Curriculum or Free Choice: Should Students Be Allowed to Select the Subjects
Attending classes at school is an essential part of our life journey. We are involved in studying, making decisions, solving problems, getting in love and having fun. When going to high school, we are getting ready to become prosperous citizens of our country. We should know what our next step will be despite the things that life could bring in our future. Therefore, as students, we have to make the right choice and go on, having a strong social position. If young people are not motivated, they cannot maintain this goal.
What Do Students Say?
Students don’t want to be forced when making decisions. It is that period of life, when they want to try to do everything by themselves. Young people desire to follow their dreams to make them true to life. They are really inspired when their teacher is as much keen on music or sports as they are. They don’t miss these classes and appreciate the opportunity to get new information.
Academic success cannot be maintained without stimulating education. Teachers should know what their students enjoy the most to give them a chance to become better in the field they chose. Students will run fast to meet these teachers and have exciting lessons with them. They don’t need celebrities to follow their fake stories, they just have their star teachers. That’s why these teachers lead youth into a better future, making confident young learners.
What Do Opponents Say?
They say high schools should guide their students towards fundamental studying. If you are good at chemistry and biology, you are forced to choose medical studies to become a doctor. They don’t seem to ask what these students are interested in. Moreover, teachers don’t want to help to improve their marks in subjects and become doctors as the young people are dreaming of.
Opponents also suggest that students are not educated enough to make the right choice whether to choose selective or fundamental courses. Sometimes they are rather emotional. Their desires are mostly based on their feelings. Therefore, some basic things should be learnt to give the opportunity to choose what they want to be. So, all subjects must be taught during school years. Maybe, someone will become a thesis writer one day and knowledge in all possible fields will be helpful then.
Opponents insist on taking all courses irrespective whether they are difficult or unnecessary for students. Young people consider that such subjects as physics, chemistry and geometry are difficult and less interesting than others. History and literature are more exciting.
So, how to stimulate students` interest in studying courses. These are some essential tips:
*Focus on their strengths (if they are good at sport, let them play their favourite game to score some important goals after graduating from high school)
*Pay attention to enjoyment (what can be better than learning things which inspire you and then doing things that you are best in, making other people happy)
*Take into account their needs (young people choose what is useful for them to become better in future)
Educational system should respond to students’ interests and needs. When an educator is explaining the topic and giving examples of his own life, showing his or her success, it promotes individual interest. Students will be able to apply this knowledge properly. If a history teacher is showing pictures and photos while presenting the teaching material on his or her lectures, students remember facts better. Moreover, they will get the desire to visit the history museum to broaden their minds.
Individual interest will help students in future when applying for jobs. It will make the process of getting a career easier and more effective. They won’t be afraid when having an interview and answering questions. In this case young people will definitely know what they are willing to and how to deal with this problem.
In conclusion, free students’ choice must be a main driver of the education system in high school. Students’ needs, enjoyment and strengths should be taken into account when giving advice for them. High schools should allow young people to study subjects they are interested in. Inspired youth will lead to social stability and prosperity and development of their country.
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megan allen
I believe that if students are forced to take classes they don’t want to take then they are going to do poorly. Kids should be allowed to take at least part of the classes they want. Thanks for the advice!
I have mixed emotions about this. Students get to pick some of their classes now in high school. I thought school councilors help with their career paths. I am a firm believer that knowledge is power! The more our kids know the better off they’ll be in the future! I know people who have changed their career paths at least 3 times! Everything gets upgraded a lot – so refresher classes need to be taken. It’s a never ending cycle. Nowadays with the pandemic and companies closing or changing their directions some jobs are not coming back! I hope all kids make it and are happy in this life! After all this is the only one we get. Being a good kind God loving person is much more important. That’s a parent teaching subject! Thank you for sharing!