How to Stay Healthy and Comfortable While Pregnant
Being pregnant is a rollercoaster ride of emotions and sensations. The one minute you’re craving all sorts of treats or even healthy snacks, and the next you can’t stand the sight of it, all the while wondering if you’re ever going to feel normal again. The good news is you are! And even though this may be an exciting and stressful time, it’ll all be worth it in the end. That said, here are some tips on how to stay healthy and comfortable while making a tiny human inside you!

#1 Get your vitamins in!
Even if you’re not a big fan of veggies, you’ll want to eat as many healthy ones while pregnant. You may think folic acid is just for the baby’s brain development, but it also helps prevent congenital disabilities in their bodies like spina bifida and heart malformations! And although every pregnancy has its differences, most doctors recommend taking an iron supplement since blood loss happens during childbirth. So make sure you don’t leave out fruits and vegetables from your diet – they are essential to staying healthy when growing another tiny body inside of yours!
Don’t stop there! Your body will need protein to build muscle and provide energy for your day-to-day activities. And while the recommended daily allowance (RDA) of protein is set at around 50g a day, pregnant women should try and take in about 70g a day – that’s two servings per meal or snack! Some examples of sound sources are lean meats, fish, eggs, and soy products — not too much, though, since they can tax your kidneys if consumed in excess.
#2 Do some stretching every now and then
You may not believe it now, but when you’re in the middle of a deep conversation with your best friend and all of a sudden can’t even cross your legs or feel like any position will make you more uncomfortable than before – trust me, it’ll happen. And since there is only so much room available for that little human to grow into (and they sure love taking up space), stretching is key! It helps keep the muscles flexible, which prevents aches and pulls anywhere from head to toe.
It’s important to remember that your body is basically performing a miracle as you’re reading this, which is why accepting everything that’s happening to your body is the first step to being more comfortable. If you feel like you’re going to wet yourself every time you sneeze, try some incontinence briefs, and if you can’t keep your eyes open all of a sudden, take a nap! Give your body what it needs and everything else will fall into place.
#3 Don’t overwork yourself
Yes, you’re having a baby, but that doesn’t mean you should do every little thing for yourself. You will be super busy with changes happening in both the inside and outside of your body (hello stretch marks!), so take some time out from work or errands – at least during the first trimester when morning sickness is typically more intense.
Hopefully the above tips will provide some comfort and assistance when you need it most. But, most of all, remember to enjoy every moment while pregnant. You may not think so now, but you’re definitely going to miss it!
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