Health & Wellness

Why Your Workout Plan Should Align With A Healthy Meal Plan 

Eating a well-balanced diet is one of the most effective ways to cut down those extra calories from your body. Many people rely on just physical workouts to stay fit, but if your workout plan is not aligned with a balanced diet plan, it’s of no use.  

A nutritious diet alongside regular physical exercise is a lifestyle that will help you maintain physical and mental well-being. Poor lifestyle can lead to clinical complications and illnesses like a decline in mental health, low immunity strength, diabetes, neurological disorder, obesity, and many medical issues. This article will provide you with some tips on how to align a healthy meal plan with your workout plan:   

Eat your breakfast like a king 

If you wake up early to work out, eat a filling breakfast one hour before the workout session. Add carbohydrates to your meal to improve your workout performance and intensity. Skipping breakfast can make you feel lethargic and sluggish. Add options like whole-grain cereal or a slice of bread, juice, low-fat milk, banana, yoghurt, and black coffee to your breakfast. If you plan to work out within an hour post breakfast, keep your meal light. 

Watch the portion size 

Try and incorporate three large meals and two small meals or snacks every day. Do not overdo the portion size and maintain a gap of at least 3-4 hours between the large meals and exercising and 1-3 hours between small meals and the workout session. If you are someone who is busy and can’t cook healthy meals all the time, the best solution to this is to order it from a healthy food outlet. You can subscribe to meal kit prep delivery and can get the right food delivered at the right time. Eating a lot before exercising can make you feel lethargic, and eating too little can make you feel fatigued. 

Add carbohydrate-rich snacks or beverages 

Add carbohydrate-rich and good snack options like an energy bar, yoghurt, fresh fruits, fruit smoothie, low-fat granola bar, peanut butter sandwich, and sports drink. These options will provide your body with added energy and prevent you from being distracted because of hunger. These snacks are the perfect option if you plan to delay your workout by a few hours post-meal.  

Eat after exercising 

Muscle glycogen stores are a form of carbohydrate that your body uses as fuel during an intense workout. You need to provide your body with carbohydrates post-workout to replenish the glycogen stores.  You can eat food like peanut butter sandwiches, low-fat milkshakes, smoothies rich in protein and carbs, turkey, whole grain food products, vegetables, yoghurt, and fruits. These food items will provide strength to the body to heal and recover.  

Increase your fluid intake 

About 70% of the human body is water, and staying hydrated is the key solution to all physical issues. You need to stay hydrated during and post-workout to replace the loss of fluids and maintain the body’s electrolytes. A person should drink 3-4 litres of water every day to prevent dehydration and maintain a healthy fluid level. Even while working out, make sure to drink ½ to 1 cup of water every 15-20 minutes. 


A healthy lifestyle is a combination of a nutritious diet and regular exercise. Our society does not entirely support a healthy lifestyle as unhealthy food options and physical inactivity still prevail. Maintaining a proper lifestyle must be the top priority for any individual. The primary benefit of regular exercise and a balanced diet is disease prevention. Combining exercise with a healthy diet can reverse the effect of certain diseases. It can help reduce stress and increase brain activity. A healthy lifestyle can prevent depression and raise self-esteem. Decide on your workout and meal plan based on what your body needs and the realistic fitness goals you have decided for yourself.