3 Ways to Relax Before Starting a New Job
Starting a new job can be a stressful business. You have to step into a new workplace full of people who know exactly what’s going on, where everything is, and who everyone is, and find your feet immediately. You need to be able to take on new tasks, new roles, and new responsibilities, and probably learn a bunch of new skills at the same time.
The good news is that most of the time, we get a bit of a break in between jobs. Whether you’ve been freelancing for years and are just starting the nine-to-five again, or you are moving industries, you’ll likely have a gap between jobs. This break is perfect for relaxing and helping prevent stress before you start your new role. Here are a few ways to take the edge off before the big day.

Catch up on sleep
A new job inevitably means longer hours and a little bit more stress. And if you are anything like the majority of job long-haulers, your old job probably kept you up at night and awake early in the morning more than you’d have liked! So take any free time you have before your new job to catch up on a bit of much-needed sleep! Being properly rested and relaxed before you get started at a new place of work can put you in the right frame of mind and make you happier, healthier, and more productive right from the get-go. A full body massage gun would also be a great buy if you’re going for maximum relaxation and stress relief!
Tick a few items off your bucket list
A break between jobs is a wonderful excuse and opportunity to do a few of those things that you’ve been dreaming of doing for years but never quite had the time. Try skydiving or scuba diving, travel on the Transsiberian Railway, or walk from Land’s End to John O’Groats; if you challenge yourself to achieve something exciting you’ll feel more fulfilled and confident when you start your new role.
Go on vacation
Finally, and ultimately the best thing you can do to relax before starting a new job is to take a well-earned vacation! Go exploring, go and stay in a beautiful B&B in the mountains, or relax on a pristine beach somewhere hot. A short cruise vacation is another great option, where all your needs will be taken care of and all you really need to think about is what entertainment options to enjoy after dinner!
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