Savvy Tips & Helpful Hints

3 Ways to Improve Your Child’s Emotional Health

Your child’s emotional and mental health is just as important as their physical needs.

Image courtesy of Pexels

As a parent, you’ll do anything in your power to keep your child safe and healthy. You cook healthy meals, send them outside to play, and get them involved in sports to promote a healthy lifestyle — but are you paying close attention to their emotional and mental health? 

Have you ever noticed a change in your child’s mood and chaulked it up to a bad day or teenage mood swings? While that might be the case, sometimes small behavioral changes become something more concerning. If you’re ever unsure of the health of your kids talk with their doctor to determine the next steps. 

In this article, we’ll take a look at a few different ways you can help keep your kids mental and emotional heal on track. Here’s a quick look at what we’ll discuss: 

*Emotional health in children and know how to identify warning signs

*The importance of allowing your kids to express themselves 

*Understanding how to guide and discipline kids when necessary

*How spending time as a family can help

Noticing changes in your child’s emotional health is important to pay attention to. Minor behavioral changes can build up and become serious problems over time. Image courtesy of Pixabay

Emotional and Mental Health in Children

As a parent, you should strive to set a good example for your kids around emotional and mental health. Kids learn through their parents and that includes the way they communicate and handle their emotions. Allowing open communication with your kids will let them know they are valued, respected, and loved. 

It’s important to notice warning signs in your child’s behavior that may indicate that your child is struggling. Here are a few things you should keep an eye out for: 

*Trouble concentrating

*Changes in school performance

*Overreacting to a situation

*Often worried, unhappy, sad, or angry

*Wanting to be alone

*Trouble sleeping

*Lack of energy

*Frequent headaches, stomach aches, and other pains

Understanding your child’s mental and emotional health is important to raising a healthy, happy child. Let’s take a look at a few different ways parents can help set kids up for success when it comes to their emotional and mental health. 

Let your kids express their feelings. Whether those feelings are happy, sad, angry, or anything in between. Keeping feelings bottled up won’t do them any good and you need to teach them how to manage these behaviors in a healthy way. Image courtesy of Pexels

Allow Your Kids to Express Themselves

Kids need a safe place to express themselves. Telling kids to represent their feelings is not a healthy way for them to manage their emotions. Providing them with a healthy outlet will teach them how to manage their feelings and understand that it is okay to feel sad or angry sometimes. 

When your kids are expressing their feelings, remember that you don’t have to fix every problem. You don’t need to talk them out of the way they are feeling but provide them with comfort and reassurance that it’s okay to feel.

It’s your job to guide and discipline your child through their emotions. Learning that it’s okay to feel emotions, but not always act on them is an important thing for kids to understand. Image courtesy of Pexels

Guide and Discipline Them When Necessary

While we do want to encourage children to express their emotions and not to repress the way they feel, we also don’t want them to act on certain feelings. For example, when your child is angry, it’s okay to feel anger but not act upon it. You need to guide your children to understand this and discipline them when they don’t follow the rules. 

Set rules that everyone in the family must follow, including yourself. Remember, your children look up to you to learn and grow as an individual — setting a good example is very important. Explain why you are disciplining them and talk about why the behavior was inappropriate. Use this as an opportunity to help them learn that there are consequences to their actions.  

Quality family time is very important for the emotional health of your kids. Spending time together will help build a stronger bond and a safe place for your kids to express how they are feeling. Image courtesy of Pexels

Spend Time Together

Let your kids know they are a priority in your life. Set time aside to spend time as a family and create an open and safe environment. The more time you spend with your kids the more likely you are to notice shifts in their mood and personality. So spend a little extra time at the dinner table, playing dolls, or watching movies together. 

This will also help you build a strong bond with your kids, and help them develop positive behaviors and encourage more open communication. The closer you are to your kids, the more likely they are to open up to you when they are having a problem. 

Prepare your kids for the life ahead of them by setting them up with good emotional health practices. Knowing how to manage their emotions is an important step in their development. Image courtesy of Pexels

Teach Your Kids Healthy Emotional Health Practices 

It’s important that we don’t forget to take the time to teach kids about the importance of their emotional and mental health. Providing them with a healthy outlet to express their thoughts and feelings will teach them that it’s okay to feel. As a parent, it’s your job to guide your kids and help them understand the world around them. Taking time to build a strong bond with them will let them know you are a safe place for them to express their emotions.

One Comment

  • Connor

    Giving kids tips on healthy ways to express their emotions is very important because it could establish habits they’ll use when they’re much older and going through college