10 Tips for Camping with Your Dog
With the warmer weather on its way, you are crazy to pack up the tent and go to the woods to camp!? But then you realize that there is someone who doesn’t want to be alone at home while you have fun … And you don’t know what to do with him: your dog! Why don’t you invite him to be your camping partner!? It can be fun, for you and for him!
But it takes a little planning. For the trip to be smooth and pleasant, you must think about the good living with the camping neighbors and the well-being of your own dog. Take a look at our tips:
1. Do you know your dog? First of all, ask yourself if you know your dog and how he would behave in the face of this new experience, with different people, running children and other animals. If he is very messy, violent, antisocial, or barks a lot, think about the headache it can cause and whether he or she is worth taking. If you think it’s okay, keep reading the tips below and if you find that you need some sturdy camping equipment, be sure to check out theexpertcamper.co.uk for some amazing options.
2. Start small. If you have never camped with your dog and do not know very well how he will behave, start with a short trip, 1 day, then a weekend, then a holiday, and start feeling if you and he like it.
Tips regarding camping and camping neighbors
3. Check the camping rules. Some campsites allow pets without restrictions, others allow only small animals, others only on a leash, others allow only in low season, and others do not. So, get in touch with the camping site to describe your dog and make sure you can take it.
4. Always keep the dog on the leash, even if it is trained. You might need dog pet playpens. Not everyone likes dogs … And even those who do will not want their dog with dirty paws invading their tent! Even if your dog is obedient, many people are afraid and don’t even like to think about the loose animal around. Also think about whether he will respond well by being stuck all the time; some are used to it, others are not.
5. Take long guides to give the dog more freedom. This is a good tip to keep your dog trapped, within reach, but with some freedom to run and play with more space. Just have an extendable guide, or more than one guide and hook on one another.
6. Collect your dog’s poop and food scraps! If you have a minimum of hygiene, this tip is basic, not just for camps! This attitude keeps the camping clean, avoids unpleasant smells and does not attract insects and other animals.
7. See the weather forecast. Your dog also feels cold and hot! If it is too cold, take a clothes and a blanket for him to wrap him in, buy from Pet Parents to let your dog sleep well even it’s too chilly of weather. If it is too hot, give it plenty of fresh water and provide him or her with lots shade.
8. Plan where he will sleep. Think about where he is used to sleeping at home and do it at the campsite. If he sleeps outside, leave him outside – or buy him a stall (there is a dog, or it can be a child’s!). If he sleeps in the room with you, put him in your tent, but make sure there is room for everyone!
9. Think about your dog’s safety in transportation. If you are going to travel by car, your pup should not be loose – you can either put a special seat belt on or put him or her in a box, and then fasten them in with a belt. In the case of travel by bus and plane, it is necessary to consult the company you are going to use, as the rules vary from one to another.
10. Take all precautions regarding your dog’s health. In contact with nature and other animals, your dog may be more vulnerable. So make sure that vaccines and wormers are up to date and that the drugs are all in your luggage. Contact a local veterinarian for any emergency. And read some first aid tips for dogs.
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