My Savvy Review Of The John Boos Carving Board @johnboosco @SMGurusNetwork
My Savvy Review Of The John Boos Carving Board @johnboosco @SMGurusNetwork
Deliciously Savvy received this product in exchange for an honest and unbiased review and all opinions are 100% my own. Regardless, I only review products that I am truly interested in for myself and my family and of course for sharing those reviews with my savvy readers. Thanks for stopping by and enjoy!
It is no secret to anyone that truly knows me that I am obsessed a bit with John Boos cutting boards. I just love them as they are true works of art and beautifully made and crafted. You can see the gorgeous John Boos cutting boards and butcher blocks in use on all of my favorite Food Network cooking shows including Chopped. There is a reason for this and it is simply because they are the best. That is why I had to tell you about a beautiful new board that I received from John Boos & Co. and it is called The John Boos Carving Board. This is the perfect John Boos Board being that the holidays are right around the corner.
This is the beautiful John Boos Carving Board that I received. I was blown away by the amazing weight and size of this gorgeous board. This board is 24″ X 18″ X 2 & 1/4″ and weighs in at 31 pounds. It is constructed of Hard Rock Maple with an Edge Grain construction and it has been finished with Boos Block Cream which provides a Beeswax finish. I love the Juice Groove, Hand Grips, and the included Stainless Steel Condiment Pan as well which is perfect for collecting those juices. The Pyramid Design Stabilizes the meat that you are preparing and carving PLUS the board reverses into a traditional chopping board! My absolute favorite part is that all John Boos Boards are Made in the USA.
Check Out This Video Of The Craftsmanship & Work That Goes Into Every John Boos Board (Made in the USA):
Now Let’s Talk John Boos Board Care & Maintenance
It is also a good thing to talk about your John Boos Care and Maintenance. If you take care of this piece properly, and who wouldn’t…. then it is so worth taking the time to give your board a little love! It will last forever in return. I recommend purchasing some of the Boos Block® Mystery Oil. This oil is a food-grade oil that easily absorbs and penetrates deeply into the grain of the wood to help protect, revitalize and moisturize the wood fibers. I give it a good application about once a month. It just looks refreshed and new after oiling it. This is a must have item when purchasing your John Boos Board of choice.
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A Little History On John Boos Boards:
John Boos & Co., based in Effingham, IL is one of the oldest manufacturers of premium quality foodservice equipment and butcher blocks in the U.S.A. Boos has been in business continuously since 1887. It was in his Effingham, IL blacksmith shop that founder, Conrad Boos first invented what would become the original Boos Block®. Having harvested sycamore from local wooded areas, and processed it in his sawmill, Conrad brought it to his blacksmith shop for finishing. That first block of sycamore slab placed on three legs evolved with sheer purpose of a block to absorb the shock of this smith’s hammer against the anvil. It was the local butcher, who having seen and admired Conrad’s block, became impassioned about owning a block for his meat market. Unknowingly, Conrad’s son, John, who having made and sold that first block to the local butcher, took John Boos & Co. into the infancy of the 125 year reign of serving customers in the commercial market sector.
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Darla Peduzzi
These boards look to be made so well with high quality craftsmanship. I’d love to own one!
Melanie McDowell
Oh, My Goodness, this carving board is so so beautiful and useful and innovative. My husband is our meat carver and he would be thrilled to death to get this Beautiful Board!! I love it and all the extras that are Built In!!
alice f
Everyone knows that a Boos carving board or chopping block is the best quality to own! I would love to own a Boos carving board.
donna porter
I like the look of this carving board especially all the useful extras with it. This would be great in our kitchen!
Dana Rodriguez
That is so awesome. My fiance’ cooks on the weekend and he would LOVE this!
Michelle Elizondo
This would do well in capturing the blood and juice from the raw steak that I will chop on this board. The grooves will hold the meat in place from sliding.
Debbi Wellenstein
What a beautiful cutting board! This would look so great in my kitchen!
Deborah D
These seem to be made of great quality and workmanship. I love that they are made in the USA.
Sherrie Cruson
One of the most beautiful carving boards I’ve ever seen and sturdy too! Can’t believe these boards weigh in at 31 pounds. That’s so heavy!
Michele Pineda
These are gorgeous carving boards, with proper care they will be sure to last a lifetime.
These are beautiful. And I’m sure they could become family heirlooms.
Cheryl Everitt
Love John Boos! Awesome quality. Thanks for the chance.
Lucy Rapposellii
How Beautiful
Heike Herrmann Tross
Awesome! I would be using this almost everyday- I could really use this wonderful, beautiful carving board!
I love the cutting boards and the different shapes and styles. Would love a new one fo our kitchen!
Jill H
Beautiful cutting boards, have been on my wish list!
kathy pease
This carving board is just gorgeous..I have never seen one with this unique design.
Julie B
Beautiful cutting board. I live a county away from John Boos. Thanks for the chance to win.