Savvy Entertainment

Buy ‘Jesus Revolution’ Available On Digital Now

Many thanks to Kingdom Story Company for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own.

I am excited to share a movie with you all that I am in love with! It is called ‘Jesus Revolution’ and it just came out on Digital so that you can purchase it and watch it today! This is a powerful film about Jesus’ radical love for his children and the impact that His love has on us! You can now watch ‘Jesus Revolution‘ in the comfort of your own home and I highly suggest that you do as I am loving it and will watch this one time and time again. Take a look at the trailer:


In the 1970s, young Greg Laurie (Joel Courtney) is searching for all the right things in all the wrong places: until he meets Lonnie Frisbee (Jonathan Roumie), a charismatic hippie-street-preacher. Together with Pastor Chuck Smith (Kelsey Grammer), they open the doors of Smith’s languishing church to an unexpected revival of radical and newfound love, leading to what TIME Magazine dubbed a JESUS REVOLUTION.

If you and your family have not seen this incredible movie yet…. now is your chance and after seeing that trailer I knew it was a prefect film for me. You can NOW watch this beautiful film on digital PLUS it will be available on BLU-RAY/DVD starting 4/25! I challenge you to purchase it now and then see how you are impacted by this one just as I was! Kelsey Grammar and all of the amazing actors are fabulous ad I found myself teary eyed throughout but in a good way! Check it out!

JESUS REVOLUTION looks like a must-see movie right!? I watched this one and enjoyed every minute of it and I think you will too! Purchase JESUS REVOLUTION Today On Digital!

Now To The Giveaway!

Giveaway: $10 Amazon giftcard
This is limited to US winners only.


  • appetizersandentrees

    I’m thrilled to hear about ‘Jesus Revolution’ now being available on Digital, and I can’t wait to watch it. The synopsis and trailer have already captivated me, and I’m excited to be impacted by this powerful film about Jesus’ love. I appreciate your review and recommendation, and I’ll definitely be purchasing ‘Jesus Revolution’ today.

    • mcushing7

      You have to tell me how you feel about it after seeing it… I bought it myself after seeing it as I love dit so much! A beautiful film for sure! And I had no idea that back then there was a Jesus Revolution of sorts!? Who knew! So glad they shared this wonderful story 😉

  • Marie Cris Angeles

    Will save this for later. Jesus Revolution is a based true story and it’s very interesting.

    • mcushing7

      I love movies based on true stories and this one aught me something that I had no idea about. Beautiful film with a wonderful message or messages!

  • Lisa at Following the Rivera

    I’ve never heard of this film before but it sounds interesting. Who wouldn’t want to win an Amazon gift card? There are so many things I could order!

    • mcushing7

      I know right!? Good luck on the gift card giveaway and make sure to check out Jesus Revolution 😉

    • mcushing7

      It was fabulous and love the historical journey and the lessons I learned. I had no idea a Jesus Revolution in the late 60’s and early 70’s even happened. I love that it’s based on a true story and cannot wait to watch it again! I bought it on Digital as I loved it so much.

  • Monidipa Dutta

    I really appreciate the opportunity to learn about “Jesus Revolution” and the chance to win an Amazon gift card. The digital availability makes it easy to access and share with others.

  • Tammy

    First time I’m hearing of this but it sounds like a nice wholesome film for the family. I’ll definitely need to check it out.

    • mcushing7

      It is a beautiful film for the entire family! Love it and love that it is based on a. tru story… I learned something with this one which is why I absolutely loved it!

  • Victoria Prasad

    I hadn’t heard of this movie! But now, I definitely want to see it! Thank you so much for sharing. Finding quality, meaningful shows is often difficult to find these days.

    • mcushing7

      So very true and kind of sad to be honest. This movie blew me away and I was so surprised to have loved it as much as I did. I did not know that this was a real thing that happened in the late 60’s into the early 70’s and it is a beautiful story and a beautiful message that people need in these trying days 😉


    Oh wow, that sounds like a great giveaway. Kelsey Grammer is a great actor and I’m sure he does an amazing job in this movie. It sounds like you really enjoyed watching it x

    • mcushing7

      I totally loved it Melanie… I liked it so much I bought it to watch with my husband and my family. It is a beautiful film and everyone should see it!

    • mcushing7

      He was fabulous in Jesus Revolution 😉 He did a great job and the main character played the younger brother from The Kissing Bppth and he was amazing too! LOVED this film!

  • jupiterhadley

    I have not heard of this movie before – it sounds really interesting and it’s great that it came to blue-ray!

    • mcushing7

      I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed this one,. The music from the late 60’s and early 70’s makes it worthwhile and then the beautiful storyline… took me by surprise and I have to say… I purchased it to see again and again as it was a moving film about a true story that I had no idea about! Worth it and make sure to watch it when you can 😉 It is a beautiful film!