Love Out Loud This Valentine’s Day With An Arrangment From Teleflora
Deliciously Savvy received product and/or compensation in exchange for an honest and unbiased review and all opinions are 100% my own. Thanks for stopping by and enjoy!
I am super excited to share the new Valentine’s Day Bouquet lineup from Teleflora with everyone that I know. Teleflora makes it easy to spread the love to all your loved ones this Valentine’s Day with their beautiful bouquet’s. I trust Teleflora as they are the world’s leading floral delivery service for good reason…they select only the best florists to create and make their beautiful bouquets so that your recipient will enjoy them for days to come plus their bouquets always include a beautiful keepsake that your recipient can enjoy forever.
Teleflora’s New Valentine’s Day Lineup Includes a gorgeous lineup of bouquets to suit everyone tastes and style plus all bouquets are available in 3 sizes, standard, deluxe and premium. Let’s start off with the bouquet that I chose….
Teleflora’s Ooh La Ombre Bouquet
Impress your friends, family and significant others with this modern show-stopper featuring red roses, pink alstroemeria, pink carnations and green accents set in a hand-blown glass cube with a metallic red ombre finish. This statement-making bouquet will steal the show this Valentine’s Day and your recipient will go nuts over this one. I especially loved the touch of ivy in this piece! This bouquet starts at $59.99 for the standard bouquet and you can also choose form the deluxe and premium sizes.
Teleflora’s Playfully Pink Bouquet
Let the blushing begin with this sweet arrangement that is delivered in an artisanal ceramic pink vase decorated with a charming “loved” heart ornament that can be displayed all year long. Anyone, including your Galentines, will be tickled pink to receive this cheerful bouquet bursting with pink roses, red alstroemeria, pink carnations, and soft greens accents. This bouquet Strats at $54.99 for the standard option and you can also choose from deluxe and premium bouquets.
Teleflora’s Pretty In Quartz Bouquet
Your Valentine will go crazy over this masterpiece of red roses, pink Asiatic lilies, red carnations, pink Limonium and green accents. Inspired by the rose quartz gemstone that symbolizes love, this precious arrangement is nestled in a hand-blown art glass vase with soft pink gradient tones that will be cherished for years to come. This is a stunner and Strats at $109.99 for the standard size with the option to upgrade to the deluxe and premium sizes.
Teleflora’s Radiantly Rouge Bouquet
Take your Valentine’s breath away with this beautiful and bold bouquet of lush red roses, white Asiatic lilies, red carnations and green accents. This striking arrangement is presented in a bright red mirrored ceramic vase that will make this Valentine’s Day red hot and that your recipient can use again and again. This beautiful arrangement starts at $79.99 and is also available in deluxe and premium options.
So what do you think of these four beautiful Teleflora arrangements that are sure to impress your loved ones and friends? Are they not simply gorgeous? Remember to LOVE OUT LOUD this Valentine’s Day and make your loved ones feel special with a Teleflora bouquet. To place your order for a beautiful floral arrangement made by hand and delivered by hand by your local florist, please visit
Say everything and share your “Love Out Loud®” with the gift of Teleflora® flowers—all made by hand and delivered by hand by your local florist. By tapping over 10,000 member florists in North America alone, Teleflora offers the kind of personal touches, artistry, and expertise you expect from a trusted neighborhood florist— even if that neighborhood is across the country. No prepackaged flowers in nondescript boxes dropped on your doorstep—Teleflora’s network of professional florists creates artistic arrangements personally delivered in a vase, often on the same day. Teleflora makes every day an occasion with a two-in-one gift that includes a multipurpose keepsake container for long-lasting enjoyment.
Margaret Smith
All of these arrangements are beautiful. Flowers make such lovely gifts.
Teresa Jones
Flowers are gorgeous!
April Morin
The Ooh La Ombra bouquet is my favorite bouquet for Valentine’s Day. Teleflora has such beautiful flowers.
Dana Rodriguez
They have such pretty bouquets. I would love to have the Teleflora’s Ooh La Ombre Bouquet.
These flowers are so beautiful, they look so full and colorful!
belinda bell
I would love to win this beautiful flower arrangement. Your flower are always so beautiful and they make me happy.
I love the amazing selection of bouquets offered by Teleflora! I love the blue and purple flowers!
Tamra Phelps
I know most people like red flowers on Valentine’s Day but I like multi-colors in a bouquet. It reminds me of warmer weather, lol. Teleflora has so many colorful bouquets!
Fun color flowers in the Ooh La Ombre Bouquet
Heather K
These flowers are absolutely gorgeous! I’d love to be able to send them to my daughter for her birthday.
Beautiful Touches
They are all beautiful. I think that the Ooh La Ombre is my favorite. Alstroemeria is a favorite of mine and the ivy is a nice pop of green. I would be thrilled to have one of these bouquets arrive at my door for any occasion.
Amber Kolb
They are all gorgeous!! The Playfully Pink bouquet is my favorite. What a stunner!
Shannon Holmes
I love Teleflora, they have beautiful arrangements. Thanks for your review.
Linda Linneman
These flowers are beautiful. I love the red and pinks together. I know from experience that these flowers are always so fresh and last a long time. Thank you so much for sharing. God Bless
Sarah L
Beautiful flowers in these. I like that they pick such lovely vases to put them in.
Gina Hester
I always tell my hubby not to send me flowers and he always does! This way I could get flowers and he can not spend money! Win Win!!
Susan Smith
Teleflora has beautiful flowers. I love all of the different kinds of flowers.
Amy D
I always have used Teleflora when sending flowers. I love that there are price point options for most arrangements. I have a broken foot and unable to walk or drive for a month now. I wish someone would send me a Teleflora arrangement to brighten my day. 🙂
Cassidy Ciazza
I love how classy and tasteful these arrangements are. The flowers are stunning but the attention to detail in the fillers such as the placement of the ivy is beautiful as well.
Sara Tarver
Teleflora has beautiful flowers for Valentine’s day!
Wendy R.
They really are beautiful arrangements and I like the vases. They scream I love you!!
kathy pease
They have such gorgeous arrangements it would be so hard to choose
dolores roberts
i like the oolah ombre. it would brighten up the desert.
dolores roberts
i need flowers to brighten the rainy days.
wen budro
Teleflora has such a wonderful selection of bouquets and gifts. I have several family members that would love to receive one of these beautiful arrangements.
they have beautiful flowers and arreangments love it all
Karen Propes
Their flowers are beautiful. I love Teleflora has the most beautiful arrangements and they change every year at every season. Thank you.
Whitney S Watts
This is amazing flowers ❣️❤️ and I would love to have