3 Ways To Get Things For Free (Save A Lot Of Money!)
Usually, when someone says you’re getting something for free, there’s a catch. Today, your skepticism will be put to the test as you see three ways to get things for free. There are no catches, no terms and conditions, just three simple ways to save money by getting your hands on free stuff.
#1 Look for online testers
If you have a look online, you’ll find a whole host of freebies available for testers. Companies will send products out for people to try. Sometimes, the products haven’t been released yet. Other times, they’ve popular products and the company wants feedback or reviews.
In either scenario, you get sent something for free! Have a look around for sites that do this – and the best thing is, you don’t need any experience at all. There are no job qualifications for being a product tester, so anyone can do it.
A few good things to test are:
*Skincare products
*Makeup products
*Fitness products
*Tech products
The testers you receive are sometimes pretty decent too – like a full bottle of shampoo or a proper makeup palette. So, you’re basically saving money by getting things you can use without spending a penny.
#2 Shop at closing times
This next method is mainly useful when you’re buying food. If you’re passing a bakery or coffee shop and it’s about to close, head inside and ask if they have any food they’re throwing away. You’ll be stunned by how many coffee shops throw away cakes, sandwiches, and loads of other things at the end of the day.
Sometimes, if they’re feeling nice, they’ll give you the leftovers for free. Try this tactic at any food store with a closing time and perishable products. Doughnut stores are also great for this, so give it a shot.
#3 Become an influencer
Now, this is by far the most difficult method of the three, but it’s also the most rewarding.
If you become an influencer, brands will literally line up at your email address begging you to take their products. They want you to review products, or they want to sponsor you – the opportunities are endless. And you genuinely get loads of stuff that’s sent out regularly too.
Obviously, the hardest part is growing an audience and having some influence over them. If you were looking for the simplest way to be an influencer, it’s probably building a blog. Once you have a blog that people visit regularly, you can start contacting brands and asking for opportunities. The more deals you get, the bigger your blog grows, and you unlock additional opportunities. It’s highly rewarding and all the stuff is given to you for free.
See, there are ways to genuinely get free stuff. If you’re looking to make financial savings, you should always take advantage of anything that’s given away for free. The first two methods are definitely the most feasible for the general population. Anyone can use them to get a freebie here or there. Take things to the next level by becoming an influencer.
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