Stonyfield YoKids’ Team up with AZA SAFE ~ To Save Endangered Species for World Penquin Day
April 24, 2017
To commemorate World Penguin Day, Stonyfield and AZA are hosting a Facebook Live event for kids and their parents to get a firsthand look at these majestic seabirds, as well as the conservation work being done to save them. Tune in to this Facebook Live broadcast direct from Mystic Aquarium in Mystic, CT on Tuesday, April 25 at 12 noon. Check this live event here at 12 Noon 4/25 CT.
Stonyfield YoKids’ Team up with AZA SAFE ~ To Save Endangered Species for World Penquin Day PLUS a Facebook Live Event You Cannot Miss (4/25)!
I have a slightly weird question for you and yes, I promise it is for a good cause!
OK….here it is. Can a cow save a penguin? Well… with Stonyfield it can!
Stonyfield YoKids is sponsoring the AZA SAFE (Saving Animals from Extinction) program; together on a mission to help save endangered species. As part of a year- long effort, Stonyfield will not only be contributing funds to the field work but aiming to drive kids and their families to see animals and conservation projects first hand at zoos, aquariums, and on the ground where the research is happening.
As the country’s leading organic yogurt maker, Stonyfield has long been focused on conservation and sustainability. Each year they keep over 185,000 pounds of toxic pesticides out of the environment, helping to safeguard species and their eco-systems.
Stonyfield YoKids’ sponsorship of AZA SAFE will support conservation efforts for 10 endangered species, including the African Penguin.
Did you know April 25 is World Penguin Day?
To commemorate World Penguin Day, Stonyfield and AZA are hosting a Facebook Live event for kids and their parents to get a firsthand look at these majestic seabirds, as well as the conservation work being done to save them. Tune in to this Facebook Live broadcast direct from Mystic Aquarium in Mystic, CT on Tuesday, April 25 at 12 noon. Check this live event here at 12 Noon 4/25 CT.
ALSO… Stonyfield YoKids is featuring an on-pack offer to get families out to visit any of the 131 participating AZA accredited member zoos and aquariums in their own communities(click below for a complete list). Now through the end of September families who buy two specially-marked YoKids yogurt multipacks will receive a FREE kid’s admission to their local AZA-accredited zoo or aquarium when they also buy an adult ticket.
Check Here For Your Nearest Area AZA Zoo or Aquarium!
PLUS….it does not stop there. There is even more reason to love Stonyfield as they have recently announced a sugar reduction across its yogurt portfolio – and that includes YoKids! Always made with USDA organic, non-GMO ingredients, Stonyfield YoKids yogurt now features as much as 40% less sugar than the leading low-fat kids’ yogurt. Stonyfield YoKids is available in cups, squeezers and smoothies.
Check Out Stonyfield Today!
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Terri S
I think penguins are so cute! I will have to try to watch the broadcast from Mystic. Thank you for sharing.
Ivonne Tarantino
Thanks for sharing this valuable info; I had no idea today was World Penguin Day! They are just so adorable!
Linda Manns Linneman
This sounds like a great product for my grandkids. I love that it goes toward saving the penguins. Thank you for sharing
tara pittman
My zoo is getting penguins soon. What a great cause!