My Savvy Review of The Capresso MT900 10-Cup Rapid Brew Coffee Maker @CapressoTweets @SMGurusNetwork
Deliciously Savvy Received This Product In Exchange for an honest and unbiased review and all opinions are 100% my own.
There are a lot of them on the market so there is loads of debate on what the Best Coffee Maker is. I have tried a fair few in my time, some being a lot better than others. It’s all a matter of opinion but there’s usually one product that stands out more than others. It is no secret that I love coffee and that I love Capresso products. That is why I was so thrilled to review the Capresso MT900 10-Cup Rapid Brew Coffee Maker! I have to be honest…. I have a Keurig BUT I always have a traditional drip coffee maker as well because I love grinding fresh coffee beans for the most delicious cups of coffee and this amazing unit really brings out the best flavor from my fresh grinds. Also… you are not clogging up the landfills with all of those plastic K-Cups. It nearly rivals the machine my friend bought from Great Coffee Brewers, and if I am honest and if I was going to ever replace this, I would consider going there next. But this Capresso is amazing for my needs! Add in all of the fabulous features that you receive with this product… and you have a unit that will create delicious cups of coffee anytime you want. Who needs to pay for a fancy cup of coffee every morning when you can brew amazing cups with this Capresso coffee maker each and every day?
This unit is the best drip coffee maker that Capresso provides. It is simply amazing and packed full of amazing features. First…. I love the slim profile. This unit really takes up an amazingly small space on my counter top as it is really slim in design from front top back. Secondly…. I love love love the removable 50 oz water tank! Seriously…. just pop it out to wash and clean whenever you feel the need. It makes cleaning a breeze. No more struggling to clean the water tank on a standard drip brewer… as they do not remove so you have to try and clean without submerging the actual coffee maker into the water. This ensures that your water tank is prestine and clean so that you can get the most delicious cups of coffee each and every time.
Check Out The Fabulous Features & Benefits:
- Stainless steel-lined heating system eliminates contact with aluminum and reduces the need for decalcifying
- Brews 10 cups of coffee in under 7 minutes for maximum flavor and aroma
- Stainless steel housing for superior strength and style
- GoldTone filter is easy to clean and eliminates the need for paper filters
- Removable 50-oz water tank
- Extra-large showerhead design fully saturates ground coffee, ensuring best extraction
- Drip stop for pouring a cup while brewing
- 24-hour programmable LCD clock/timer
- Retains all programming during short power outages up to 10 seconds
- Special setting for maximum aroma when brewing 3–5 cups
- Safety auto shut-off after brewing
- Charcoal water filter
- Electronic filter indicator shows when to replace the charcoal filter
The Capresso MT900 Coffee Maker brews coffee in less than one minute per cup which means your coffee will never be over extracted or bitter. The extra-large size showerhead makes sure that the coffee grounds are evenly saturated for perfect extraction with each and every brew. I also love that the removable water tank is completely visible without having to move the machine. You can see it right from the front on either side.
The stainless steel carafe keeps your coffee hot and fresh for hours! You also receive a charcoal water filter, that is included with the machine, and an electronic counter keeps track of how many pots of coffee have been brewed. You will always know when to replace the filter as there is an automatic LED light that illuminates to alert you to make the filter change. You can order replacement filters directly from Capresso as well as replacement accessories if you ever need them. I also have to admit that I love the GoldTone filter that eliminates the need for paper filters! How green is that?
Want To See More? Check Out Capresso Today & If You Love Fresh Ground Coffee Beans for your coffee check out my review for the Capresso CoffeeTEAM GS!
As Always, Thank You For Visiting Deliciously Savvy Today and Leave Some Love Today! Be On The Lookout For The Giveaway To Win One Of These Bad Boys Too!
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Linda Manns Linneman
I love grinding my own beans also. I love a good cup of coffee. This sounds so easy to use and to clean. Very stylish. Thank you so much for sharing
Melanie Rhodes
I love coffee and would love to win this!
Sarah Anne
Thank you for the review! Right now I mainly make my coffee with a French Press, and I’ve been looking for an easier solution (still maintaining quality) for weekday mornings. This may be it! Do you feel like the one-minute/cup brewing makes a strong enough cup of coffee?
Anita Duvall
I love that the coffee maker has a removable water tank. This is so much easier that trying to pour the water in the tank. Love how quick it is also!
Cindy S.
Capresso makes wonderful products. We have had one of their coffee makers for years and would gladly buy another.
Sandy Cain
I titally agree with you about grinding fresh coffee beans. There’s really no comparison. Picture fresh vs. dried herbs & spices – what a difference! I also love that water tank can removed for easy cleaning. Looks like a GREAT machine!
monique s
THis looks like it will really create a smooth and wonderful cup of coffee. I love a good cuppa joe, so this is perfect for me.
Love how quickly it brews for more than one cup
Carol Spierdowis
This really looks like a well made machine.
Sue E
I like a change of different coffees now and then. But to me, going out and ordering a specially made cup of coffe IS a treat for me. My husband wouldn’t go for any other coffee, but a regular brewed black cup of coffee.
I do like that it is slim and won’t take up much counter space and makes cups of coffee really fast! This would make a good Mother’s Day gift.
Linda Manns Linneman
This is so nice. I love that it brews 10 cups of coffee. I also love that it is stainless and is so easy to clean and use. Thank you so much for sharing
Jamie Johnson
Thank you so much for this review. I am in the process of shopping for a new coffee maker, now that my husband of almost 10 years has become a coffee convert and drinks as much as I do! It used to be so simple, but now I have to make coffee for two, with no time to spare in the mornings. My brain does not turn on until I’ve had my coffee. I love this coffee maker, and I love the way you described EVERY single aspect of it! I, too, love the gold tone basket because I REFUSE to use paper ones! We are big recyclers, which is the main reason I won’t buy a Keirug or any other type of coffee machine that uses those pods. They are dangerous to the environment, and even the guy who invented them wishes he did not. So, with this coffee maker being able to make a cup of a coffee a second means I can get moving much faster in the mornings, and maybe my hubby won’t be so grouchy, too. Thank you for this in-depth review. I’m sold!
Katt Lewis
My coffee maker is so old, I can’t leave the 2nd cut on or it burns and tastes bad. Can’t wait for a new one….been waiting for a few years now.
I love coffee and this machine would be great to have!
This is definitely superior to the old and cheap Braun drip we no longer use because the glass carafe broke. Thanks for the informative review.
denise low
Thank you for sharing. This would be great to have. I like that it is easy to clean.
Another fantastic machine from Capresso! The removable water tank is genius. You can’t make a good cup of coffee if your water tank is dirty or scaled. This sounds like a wonderful wedding gift!
Sandy Klocinski
I had an older model Capresso with carafe for many years but can no longer get parts for it (like a carafe). I like the brand because of the carafe and not having to use paper filters. The fact that it really does keep the coffee hot in the carafe for many hours is ideal!!
Angela Saver
We are big coffee drinkers and this would be awesome! Thanks for a great review!
Tara Pittman
Love that this has a timer on it. Now I am craving a cup of coffee.
gloria patterson
Looking for something for my 87 yr old mother who loves drip coffee. The only problem is she forgets to turn it off and it burns up sooner or later. I like that it is “Safety auto shut-off after brewing”
Desiree DeYoung
A detachable tank and the fact it tells you when to change filter sounds really cool!!!^_^
my coffee pot is old and breaking down this coffee pot has great reivew’s love the stain’s steel.
We’ve been a keurig faily for several years now, but I’ve been considering going back to a “big pot”. This is definitely pushing me toward that decision…and toward another cu of coffee RIGHT NOW.
denise low
I love that this is stainless steel and that it brews in 7 minutes. Thank you for sharing this review.
Birdie Skolfield
I can’t believe it makes 10 cups in 7 minutes I need one of these for on the go mornings which is 7 days a week round here
Mya Murphy
My husband and I have a coffeemaker that hardly works.. bought at goodwill.. totally need an upgrade!
Richard Hicks
I love how sophisticated it is. Particularly like the 24 hour timer that it has
I have looked at these coffee makers online and always wanted one.. They are so programable .. easy to use and have so many features.. especially the bean grinder….
Darlene Carbajal
I like how it has the electronic filter indicator to show when to replace the charcoal filter.
I am a huge fan f anything capersso..and had a coffee maker of theirs for years..recently gave away.
I highly recommend.
I’m looking at ice tea makers now.
Btw..for bonus enter I entered on the blog here we got again ready..and comments section was closed.
Therefore, instead of bonus comment in comments..I put in box..sorry.
And, thanks
sherry butcher
Wow, a removable 50 oz water tank! sounds so good because some times it’s hard to clean out the water tank and this would be simple. Thanks for sharing.