5 Things to look for in an assisted living facility
An assisted living facility is an institution where people with disabilities or people who are unwilling to live independently go to reside. Below are a couple of things to look for in such a facility.
1. A homey touch
Places like Lakeside Manor assisted living facility should feel like a second home away from home. The citizens should be comfortable and free to interact with anyone and play board games for instance so as to bond and keep themselves entertained. The facility should also be clean with enough bathrooms and basic needs. Escondido assisted living aims to achieve this and so much more so as to ascertain that your loved ones feel as comfortable and as happy as they can.
2. A suitable location
Choosing the right location is one thing to pay a considerable amount of attention to when selecting an assisted living facility, whether you’re deciding on an assisted living in lincoln community, or one in your location. Having the community close to your home will be beneficial in many ways This could be the distance of the facility to the homes of children or the family of the citizen who will be living in the facility. This will make visits much easier and convenient allowing them to keep in touch with their loved ones. Moreover, it will make the senior citizen feel like he or she has not been abandoned and since they will still be pretty close to home. The facility should also be close to institutions such as a hospital in case of any emergencies or checkups.
3. Social amenities
The citizens living in the facility should be able to enjoy their everyday lives just like anybody else. It would, therefore, be wise to look for an assisted living facility with social amenities such as a pool or a movie theatre for entertainment. Such things will enable citizens to have fun and to keep up with the hobbies that they have had their entire lives. Gardens are also reasonable as well since they will provide individuals with a place to relax while reading a book and to get some fresh air.
4. Safety
Safety is always paramount for any institution or facility, be a school, the workplace or home. While searching for an assisted living facility it is of utmost importance to pay attention to the safety of the place and to ensure that your loved one will be secure. Some small details to check include the presence of guards, security cameras and key cards or locks for their rooms. This will prevent any incidences of theft or worse situations which could lead to unnecessary conflict.
5. Friendly staff
Senior citizens living in assisted living facilities (like this Bethany Homes Residential Care Facility) are provided with help from the staff for most of the activities that they undertake. It is thus important that the staff be willing to offer this aid with a smile and to offer any assistance that the individuals require with the friendliness and patience expected of them. Harsh staff can make your loved ones feel unwelcome and pretty uncomfortable which is not good at all for their well being. Friendly staff will make their stay much better and they will be happy. This is why you should visit a lot of retirement homes in Ottawa.
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Tamra Phelps
All of these are important. It can be such a big decision to move like this but it pays to take your time and do your research.
Nancy Burgess
Thank you for these tips these are good things to know before you look at places.
Paula Ball
Another thing to look for is a good activities director who engages with tenants/residents. There should be something going on every day to keep busy & active. Movies, bingo, special meals, outings to museum, parks, special events, religious services, are a few activities to look for. Anything that encourages socializing & keeps people active in life.
Amy D
My parents are getting older, and we’ve talked about an assisted living facility to them. These are all important things to look for. Certainly if the staff isn’t friendly to me, I can’t expect them to be friendly to my parents. I’ve walked into assisted living facilities that weren’t clean and smelled like mildew. Those are also red flags.
Lauryn R
I have always heard horror stories and have big fears about senior living. I actually live with my dad at the moment and although is nowhere near old enough to be in one, (he just turned 60) I would love to avoid having to. These are great tips for the future though, thank you so much for sharing!
Karen Propes
Great tips, when we were looking for my MIL, it was really hard and had to move her once when we found out her care wasn’t up to what it was supposed to be, they messed up her meds. But go and look around when you are not having a tour. Speak to the other families. When we finally found one we like it was great. It’s such a hard thing to have to do but sometimes you just can’t take care of them at home when they have special needs you can’t provide.