looking after your mental health due to a divorce
Savvy Tips & Helpful Hints

How To Look After Your Mental Health During A Divorce

Getting divorced can be emotionally draining, and so you must put your mental health first. To help you through this tough time, these focus points may come in handy.

1 . Assess your triggers

If you want to look after your mental health you need to assess your triggers. Identify the issues that are making you feel stressed, so you can avoid these and problem-solve. Getting divorced is difficult and you can’t avoid the process entirely. What you can do is analyze the specifics. Perhaps you feel triggered when you have to see your ex-spouse alone? If so, try to avoid this situation. Maybe you’ve started to pack up your belongings, and this is causing stress? In this case, why not ask a friend to help? Identifying your triggers is the first step on the road to improved mental health.

2. Avoid unhealthy habits

When you’re going through a hard time it’s easy to turn to unhealthy habits. Excessive drinking, smoking, or junk food won’t make you feel better in the long run. Try to avoid unhealthy habits and focus on wholesome activities. Of course, it’s easier said than done, so try not to be too hard on yourself. To help you work on your healthy habits try using apps like Momentum or Habit Tracker. These tools can help you to record your progress, and work towards healthy goals.

3. Create a support network

Going through a divorce is a difficult time, and so you must create a solid support network. Lean on your closest family and friends to help you through this time. You might feel worried about asking for help, but it’s much better than going through everything alone. Perhaps you have mutual friends with your ex-spouse, and you don’t feel comfortable seeing these people? Everyone’s situation is different, so trust your instincts. Avoid any people or situations that will cause you stress.

4. Yoga to de-stress

If you want to look after your mental health you’ll need to put a few coping strategies in place. Yoga is a wonderful activity to reduce stress. When you practice yoga you’ll soothe your body and mind, and raise your endorphin levels. Many studies have shown that yoga is a great way to improve mental health. When stress levels rise this tension can cause many ongoing health problems. We all must have strategies in place, especially during tough times. There are lots of ways to try yoga, you might check out Youtube videos, an in-person class, or an app.

5. Meditation to relax

Meditation is a brilliant way to improve your mental health. You can use meditation to clear your thoughts, reflect, or focus on the positives. There are many different types of meditation, the style you choose will depend on your intention. Start off by reading a few meditation books, and then practice a few exercises. For guided meditation exercises, apps are a fantastic place to start. There are many different tools that offer great meditation exercises, try Meditopia, Headspace, or Buddhify.

6. Improve your diet & sleep

When you’re going through a divorce, you must eat healthy foods and get enough sleep. Unless you get the basics right you’ll only feel worse during this stressful time. Eat lots of nutritious meals and get at least 8 hours of sleep a night. If you’re finding it difficult to sleep, check out a few natural remedies for sleep.

Our mental and our physical health are intrinsically linked, which is why it’s vital to pay close attention to both. Self-care is vital during this time, whether it’s exercise, healthy food, or relaxing practices.

7. Find the right divorce lawyer

To help you through your divorce proceedings you’ll need a great divorce lawyer like the lawyers at the Miller Law Group. When you work with a top lawyer, you’ll ensure a hassle-free process and plenty of support. Take your time when searching for a divorce lawyer, you must choose a professional who you trust. Do your research and read testimonials. Read up on the questions to ask your divorce attorney, this will help you to prepare. It’s important to establish a healthy partnership with your divorce lawyer from the get-go.

8. Get support from your doctor

If you’re struggling with your mental health you may need to get support from your doctor. A medical professional will be able to help you with various treatment options, including therapy or medication. We all handle life’s struggles in different ways, and there’s no one form of support that will work for everyone. If your divorce is taking its toll on your mental health, contact a medical professional, like those at ttcmendingfences.com/ for more info.

9. Be patient with yourself

Above all, when you’re going through a divorce it’s important to be patient with yourself. Naturally, you’re going to be feeling anxious and tense, and it’s important to make space for these feelings. Allow yourself to express your emotions, healthily, and give yourself plenty of different ways to feel better. Being overly critical is the opposite of what you need at this time. You might not be dealing with the situation perfectly, but that’s okay.

10. Stay calm during conflict

Many divorces involve difficult circumstances, when a person has caused you significant distress it’s normal to feel angry and hurt. There may be an element of conflict during your divorce, but try to stay as calm as possible. Losing your cool will only make the situation worse. It’s important that you do not make any false accusations against your partner, no matter how hurt you feel. Creating a toxic environment will only escalate the tension. If tension is high, it may be best to avoid your spouse, and leave your lawyers to negotiate everything. Depending on your circumstances, this may be the best option.

Hopefully, these tips will help you to navigate your divorce. When you’re going through these proceedings, it’s important to put things into perspective. Try to stay positive, and look forward to a brighter future ahead.