Savvy Beauty

DIY CBD Skincare Products

CBD is everywhere these days, even in CBD energy drinks like Mello Drop, and considering the emergence of bountiful positive research concerning cannabidoil, it isn’t difficult to understand why. Particularly when it comes to skincare, it seems that the combination of cannabinoids and terpenes in CBD products helps skin to retain moisture, fight toxins and impurities and reduce the effects of aging. Even better, CBD seems to alleviate inflammation and itchiness, which can arise from a number of irksome skin conditions.

While there are thousands of CBD skincare products on the market, you might be interested to learn that you can make your own simple and effective CBD skin products using only a few healthy ingredients. To keep your costs low and your skin glowing, here are a few recipes worth trying today:

First, a Note on Decarbing

In flower’s raw state, hemp’s compounds are in their acidic forms — meaning they are essentially useless to the human body. For THC and CBD to become the compounds that elicit desired effects like relaxation and pain relief, they need to be heated to a certain temperature, which is called decarboxylating.

Because skincare products are not heated before use, you need to take this step before you prepare your salves and lotions. Some advanced dispensaries in progressive cannabis states like Oregon and California might have decarbed Hemp on offer — but considering that decarbed Hemp has a short shelf life, you are unlikely to find such products in Oklahoma marijuana shops or other semi-rural markets. Fortunately, decarbing Hemp yourself is incredibly easy:

*Preheat your oven to 240 degrees Fahrenheit

*Spread ground bud (or trim) on a baking sheet

*Bake Hemp for 25 to 30 minutes

When you remove the baking sheet from the oven, the hemp should be fragrant and slightly golden brown, but not charred or black. Once the hemp cools, it is ready to be worked into the skincare product of your choice.

Basic CBD Salve

Ingredients and tools:

*1 1/2 cups coconut oil

*1/3 cup olive oil

*A saucepan or double boiler

*10 grams of decarbed cannibidoil


*A jar

*1/3 cup beeswax

*Essential oils

Place coconut oil and olive oil in saucepan over low heat and stir continuously. Mix in decarbed cannabidoil, and continue stirring for 20 to 25 minutes, keeping heat very low to avoid scorching the CBD. Pour mixture through cheesecloth into jar. Using the same saucepan, heat beeswax until melted, and stir in a few drops of essential oil of your choosing. Combine the beeswax into the coconut oil mixture. Store covered at room temperature, and apply to skin as desired.

Heavy CBD Cream


*2 cups CBD-infused salve

*1 cup aloe vera gel

*1 teaspoon vitamin E oil or almond oil

*2 tablespoons cocoa butter or shea butter

Combine all ingredients until smooth. Store covered at room temperature, and apply to skin as desired.

You can decrease the viscosity of your cream (making it a thinner, lightweight lotion) by increasing the amount of olive oil in the original salve or by increasing the amount of vitamin E oil or almond oil you add to it.

CBD Facial Treatment


*1 ripe avocado

*1/4 cup CBD-infused oil

*2 teaspoons unsweetened cocoa powder

*Essential oils

Cut open the avocado and spoon the flesh into a large bowl. Add in the remaining ingredients. Mash together to create a smooth texture. Apply to face using clean fingertips in a circular motion. Let treatment set for 20 to 30 minutes. Using a warm, wet washcloth, remove mixture, again rubbing in circular motions.

If you aren’t familiar with infusing your own CBD oils, you can find a variety of basic how-tos online. For this recipe, you might use a skin-friendly oil like coconut oil, but you can also use infused oils for making your own edibles at home.

Gentle CBD Exfoliant


*1 tablespoon coconut oil

*1 1/2 tablespoons agave nectar

*1 tablespoon CBD-infused oil

*1/4 cup sugar

Stir together coconut oil and agave nectar in a medium bowl. In another bowl, mix the CBD oil and sugar until it has a crumbly texture. Combine the two mixtures until mostly smooth. Apply to skin using clean fingertips in a circular motion, and remove using a warm, wet washcloth.

DIY skincare is easy, and adding the skin-loving, relaxing ingredient of CBD makes your homemade skincare especially powerful. You might even play around and make your own CBD skincare wonders!