Savvy Education

Budgeting Basics for Youngsters: Fun and Educational Online Resources

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s crucial to instill financial literacy in youngsters from an early age. Teaching them the fundamentals of budgeting can set them on a path to financial success in the future. However, traditional methods of teaching budgeting may not be as engaging for young minds. That’s where online resources come into play. In this article, we will explore budgeting basics for youngsters and introduce you to fun and educational online resources that can make learning about money management an enjoyable experience. Budgeting is a valuable life skill that can empower youngsters to manage their finances effectively. However, it’s essential to make the learning process engaging and enjoyable to capture their interest. In this article, we’ll delve into the significance of teaching budgeting to youngsters and explore various fun and educational online resources that can help in this endeavor.

Why Teach Budgeting to Youngsters

Youngsters often learn best when they are having fun, and introducing budgeting at an early age can pave the way for a financially responsible future. Teaching budgeting to youngsters has several benefits:

*Financial Responsibility: Budgeting instills a sense of financial responsibility, helping youngsters understand the importance of managing their money wisely.

*Life Skills: It equips them with valuable life skills that will serve them well as they grow into adults.

*Preventing Debt: Teaching budgeting early can prevent them from falling into the trap of excessive debt in adulthood.

*Goal Setting: Budgeting encourages goal setting, teaching youngsters to save for their desired items or experiences.

Budgeting Basics Explained

Before delving into the online resources, let’s cover some budgeting basics that youngsters should grasp:

Understanding Income and Expenses

Youngsters should understand the concept of income (money they receive) and expenses (money they spend). This basic understanding forms the foundation of budgeting.

Creating a Simple Budget

Teach youngsters how to create a simple budget. This involves listing their income sources (allowance, gifts, etc.) and allocating money to various expense categories (toys, snacks, savings, etc.).

The Importance of Saving

Savings play a vital role in budgeting. It’s crucial to introduce youngsters to the concept of saving money for future needs and desires.

Setting Savings Goals

Encourage youngsters to set savings goals, whether it’s for a new video game, a bicycle, or a special outing. This motivates them to save a portion of their income regularly.

Tips for Encouraging Saving Habits

Share tips with youngsters on how to develop good saving habits. Discuss the benefits of delayed gratification and the joy of achieving their savings goals.

Interactive Budgeting Games

Now, let’s explore some online games that make learning about budgeting interactive and entertaining.


Moneyville is an online game that simulates real-life financial scenarios for kids. It helps them understand the value of money and how to make wise spending choices.

Practical Money Skills

Practical Money Skills offers various interactive games and tools for kids, covering topics like budgeting, saving, and responsible spending.

Money Metropolis

Money Metropolis is a virtual world where youngsters can explore and learn about money management while completing missions and challenges.

Educational Apps for Budgeting

Mobile apps can also be a valuable resource for teaching budgeting to youngsters.


iAllowance is an app that allows parents to set up allowances for their kids and track their spending. It provides a hands-on experience in managing money.


PiggyBot is designed for younger kids and teaches them the basics of budgeting and saving. It’s a user-friendly app with a fun interface.

Money Smart Kids

Money Smart Kids offers a range of educational games and tools for teaching kids about money, including budgeting and saving.

Busy Kid

Busy Kid is a user-friendly mobile app that revolutionizes financial education for both parents and children. This cutting-edge platform empowers parents to assign chores and tasks to their kids, rewarding them for their efforts with the Busy Kid card benefits. Going beyond traditional allowances, Busy Kid seamlessly merges modern technology with essential life lessons. Not only does Busy Kid foster a strong work ethic, but it also instills vital financial skills such as budgeting, saving, and responsible spending. By offering the Busy Kid card benefits, this app sets youngsters on a path towards financial independence and future success, starting from a young age.

Online Videos and Tutorials

Several online platforms offer video lessons and tutorials specifically designed to teach youngsters about budgeting.

Khan Academy

Khan Academy provides free video lessons on various financial topics, making it a valuable resource for parents and educators.


Banzai offers an online financial literacy platform with interactive lessons suitable for all age groups, including youngsters.

Dave Ramsey’s Kids & Money

Dave Ramsey’s Kids & Money program provides practical resources and lessons to teach kids about financial responsibility.

Teaching Budgeting Through Real-Life Scenarios

Practical application is essential in learning budgeting skills. Here are some real-life scenarios you can use to teach youngsters about budgeting:

Weekly Allowance Management

Help youngsters manage their weekly allowance. Encourage them to allocate a portion for savings and budget for their expenses.

Planning for a Special Purchase

When youngsters express interest in a particular item, involve them in planning for the purchase. Teach them to save and budget accordingly.

Parental Involvement and Support

Parents play a crucial role in teaching youngsters about budgeting. Engage in open discussions about money, set a positive example, and provide guidance and encouragement.

Measuring Success in Youngsters’ Budgeting Skills

As youngsters learn about budgeting, it’s essential to assess their progress. Look for signs of responsible money management, such as saving regularly and making informed spending choices.


Budgeting basics for youngsters can be both fun and educational. By introducing them to the concept of budgeting through engaging online resources, interactive games, and informative apps, we can set them on a path to financial literacy and responsible money management. Start early, involve parents, and watch as young minds develop into financially savvy individuals.