
Ensure Mother’s Day This Year Is Extra Special With A Beautiful Bouquet From Teleflora! #LoveOutLoud #Teleflora
Deliciously Savvy received product and/or compensation in exchange for an honest and unbiased review and all opinions are 100% my own. Regardless, I only review products that I am truly interested in for myself and my family and of course for sharing those reviews with my savvy readers. Thanks for stopping by and enjoy!
Teleflora is always my go to for my Mother’s Day floral arrangement needs because they truly have never disappointed me. They truly make the perfect gift for brightening someone’s day and that is because their arrangements are always gorgeous and amazingly fresh as well as perfectly arranged and long lasting. The best part for me is that all Teleflora Bouquets come in some sort of keepsake vase or container which allows your recipient to remember the gesture for years to come. For me….Teleflora is the perfect choice for Mother’s Day or any day that you may just want to treat that someone special.
Teleflora has really outdone themselves this year as their arrangements are stunning! Your Mom will absolutely love any of the gorgeous Mother’s Day Bouquet Arrangements available at Teleflora and the best part is that Teleflora makes it all so very easy as you can order 24 hours a day online. You can even add balloons, stuffed animals and chocolates to complete your order.
Let’s Take A Look At Some Of The Arrangements Teleflora Has To Offer For Mother’s Day This Year….
Above you can see Teleflora’s Heart Stone Bouquet. This is simply gorgeous and a visual delight for sure. This is the bouquet that I chose as it just creamed Spring to me. This beauty is available in 3 sizes… Standard, Deluxe OR Premium.
Contains….Hot pink roses, pink spray roses, light pink alstroemeria, green carnations and pink miniature carnations are arranged with bupleurum, leatherleaf fern, and parvifolia eucalyptus.
This beauty is Teleflora’s Country Basket Blooms. This is my favorite of the bunch as I love the gorgeous rustic basket and the design all together. This is perfect for my mom…. I know that she would love it. This gorgeous arrangement is stunning and is also available in 3 sizes s are all Teleflora Arrangements.
Contains….Fresh flowers including snapdragons, alstroemeria, mini carnations and matsumoto asters are assembled in a natural basket with decorative butterflies.
This masterpiece is Teleflora’s Dress To Impress Bouquet. What’s better than pink? More pink! Lavish AMERICA’S FAVORITE MOM® with this blissful bouquet of roses and lilies, hand-delivered in a classic glass vase. It’s an impressive gift that promises to put some pink in her cheeks!This is so beautiful and this one is available in 3 sizes as well. Choose from standard, deluxe and premium sizes and all are full of hot pink roses, hot pink spray roses, pink asiatic lilies, pink carnations, green button spray chrysanthemums, bupleurum, huckleberry and lemon leaf.
This is Teleflora’s Busy Bee Pitcher Bouquet. This is so sweet and with this beautiful arrangement you can remind her of how lucky you are with this gorgeous piece. Everyone’s abuzz about this beautiful bouquet! Lush orange roses and delicate pink blooms look delightfully darling in this country-inspired, food-safe ceramic pitcher with petite bee motif. As with all Teleflora bouquets … this is available in 3 sizes so that there is the perfect selection for your special someone.
To order your Valentine’s Day bouquet, please visit www.teleflora.com
About Teleflora
Say everything and share your “Love Out Loud” with the gift of Teleflora flowers – all made by hand and delivered by hand by your local florist. By tapping over 10,000 member florists in North America alone, Teleflora offers the kind of personal touches, artistry and expertise you expect from a trusted neighborhood florist—even if that neighborhood is across the country. No prepackaged flowers in nondescript boxes dropped on your doorstep—Teleflora’s network of professional florists create artistic arrangements personally delivered in a vase, often on the same day. Teleflora makes every day an occasion with a 2-in-1 gift that includes a multi-purpose keepsake container for long-lasting enjoyment. Follow Teleflora on Facebook and tag your own #LoveOutLoud moment.
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Linda Manns Linneman
Teleflora has beautiful arrangements and their flowers are so fresh. They always last a long time. I would love for someone to send me one of their arrangements. They are great
Lori Smanski
they really do have fresh flowers and wonderful vases
Saundra McKenzie
I just love their bouquets. So pretty and they seem to last longer than most. Hoping I get one for Valentine’s Day.
stunning bouquets! i would love to give one or get one this valentines day. I have always been happy with teleflora!
Jodi Hunter
These are so very beautiful. I checked them out and they are reasonably priced also.
Danielle P
My moms bday is coming up. I need to snag these for her.
Those bouquets are breathtaking! I absolutely love getting fresh flowers as a gift. Teleflora has always been great for my flower delivery needs. I’m hoping I get one of these stunners for Valentine’s this year!
Pam Halligan
I have used Teleflora a few times and have been happy each time with the bouquets delivered. I’d love to receive flowers for Valentine’s Day.
Karley Moore
I love using Teleflora for many different occasions. They are always fabulous!
Shannon Pickin
Very beautiful flowers and great review!
Debbie P
Their bouquets are beautiful. I would love to have any one of these.
Alice F.
When I order flowers, I always use Teleflora. Their arrangements are always on point. I like that I can go online and see a picture of the arrangement so that I know exactly what I am ordering.
Deborah W.
I’ve ordered from Teleflora before and have never been disappointed. Their flowers and arrangements are always beautiful!
Allyson Tice
The arrangements are so beautiful! Teleflora is a company that provides quality and beautiful ling lasting flowers! i love the alstromeria in the arrangements! hoping to order online soon from Teleflora!
Carol Spierdowis
I love receiving fresh flowers. There’s something so special about it.
Lucy Rapposelli
Beautiful arrangements. I was never one to be able to arrange flower to look beautiful.
Nikki Gwin
I love flowers of all kinds. And these bouquets are beautiful. Thanks for hosting the giveaway!
🙂 gwingal
meg lavigne
Fresh flowers are so wonderful. They make any day so much more special.
Katie Bellamy
What a beautiful bouquet!
All of their bouquets look absolutely beautiful! I’d love to send one to my mom at her store, she loves having fresh flowers in her Antique store.
Judith Watson
I love these bouquets, wish my husband would give me one!
Judith Watson
The last time I got flowers was from my son. It was for no reason at all. He was just coming home from being out of state for work!
My mom loves to get flowers for her birthday and special occasions. Teleflora has an amazing selection of flowers!
Linda Manns Linneman
These arrangements are beautiful. I have never been disappointed in this company. Their flowers are always so fresh. Thank you so much for sharing this. God Bless
Tamra Phelps
These would be so bright & beautiful on a gray Winter’s day. I would pick brightly colored flowers that make me believe Spring is already here, lol.
What gorgeous arrangements. The different size choices allow you to make it personal and the fact that the flowers which are stunning last is a great asset.
These are so gorgeous! I cannot even tell you the last time my husband got me flowers! I will have to drop some serious hints- I would love any of these bouquets!
Margaret Smith
What beautiful looking arrangements. I’d be thrilled with flowers any day. They really uplift my spirits anytime there’s flowers around.
Chris L
They have such nice arrangements. I have received a few over the years and the flowers always looked nice & fresh.
Cynthia Roach
I would love to win a bouquet for my family for Valentines Day.
Terri S.
These Valentine’s bouquets are all very beautiful. My favorite is the Young at Heart Bouquet with the silver cube vase adorned with rhinestones forming a heart. So pretty!
Nancy Burgess
They always have such beautiful flowers.I love Teleflora!They always arrive so fresh.
Kristin Phillips
I love all the options they have available!
Perfect giveaway with Valentines Day coming up. They have such beautiful arrangements. Don’t know if I will keep for myself or gift one to my daughter.
Debbie P
My favorite are the purple roses!
Teleflora has lovely flowers good for every occasion. I love the vibrant reds and pinks in the Valentine’s Day Bouquets.
Cynthia C
Flowers make great gifts for all occasions. I think they are always appreciated.
Barbara Platt
All of the flower bouquets offered by Telaflora for Valentine’s Day are beautiful. I like to send and receive them.
I always love to see each year the beautiful Valentine’s Day Bouquets they offer their customers. Love the vases as well. Always beautifully done!
kitty morgan
What an awesome giveaway! If I won my Valentine (mom) would get a nice arrangement!!
Crystal F
I love the young at heart bouquet. The vase is beautiful and can be used again and again. Thank you!
Pam Halligan
I would love to receive a bouquet from Teleflora for Valentine’s.
Teleflora bouquets are gorgeous. It doesn’t have to be a holiday for me to enjoy their vibrant arrangements. I purchase them as gifts, for birthdays, and like I said, I purchase them just-because to accentuate my home. This is a fantastic giveaway! I’m crossing my fingers 🙂
Teleflora have lovely bouquets! Any of these would be wonderful to send or receive. Thanks for sharing this review.
There are so many beautiful arrangements in the Valentine’s Day section on their site! I love that they have such a variety to choose from!
Tamra Phelps
These really are beautiful. They’d definitely brighten up our house.
I love the Teleflora’s Young At Heart Bouquet. The colors are so beautiful!
Linda Manns Linneman
These arrangements are so pretty. I would be proud to gift these to anyone. Thank you so much for sharing
Sandy Klocinski
Teleflora has awesome arrangements. Very pretty! I have always been satisfied with Teleflora
Judith Watson
I love flowers. These Teleflora bouquets are absolutely gorgeous.
Sarah Kurtz
Such gorgeous arrangements. I can smell them now lol
Wendy R.
I like the selections for Valentine’s flowers this year, such pretty choices. We have always had good luck using the Teleflora services.
Sandra Crispo
Teleflora’s Young At Heart Bouquet is the one I like he best; afer all my hubby and I are both 70 years young and will be married for 50 years in June, thanks for opportunity, ❤️ LOVE TO WIN!!
I like the arrangements that are put into drinking mugs with a smile on them. That way when the flowers die, the sentiment lives on every day with coffee.
Frankie Pinnix
The featured Teleflora Valentines Day arrangements are beautiful!! I couldn’t pick a favorite
LeAnn Harbert
My Mother would love to get one of these arrangements.
LeAnn Harbert
I like the Young At Heart bouquet. My Mother would love to get this.
Rebecca Bailey
Teleflora bouquets are always so fresh and beautifully arranged,for any & every occasion!. It would be an absolute joy to win one of these lovely arrangements to brighten up my home!
denise low
They have some beautiful flowers. When my mom was living I would send her flowers all the time.
I love all their stuff. Everything is so pretty. I would love something from them for Valentines Day.
My Mother is going through chemo for breast CA. I would love to win a bouquet to send her to brighten her day! Just what she needs.
Richard Hicks
I have ordered from them in the past and they have great service. Arrangements are beautiful too.
Susan Smith
I’ve ordered flowers from Teleflora before and have never been disappointed. All of the arrangements are so beautiful it’s hard to choose what to get.
Richard Brandt
I should prefer the Young at Heart bouquet – because I am! But I lean towards the Mad Crush because I’ve usually got one goin’ on.
kathy pease
They have such beautiful arrangements I really love the Mad Crush Bouquet
Jennifer H.
I think that the flowers are pretty. These would be a nice gift.
Trisha McKee
I love the Mad Crush bouquet! Flowers always cheer me up and liven up any space. I often get fresh flowers for the office.
Shakeia Rieux
Those are all beautiful, but my favorite is the Red Haute Bouquet. I haven’t had the opportunity to get anything from them, but I know that will change. When I do it will make it even more special
Sherry Bracy
I always use Teleflora when sending flowers to loved ones. They do last longer than others I had tried in the past. and Teleflora has so many options to choose from, we always find that perfect one we want to send to say anything from I Love You.. Thinking Of You, Thank You or Just because!
Buddy Garrett
I love all of the beautiful Valentine’s Day arrangements. I have never had a problem with delivery when I use Teleflora.
Jerry Marquardt
I would like to give thanks for all your really great reviews. I wish the best in keeping up the good work in the future.
Jerry Marquardt
I love the arrangements at TeleFlora. I loved your great review, and thank you for featuring them on the blog.
Margot C
I like the closely packed almost spherical arrangments with roses and carnations.
Terri S.
These Teleflora Valentine’s Day bouquets are all beautiful! My favorite is the Young At Heart Bouquet with the silver cube vase adorned with rhinestones in a heart design.
Trisha McKee
My significant other never gets me flowers, and that is okay. But I might need to get some for myself. The “no one loves me like me” type of bouquet.
Patty Wright
They are all beautiful. I would love some flowers.
I love the Heart Stone Bouquet – the pitcher vase is perfect.
Dana Rodriguez
They have so many pretty arrangements. Something for everyone or any occasion!