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Four Tried-and-Tested Tips for Injecting More Personality into Your Family Blog

Four Tried-and-Tested Tips for Injecting More Personality into Your Family Blog

Family blogging can be a blast, but there’s no denying that competition is stiff for those that want to stand out from the crowd.

Whether you’re struggling to grow a following through your mommy blog or your site about raising a family isn’t getting the traction you’d like to see, there’s no need to panic just yet. There are tons of ways to inject more personality into your blog that you can implement quickly and without completely overhauling your site, as well as tons of ways to get people looking. You can make use of an SEO agency in Los Angeles as one example, if your blog is regionally focused, to really help boost your ranking..

After all, the key to making your name as a family blogger is all about your personality. To ensure that you’re letting you and your family’s journey shine, consider the following four tips for starters.

Master the Art of Storytelling

Telling stories means shedding light on your life, expressing your vulnerability and authenticity. This could mean telling stories of when you struggled as a parent or had to make a difficult decision. On the flip side, it could also represent something funny or humorous that happened within your household.

In short, it’s all about your unique experiences and perspective rather than parroting what other parents have already said. Building an audience means putting yourself out there, as well as your emotions (both positive and negative).

A great way to supplement to storytelling is through video. For example, you can vlog your experiences to add a visual component to your blog. Likewise, resources such as animation videos for your website is a compelling and creative ways to make your stories stick to your readers.

Include More Imagery in Your Content

On a related note, you should live by the motto “show don’t tell” when it comes to your family blog. Pictures of vacations, products and personal accomplishments are the perfect way to make your posts feel more personal and avoid them from becoming boring in the eyes of your average reader.

As a quick note, practice safety on your family blog when it comes to images of your family. This is especially important if you’re documenting your life with young children.

Ask Questions of Your Audience

If you’re struggling for personal topics or think that you’re just writing what everyone else is writing, it’s time to explore new material. The best inspiration for new content is oftentimes your audience as well as their pains, needs and desires. That’s why it’s so important to follow popular family Facebook communities to see what’s on the minds of your audience.

Don’t Sweat SEO As Much

This tip might seem a bit backward, but you can’t sacrifice readability for the sake of SEO. While it’s indeed crucial to include keywords in your content, especially if you’re trying to drive affiliate traffic, your blog can’t get off the ground if it looks like a keyword-stuffed mess. With this being said, if you are struggling with this side of your blog, you can always check out this outreach agency, just so you can speak to professionals who can help with successfully implementing SEO. This could make such a difference, but you won’t know if you don’t try.

Not every post needs to be absolutely perfect in terms of optimization. One good idea is to find a balance between SEO-driven posts and other more journal-style posts that aren’t concerned with keywords. The latter types of posts are more poised for shares, meanwhile the traffic from such posts can help drive more traffic to your site for the long-term. If you’re struggling with SEO, check out some SEO Agencies to help you out! There are plenty of options for general SEO and niche specific SEO too, just like Rocket Pilots.

Chances are you and your family have an infectious personality that people will cling so, so don’t be afraid to show it off! Just keep these tips in the back of your mind next time you’re looking to craft a post or want to guarantee that you’re doing everything in your power to create a stronger connection with your followers.