Health & Wellness

The Benefits of Yoga for Weight Loss: Poses and Practices

Kickstarting a pursuit of weight loss through exercise can be challenging. Not many have access to equipment, fitness gym membership fees can be expensive, and being watched while working out is awkward for some. Yoga is the key! It’s universally accessible with minimal equipment required. With a yoga mat and determination, you are good to go for an efficient fitness journey, even in the comfort of your home. 

Yoga offers benefits and purpose in many dimensions of fitness. Yoga for weight loss also contributes to the development of toned muscles, a flat stomach, slim limbs, and improved posture. But more than the physical yoga benefits, there are several essential reasons why yoga should be incorporated into your weight loss regimen.

Yoga Benefits for Weight Loss

1)Burns Calories

Styles like Vinyasa and Power Yoga involve continuous movement and flowing sequences, which can increase heart rate and result in calorie burning. 

Yoga often engages various muscle groups simultaneously, contributing to a higher caloric expenditure than static exercises targeting isolated muscles.

2) Increases metabolism

Regular yoga can efficiently boost metabolism, enabling the body to burn calories even during outside practice. Furthermore, yoga can help regulate metabolism-related hormones, such as cortisol and thyroid hormones, which play a role in weight management.

3) Reduces stress

Regular yoga practice has been shown to lower stress hormone levels, which can help prevent excessive fat accumulation in the body. Yoga’s focus on deep breathing and relaxation can help improve mood and reduce symptoms of stress and anxiety. When individuals feel better emotionally, they are more likely to make positive choices regarding their overall well-being, including diet and exercise. 

4) Improves digestion

Yoga’s gentle movements focus on deep breathing, and the promotion of relaxation contributes to improved digestion and gastrointestinal health. Certain poses put pressure on abdominal areas creating a massaged effect. These actions can help stimulate blood flow to the digestive system and improve its functioning.

5) Fosters mind-body connection

The discipline of doing yoga contributes to fostering mind and body connection. The focus it requires helps in being aware of what the body signals, like hunger, stress, or tension resulting in a boost of self-compassion.

6) Better self-concept

Yoga encourages mindfulness, which involves being fully present in the moment and becoming more aware of one’s thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations. Self-awareness leads to deeper insights into strengths, weaknesses, and personal preferences, leading to a better understanding of the self.

Yoga Poses for Weight Loss

1)Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar)

A dynamic sequence of poses that combines various asanas, including forward bends, lunges, and plank poses. Sun Salutations offer numerous benefits, including stretching and toning muscles, improving circulation, energizing the body, and promoting mental clarity and focus. Sun Salutations help increase heart rate, warm up the body, and promote overall calorie burning. 

2) The Warrior Poses (Virabhadrasana)

The Warrior Poses, also known as Virabhadrasana I, II, and III, are a series of standing yoga poses that promote strength, stability, and flexibility. The Warrior Poses are excellent for building strength, flexibility, and balance while promoting a sense of inner power and confidence. They can be adapted to suit different levels of practice and offer a range of physical and mental benefits.

3) Boat Pose (Navasana)

Boat Pose, also known as Navasana in Sanskrit, is a challenging and effective yoga pose that targets the core muscles and helps build strength in the abdomen, hip flexors, and lower back. Boat Pose engages and strengthens the core muscles and helps tone the abdominal region. Incorporating Boat Pose into a regular yoga practice, along with other forms of exercise and a nutritious diet, can contribute to a holistic approach to weight management.

4) Plank Pose (Phalakasana)

Plank Pose offers several benefits that can support weight loss efforts when incorporated into a well-rounded fitness routine. Plank Pose primarily targets the core muscles, including the rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, and obliques. Strengthening these muscles helps improve core stability and posture, creating a leaner and more toned appearance.

5) Chair Pose (Utkatasana) 

Chair Pose can be a beneficial addition to a weight loss regimen when combined with a comprehensive exercise and diet plan. Chair Pose is an active and challenging pose that requires effort from multiple muscle groups. Incorporating it into a flowing sequence or holding it for an extended period can elevate the heart rate and contribute to calorie burning.

6) Twisting Poses

Twisting yoga poses can be beneficial for weight loss as they engage the core, stimulate digestion, and help to tone and strengthen the abdominal muscles. Twisting poses in yoga typically involve twisting the upper body while keeping the lower body grounded, which creates a wringing effect, massaging the internal organs and promoting detoxification.

7) Crescent Lunge (Anjaneyasana)

Crescent Lunge is a dynamic pose that engages multiple muscle groups, increases heart rate, and helps build strength and flexibility. Crescent Lunge and its variations can contribute to weight loss as it engages the legs, glutes, and core muscles. This full-body engagement burns calories and contributes to building lean muscle mass.


Yoga can be a powerful aid in weight loss when combined with a holistic approach that includes a balanced diet, cardiovascular activities, and a healthy lifestyle. Targeting the weight loss benefits of yoga requires consistency with persistence and commitment. It improves the body’s physical health and creates unity between the emotions, thoughts, and the body leading to growth. 

Advocating yoga comes with a great impact on the community. It promotes the importance of developing a healthy lifestyle, thus creating a more productive and supportive community. 

As with any exercise regimen, it’s essential to meet the body’s demands and practice mindfulness with one’s limitations. It’s necessary to seek professional help and get advice on an exercise program suitable for individual needs. 

Author Bio

Rick Kaselj is a highly respected health and fitness expert with over two decades of experience. He founded,,, and, where he provides valuable resources on fitness, injury prevention, and healthy eating. Rick’s unique approach to fitness emphasizes targeted exercises and proper form, promoting long-term health and injury prevention. His expertise is showcased in his numerous books and training programs, which have helped countless individuals improve their physical health and well-being. Rick’s dedication to helping people achieve their health goals has earned him a reputation as a trusted authority in the industry.


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