapidly.

Help Your Child Create a YouTube account
Creating a channel is not at all difficult, but for an adult. At the very beginning, it is extremely important to help the child do everything right, show and teach the basic algorithms for working with the platform. Moreover, parental support in this issue is important – you will show children that you respect their choice and support them.
Decide on an Account
If your child wants to start a video blog on YouTube, the age must officially be over 13 years old – these are the rules of the service. If your child is younger and is not willing to wait, you can:
Use your account
If you have mail on the Gmail service, then you already have a login to register on YouTube. Just log in with your email address and go to your account settings.
Get your child a Google account
You can set up a Gmail account for your child and create a YouTube channel. Do not use the child’s real or full name for their own safety. Do not publicly disclose your home address or the school your child attends.
Decide on the Type of the Content
Before you start creating content, talk to your child about what things can be posted online and what things are best left to yourself. Teach them the basics of digital etiquette and digital hygiene that apply not only to content consumption but also to content creation.
Decide on the Name of the Channel
Help your child to come up with a creative and interesting channel name. Take into account privacy issues and remember that the name of the channel should reflect the content that will be created on the channel.
Select Category “For Children”
If your child posts a video intended for children, it will automatically be shown to a child audience, and comments will be disabled by default. This option is suitable for very young and novice video bloggers.
Help Your Child Create High-Quality Content
Make a Plan
Before your child launches their own channel, help them visualize what they want to achieve as good as possible. Discuss the format of the video, the target audience, how often new videos will be released.
Discuss Content
Before you start creating content, talk to your child about what things can be posted online and what things are best left to yourself. Teach them the basics of digital etiquette and digital hygiene that apply not only to content consumption but also to content creation.
Do a Test Run
Before your child’s creations go public, host a private screening with a very narrow audience that you can trust. Watch the first video made by a child for the channel, discuss what you liked and what needs to be improved. For a test run, you can demonstrate to the child how to make video from photos – this will be less difficult and energy-intensive for the child’s first experience in creating content.
Help the Child to Edit Their Videos for Mistakes
Be sure to watch all the videos your child posts before posting. It can be tedious, but you need to make sure your kids don’t accidentally reveal any personal information (what road they take to school, where they live, etc.). And also provide support in editing possible roughness in video and sound quality, sort out the errors together and eventually make the process of creating a video by a child completely autonomous.
Help Your Child with Channel Promotion to Grow Your Audience
YouTube channel promotion is a whole range of measures to optimize and promote the brand on video hosting and beyond. Of course, a child cannot independently analyze the metrics on the channel and not make optimization. That is why you should take on this role but also remember to involve the child in the process – explain what you are doing and for what purpose.
Content Plan
The content plan should include search queries that will help users not only find you faster, but also get useful information. Choose topics with a large audience coverage, from which it will be possible to create serial video materials and headings, thereby involving the viewer in watching the next episodes and scaling the audience itself.
Tips on YouTube
You need to go to the video hosting, enter a topic or question in the search box and look at the tips – they are formed based on recent requests from users.
Information From Competitors’ Channels
Analyze your direct and indirect competitors, as well as those channels that the child himself considers interesting competitors, look at their videos, tags, titles and descriptions, and also study channel and video design options.
Ideas From Your Channel
Review popular topics on your channel and think about ways you can modernize and improve videos that you haven’t talked about yet or where you could cover the topic more broadly.

Always Give Feedback
It is very important to give the children constant support, feedback, and offer suggestions for channel improvement. The key here is to be tactful.
Once the project is up and running, continue to be interested in what your children are doing. Let them know that they can always count on your support if something goes wrong, or if they have problems or difficulties.
Deal with negativity
Children and teenagers do not always respond well to criticism, especially when it comes in the form of nasty comments under their videos. Warn your child that not all feedback on their videos will be positive, and teach them how to deal with negativity online (from ignoring to closing comments and blocking users).
Every day, adults and young users of the site watch hundreds of thousands of hours of video, and it is important to understand and explain to the child that there will definitely be an audience for its content, you just need to be patient, systematically move towards the goal – to gain views and subscribers, and not be afraid to experiment. Now you know how to properly create your child’s YouTube channel.
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