Savvy Tips & Helpful Hints

4 Tips for Opening Your Own Bar 

If you’re passionate about all things mixology and love the idea of creating a lively atmosphere where people can come together and enjoy a tasty beverage, then opening your own bar is a great idea! It allows you to make connections, bring people together and even express your creativity. 

However, if you’ve never owned a bar before, you may not be prepared for all that it entails. Whether you’ve already launched, or you’re considering opening one in the near future, here are some of the best tips for opening your own bar.

Find a Solid Staff

Regardless of how delicious your drinks are, 75% of the experience comes down to customer service. You want to make sure that you find staff that isn’t just knowledgeable about making drinks and being friendly to customers, you want to make sure that they’re reliable. 

A reliable staff is one that’s there early when you need to unload your deliveries, and is willing to pick up shifts if one of your other employees is sick. Ultimately, you want people who represent the same values as your bar.   Experience alone is not enough to determine whether someone would be a good fit, so take your time and choose carefully.

Location Matters

Location is everything when it comes to the overall success of your bar. You want to look for a place that has high foot traffic and is visible to passersby. Above all, make sure that the area you’re in aligns with your target market. For example, if you’re looking for a younger hip crowd, and your bar is located in a suburban family area, then it’s not going to work to your advantage. 

Lastly, make sure that whatever space you’re looking at to open your bar aligns with your design idea. You may need to make certain upgrades or renovations to bring your bard’s vision to life.

Keep Your Menu Simple

One of the biggest mistakes that new bars make is overdoing it on the drink menu. When customers open your menu you want it to be concise, simple and easy to understand. Think one or two pages as opposed to ten. People get overwhelmed and aren’t sure what to choose if you give them too many options. Think quality over quantity, and you can’t go wrong.

Offer a Great Happy Hour

The key to breeding loyal customers and creating an atmosphere where people want to return to, is hosting a great happy hour.  Beyond offering affordable drinks, you should also order a happy hour food menu. This will help drive a crowd and encourage people to stop by after work with their friends and coworkers.

Opening a bar isn’t as easy as it may seem. But with the right steps and a little bit patience, you should be able to create a bar that becomes a cherished gem for plenty of loyal customers.