date at home
Savvy Tips & Helpful Hints

5 Ways to Impress your Date at Home 

There’s nothing quite like home cooking. Whether you want to dazzle a new date with your talents or sweep your long term partner off their feet, food truly is the way to the heart. So, how can you up your game and prepare a romantic night in to remember? We’re going to run through the essential components which will make your date at home a smash hit.  


One essential step to upgrade your home cooking is to take pride in your ingredients. Go for a ​​high quality prime rib over the everyday alternative and your meal will shine before you’ve even started cooking. Use fresh herbs instead of dried to inject your dish with flavor, and fresh chillies or specialised spice mixes will always pack an unrivalled punch. Make sure you think twice next time you’re shopping for ingredients to give your date the evening they deserve.  


When the evening comes, all of your attention should be on your date. Nothing will distract you more than complicated recipes, confusing instructions, and time-consuming techniques. Avoid the stress by using a smart recipe and meal planner. These simple and effective tools will recommend the best recipes for your skill levels, dietary requirements, and ingredients. Let an app do the heavy lifting so you can spend your time making this a date to remember. 


Don’t let all of your culinary efforts go to waste with poor presentation. Even the best meals can be underwhelming if they’re carelessly piled on a plate. You are trying to impress your date after all! Keep the different components of your dish separate on the plate and show them off in all their glory. Try to add some color with a side salad or a purée, and make sure you’re serving the perfect portion size. An overloaded plate will look too messy, but the last thing you want is your date going hungry.  


Wine is an essential component for many couples’ date nights. No other drink comes close for an evening of sophistication, romance, and fantastic flavours. Unfortunately, wine can be a scary world to enter. If you’re not careful, the minefield of varieties can clash with your delicately prepared meal and send your evening downhill. Luckily, there are plenty of wine pairing services to solve all your problems. Just enter the meal you’re planning to cook and these expertly crafted sites will suggest a range of wines which are perfect for the occasion.  


A homebound date can rival any restaurant experience if you get the mood right. Make sure your place is clean, tidy, and looking its best. Pay close attention to the table, lay out your place settings with good cutlery, attractive table mats, and elegant wine glasses. Make your space relaxing and romantic with a scattering of candles and a playlist of great background music. For bonus points, add some songs which are personal to you and your date!