How to Raise a Little Cash – Fast
If you’re looking to raise a little money, you’re not alone. Plenty of people are doing it tough right now and it’s more people doing it tough now then not. It’s not easy to know that people around you are struggling but if you’re in that position yourself, you’ll be looking for ways out of that situation.
One of the fastest? Selling your things to raise some cash. It may not be the first nor the most ideal solution, but it’s certainly one that gets some results. You need to consider that selling your car could be the fastest way to get some cash in your hands, but if you still need a car or a method of getting around, you might want to trade it in. The good news is that you can still raise cash and you can do it quickly.

*Liquidate the assets you have. If you have some physical assets like watches or rings that you can liquidate for some great cash, you should do it. If you have any antiques you don’t want to keep, you could sell those, and if you have assets such as your car that you can sell, then go for it. The best thing that you can do is make as much money as you can from what you’ve already got before moving on. You can even sell your clothes and have a clean out process on Facebook marketplace. Any recent model electronics like Bitcoin, TV’s, tablets, phones that you might have packed away, those can be sold to.
*Take on an odd job or two. If you don’t have anything that you can sell, you can take on some odd jobs like dog walking or babysitting in your neighborhood. You could sign up to be a Lyft or Uber driver. You could even take on some handiwork if you know how to build furniture. Get yourself on Air Tasker and start advertising your services. If you’re out of work and you have some time on your hands, it’s a great way to make sure that you can help others. You can offer to mow the grass or wash people’s cars. Or if you don’t want to deal with dogs or kids, ask if you can go shopping for anybody for a price.
*Go on a money hunt. If you know that you’ve got money tucked away in old handbags, pockets or down the side of the sofa, it’s time to start hunting for it. It might seem a little upsetting, but there are so many coins and notes that could get lost in your house and going on a hunt around the house looking for them is going to help you define them again.
*Organize a garage sale. As they say, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure and if you have things that you need to get rid of in your home, put them out in your front yard and sell them for a small price. It may not seem like a lot that you get at the end of the day, but you freed up some space and you’ve got rid of old furniture and it didn’t cost you anything to do it.
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