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Check Out My Newest Guest Post From Author Nicole Oke PLUS Learn About Her New Book ‘Penny Panda and the Emotion Ninjas’ & Enter A Giveaway! #PennyPanda

This post is sponsored by Nicole Oke. The review and opinions expressed in this post are based on my personal view.

The Power of Storytelling in Emotional Development 

By Nicole Oke 

Storytelling is a timeless tool that has shaped cultures, passed down wisdom, and conveyed moral values for thousands of years. From the earliest tales told around the fire to the books we read to our children today, stories have the unique ability to transport us to new worlds, introduce us to different perspectives, and challenge us with experiences far beyond our own. But perhaps the most magical part of storytelling is that it allows us to explore all of this from the comfort of our own homes. 

I still remember the nights when my daughter and I would cuddle up with her favorite book. As the story unfolded, I could see the wheels turning in her little mind, processing the emotions of the characters and making connections to her own experiences. It was in these moments that I realized the true power of storytelling—it’s more than just entertainment; it’s a powerful tool for emotional development. 

A good story provides an avenue to explore the unknown and live vicariously through its characters. We experience what they experience, feel what they feel, and learn what they learn. This makes books an incredible resource for helping children navigate their own emotional landscapes. Parents and caregivers can use stories to introduce kids to new emotions without them having to experience those emotions firsthand. Not only does this expand a child’s emotional understanding and vocabulary, but it also nurtures their empathy for others. So, how can we, as parents and caregivers, make the most out of the power of storytelling? 

Characters Kids Can Relate To 

The key to using books for emotional development is choosing stories with characters your child can connect to. When a child sees themselves in a character, it becomes easier for them to engage with the story and empathize with that character. For example, if your child loves playing soccer, find a book featuring a character who shares that passion. If you’ve recently brought home a new baby, a story about becoming a big brother or sister can be incredibly relatable. The more your child can connect with a character, the more they will learn from their journey. 

Incorporate a Variety of Emotions 

Finding relatable characters is just the beginning. To fully harness the power of storytelling, it’s also important to explore a variety of emotions through the stories we choose. When picking out books to read with your child, look for stories that cover a range of emotions. If you find a great book about anger, also consider picking up one about joy, loneliness, or fear. 

We all experience a wide range of emotions every day, and introducing kids to as many different emotions as possible will expand their emotional development tremendously. If you can find a book that discusses multiple emotions, that’s even better! This normalizes having multiple, sometimes conflicting, emotions and introduces kids to the idea of managing and taking control of their feelings. A great book for exploring conflicting emotions is Penny Panda and the Emotion Ninjas. It’s a wonderful tool for parents to use when talking about what to do when we are experiencing a lot of big emotions. 

Books that Show, Don’t Tell 

Another important aspect to consider is how the story presents emotions. Look for books that “show” rather than “tell.” This means that instead of simply telling us how a character feels, the book demonstrates it through actions, expressions, and situations. For example, rather than saying, “He was sad when the story ended,” a book might say, “He put the book back on the table as a tear rolled down his cheek.” 

When children see emotions in action, they can better understand the nuances of how feelings are expressed and experienced in real life. This not only enhances their emotional intelligence but also improves their ability to read social cues. It’s a subtle yet powerful way to build a child’s self-awareness and ability to identify emotions in others. 

Models Healthy Coping Mechanisms 

As you choose books, pay attention to the coping mechanisms they introduce. It’s crucial to select stories that model healthy ways of dealing with emotions. For example, a book might encourage deep breathing during stressful situations or use a comfort object when feeling sad. 

Unfortunately, not all books provide healthy coping strategies, so it’s important to be selective. I’ve come across books that introduced concepts I wasn’t comfortable with as a parent, which led me to remove them from our reading list. On the other hand, I’ve also found books with great coping mechanisms that didn’t quite fit our family’s lifestyle. For instance, while journaling is a fantastic way to express emotions, it might not be the best fit for a child who hates writing or struggles to sit still. In such cases, look for books that suggest alternatives, such as physical activities that help manage emotions. 

Encourage Conversation 

Now that you have an idea of what kinds of books to look for, it’s time to think about how you can encourage conversation with your child when you read them. Yes, kids will learn lessons simply from reading or hearing a story, but a book can have a much bigger impact when we talk about it together. 

Here are some questions you can use to encourage conversation: 

*How do you think the main character felt when ________ happened? 

*Have you ever experienced something like that? 

*How did it make you feel? / How do you think it would have made you feel? 

*What did you like about how they resolved the problem? 

*Would you have done anything differently? 

You can also share your own opinions and experiences with your child. Tell them what you thought the character might be feeling. This is a great opportunity to remind them we are all different and we can experience the same thing and feel differently about it. For example, if the main character is about to jump off of a high dive, your child might think they would feel scared, while you might feel excited. Understanding that no emotion is right or wrong is important, and knowing that it’s okay for others to have different emotions is a vital life lesson. 

After finishing a book, try role-playing a scene with your child where they get to be the main character. This can be a fun way to explore emotions further and see how they might handle a similar situation. 


A book is more than just a book; it’s a story, a journey, a lesson, and an experience. Books are tools we can use to build self-awareness and social understanding. They create empathy and encourage us to consider other perspectives. Children and adults alike can use the power of storytelling to continue their own emotional development journey. 

So the next time you pick up a book for story time, think about the emotional journey it will take your child on. Choose stories that not only entertain but also enrich their emotional world. And most importantly, take the time to talk about what you’ve read—those conversations can be as impactful as the story itself. 


Penny Panda and the Emotion Ninjas
Written by Nicole Oke

Illustrated by Richard Hoit

Ages 4-10 | 32 Pages

Publisher: Oke Publications | ISBN-13: 979-8-9870396-3-2

Publisher’s Book Summary: Get ready to dance into the world of emotions in Penny Panda and the Emotion Ninjas!

Izzy is gearing up for the big talent show, but she’s feeling a lot of big emotions – excitement, nerves, and everything in between! With her trusty friend Penny Panda by her side, Izzy embarks on a journey to understand the colorful cast of emotion ninjas that reside within her.

From the energetic Excitement Ninja to the protective Fear Ninja, Izzy learns to embrace her feelings and harness their power as she takes center stage. With each step, she discovers that every emotion has a role to play and that she’s the boss of her own emotional journey.

Join Izzy and Penny as they dance through a story filled with laughter, friendship, and the magic of self-discovery. “Penny Panda and the Emotion Ninjas” is a heartwarming tale that celebrates the power of emotions and the joy of being true to yourself.

Get ready to twirl, leap, and pirouette with Izzy and Penny in this enchanting adventure that will leave you cheering for more!


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Nicole Oke is an award-winning children’s book author, mother, and member of the wildland firefighting community. She is based in Boise, Idaho, where she works at the National Interagency Fire Center and spends her spare time as a Girl Scout leader, helping to build tomorrow’s leaders.

Nicole is a champion of social-emotional intelligence. As the parent of two girls with big emotions, she understands the importance of teaching children the skills they need to identify, process, and regulate emotions.

Her debut bestselling book, Penny Panda and the Gift of Possibility, was the first in a series of books that provide children and parents with the tools to talk about emotions and emotional skills that will last them a lifetime!

For more information, visit



I’m absolutely in love with this book! It’s the perfect book for every child as it teaches important lessons about feeling and emotions. Penny Panda and the Emotion Ninjas is a must read and I am gifting this one to my niece when I see her this weekend as I know she will love the message learned after reading this beautifully written and illustrated book. In this book Izzy, the main character is getting ready to perform in the Talent Show and she finds that even though she is super excited to perform…. that she is also very nervous and cannot understand how she can be excited and nervous at the same time. In comes Penny Panda who saves the day by explaining how everyone can feel more than one emotion at a time and that it is normal. It’s then that Izzy takes a look at all of the other kids that are getting ready to perform their own act for the talent show and she realizes they are all just as nervous as she is and that it’s completely normal. I love this book and the fabulous message found throughout. I will be getting a few copies to gift this one to all of the kids on my gift giving list this Holiday season. It makes the perfect gift and it’s a must-add book for every kids book collection.


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Giveaway Time


Enter for a chance to win one of ten signed hardcover copies of Penny Panda and the Emotion Ninjas. In addition to a signed copy, the grand prize winner will receive a Penny Panda sticker pack, Emotion Ninjas magnetic bookmark, coloring pages, and a $50 Amazon gift card!

Penny Panda and the Emotion Ninjas: Book Giveaway


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