Speech Skills 101: Turning Your Child Into A Master Orator
Savvy Parenting

Speech Skills 101: Turning Your Child Into A Master Orator

Speech is an incredibly important skill for any person. While some people have disabilities that prevent them from speaking, the vast majority of people in society use speech as one of their main forms of communication. Even something a simple as going to the store can involve quite a lot of talking, and this is something that will test your ability to speak each and every day.

A lot of the most fundamental speech skills you have develop when you are a child. This means that you have the ability to help and improve the speech of your kids, and this is something that can have major benefits in the future. Let’s take a look at some of the steps that you will need to take, along with the perks that come with being a master orator.

Why Work On Your Child’s Speech?

Having the ability to articulate yourself and speak properly can have major advantages in life. Many people struggle with skills like these, but it doesn’t have to take a long time to develop the skills you need to find success with your speech. Starting young is always best, and there are a lot of benefits to consider.

*Careers & Work: Having great control over the way that you speak can be a valuable asset to businesses. This means that employers will often be happy to see that candidates are able to speak well when they come for interviews, and this is something that can help your child a lot in the future. 

*Public Speaking: There will always be times in life when your little ones have to speak in public settings. This can be a challenge without the right skills, but having the chance to develop speech from a young age will help your kids to master public speaking.

*Socialization: Being social is an important part of life, and it’s likely that your little one will want to spend a lot of time with their friends and people they find attractive as they grow up. Being able to articulate themselves will make social situations much easier to deal with.

*Education: School, college, and university can all be challenging times for young people. Speech will form a big part of their work at school, and this makes it crucial that they are confident in the way that they talk.

Speech Confidence

Some people are shy, but others are simply too worried to speak. It is a shame when people aren’t able to put ideas and thoughts across because they are worried about the way that they speak, and this makes speech confidence important for anyone.

You can help your child to gain speech confidence from an early age, pushing them to speak to other adults and children when they get the chance. This needs to be done safely, and you shouldn’t encourage your little ones to speak to strangers. Making their own orders in restaurants, though, for example, can be a good way to develop their confidence.

Along with this, public speaking and work can both be good ways to raise a person’s confidence in their speech. Getting a job from their early teenage years will give your kids the chance to interact with customers and gain the confidence they need to talk in the future.

Learning To Talk

Learning to talk is largely about practice, but there are elements of this that can be taught to your child. Much of this will be done at their school, though there isn’t any harm in getting a head start, and it can have a very positive impact on your child’s development to start this work as soon as they learn to talk.

There are loads of resources available around the web that can help you with this. You don’t have to rely on boring textbooks and worksheets to help your child at this stage; you can play games that encourage them to talk and use different words.

Positive Correction

While you may not remember, it will have taken you a very long time to learn how to speak properly. It will be the same for your children, and there will be times when they start to say words incorrectly.

Taking the right approach with this can be difficult. Coming at your child too strong can make them lose confidence, while not being forceful enough could let them slip into habits that will stick with them for a long time. This makes it with looking for ways to take a balanced stance with positive correction in mind.

The Science Of Speech

Speech is a complex topic that has been the subject of a lot of studies. This has lead scientists to have a deep understanding of speech, making it much easier to work towards your child’s talking goals with the right strategies in mind. You need to spend some time learning about the science of speech before you can take advantage of this, though.

Understanding the difference between phonemic awareness vs. phonological awareness is a good start when you are going through a process like this. You need to make sure that you understand the different methods that can be used to improve a person’s speech, along with having an idea of how your child should progress through this process.

Improving Vocabulary

Some people use very few unique words when they speak, and this can sound boring to those listening. Having a wide vocabulary will help your child in a number of settings, from talking to friends to doing work at school. Of course, though, you need to work to improve their vocabulary to be able to take advantage of this.

Reading is one of the single best ways to improve a person’s vocabulary. There are countless books out there, and this means that your child will certainly be able to find something they like to read. Knowing words is a big part of this, but your child may also need some help with pronunciation along the way.

Rewarding Good Speech

Like anything in life, it can be all too easy to be lazy with the way you talk, and your child is the same. They need incentives to be creative with their speech, and there are loads of ways to reward your little ones for working hard with the way that they talk. Turning this into a game can be an excellent way to make it more fun.

Listening to their speech to hear the words that they use will be the first part of this. When they use large and complex words, you can give them points. Likewise, if they use a lot of unique words, you can also give them points. This could slowly build up towards you buying them a book that they would like to read.

With all of this in mind, you should be feeling ready to get started on helping your little one with their speech. This process can be well worth the effort, providing plenty of benefits to your little one while also giving you rhe chance to improve your own talking. As time goes on, this will all become second nature to your little ones.